
The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic

Volumes I and 2 are complete! Volume 3 is in progress. Queen Bee may have lost to Mongrel in the Dreamscape, but that is not where her story ends. Nor is it where her journey began. Get a deeper glimpse into the waking world of Shadow Slave through the eyes of one of the Dreamscape's top duelists. Special thanks to Guiltythree for all his help with the lore. I appreciate your time very much! Also thanks to Nonsensefree, the story's content editor. You made my life much easier. Thank you!

NobleQueenBee · 書籍·文学
286 Chs

The Morning After

The next morning, Noble prepared to sneak down the stairs. She needed to meet with Sarai and then go the library, but she didn't want to disturb Counsel at the bottom of the stairs.

They had left on less-than-good terms and she didn't want to start up another round this morning. The biggest problem was that her protector's room was at the bottom of the stairs. 

At the top of the landing, Noble held her finger to her lips as she stared intently at Kosi. The Symncus had woken as soon as she had and was most eager to find out what the new Queen was up to. 

The golden creature was more than capable of being silent, but that didn't mean he would be. His head tilted at an odd angle while his large ears perked up. 

'Close enough.' Noble motioned him forward. 

As she floated, the new Queen contemplated the absurdity of her actions. 

'I am in charge here. I don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to...' 

Still, it was just easier to avoid being seen. 

That task, unfortunately, was out of Noble's ability as well. 

Two of the palace guards rounded the corner and were startled momentarily by the royal. "All hail the Queen," one shouted to make up for his lack of reaction at first. 

Both bowed, much to Noble's chagrin. 

"Excuse me," she hurried past them, but not before the door at the base of the stairs flung open. 

"Your Majesty!" Counsel came out of his room still adjusting his tunic. His hair was disheveled like he had just rolled out of bed. 

'If he even made it that far last night...' 

"Good morning, Counsel," Noble said politely as she passed.

Rather than discourage the man, the formality of Noble's tone only made Counsel more determined to get her attention. 

"I know I have behaved abominably," he started. "But..." 

"I don't want to talk about last night," Noble could feel the nosey guards' emotions behind her spike.

She turned to glare at them, and Kosi snarled. Rather than face the demon, they continued the rounds, leaving the two humans to speak alone. 

"I am sorry. I said somethings I should not have." Counsel rubbed his head. "I do not even remember all that happened."

Noble's pace slowed as she sighed. "You were in a celebratory mood. You let things get out of hand. I will forget what you said and we can move on. But your treatment of my Aunt was--"

"--unacceptable," the man finished. "A gentleman would never do and say what I did last night. I shamed you." 

The new queen nodded. "You did. But more importantly, you shamed yourself. Do not get drunk like that again." 

"I have no desire to have this kind of headache again. I poisoned myself. If I were not Awakened, I would have killed myself with consumption." The man had mixed feelings about the admission. 

"Well, it is good that you are well and that you will not make the same mistake twice. I am glad we had this talk. Now if you will excuse me," Noble took a step away to head down a side hall. "I have a meeting with my aunt." 

The protector furrowed his brow. "Already. I hope it is to discuss the new living arrangements. Do you think Her Grace would like to live in your family's manor when she moves out?"

'Moves out? He is certainly motivated to kick Emira to any other location.'

"That is not the most pressing matter right now. We can address that at a later time. I would like to make the transition as easy as possible for our former queen." Noble had no desire to have Sarai leave the palace. She was very protective of her redheaded friend. 

"Well, now that I have apologized, I do have a few things that are more pressing in nature. You must get with the seneschal and discuss how you would like things to be run around here." Counsel looked for a servant to call the man in question. 

'Where are you?' Sarai asked through [The Other's Voice]. 

'I got detained by Counsel. I will be there as soon as I can.' Noble answered.

'Nic says just because you are Queen, it doesn't mean you can keep us waiting...' Sarai giggled as she relayed the other duelist's message. 

"I think we let things be run for the next week or two how they always are. Then we can decide what does and doesn't work." Noble told Counsel quickly to stop him from searching for the castle's keeper. "Except for the food. We must make sure that none of the prepared food goes to waste! I don't like thinking others go hungry while we stare at full plates." 

"I understand and I will get on it." Counsel bowed. 

"Thank you," Noble dipped her head and started to walk hurriedly toward the royal suite. 

'Seriously Noble. Are you this late for everything?' Nickel's voice was suddenly invading her senses, causing the woman to wrinkle her nose.

'Only when people tell me to hurry up,' she mentally stuck out her tongue. 'Now give the memory back to Sarai. Unless you want to hear the lovely things I am about to think about Fort…' Noble was about to pat herself on the back for evading not one but two men when she heard Counsel's footsteps running up behind her.

"Before I speak to the keeper of the house..."

Kosi snorted at the man. Couldn't he take a hint?

"I told you I have to go." The new queen grew frustrated. 

"You did, but I wanted to talk to you about slavery in the kingdom..." Counsel folded his hands in front of him. He was intent on stalling the monarch, but she would not allow his tactic to work.

"That is an excellent topic," Noble knew that as a former slave, this subject was close to his heart.

They would need many hours, days, weeks, or more to untangle the system that took countless years to make.

And as calloused as it sounded, Noble hoped she would no longer be in the nightmare to deal with the fallout of whatever choices she made in that situation. 

"Could you write down all your thoughts to share with me later? I do want to hear them. Also please note any laws or orders that would make the transition more seamless." Noble tried to think of anything else she might need. "Can you do that for me?" 

"I...suppose...but...I don't think you understand..." 

"Then make sure I do in the report. Thank you, Counsel. I will be on my way. I will see you later." Noble turned to Kosi and floated onto his back. "Let's go!" 

The Symncus's chest rumbled his assent as he took off down the corridors. Sure, Noble could have floated quickly to her destination, but this was the best way to assure no one else would disturb them. 

The palace staff and remaining dignitaries scattered in the face of the massive creature's glistening teeth. 

Which was exactly how Noble preferred it.

All the mundane matters of running a kingdom could wait until that afternoon.

Just now, Sarai's taunting voice rang in her head.

'Hey Noble, you better get here quick. I found something…'