
The night manager

Mishti Khanna is an undercover operative hoping to do the right thing by taking down billionaire arms dealer Ronobir Chatterjee by infiltrating his inner circle. Ruhaan is the handler making sure she gets out alive. Temptation abounds in this place.

Nyra_Joshi · 都市
10 Chs


Mishti's vision settled on the Francisco Goya painting hung just above his bed. It was the most interesting thing there.

It was Saturn devouring his son.

A morbid piece for a place one was supposed to lay their head to rest. Of course, this was where he'd place it.

"It's one of my favorites," He had walked to stand beside her. "I'm picky when it comes to my romantic painters but Goya always seems to get it right every time."

"Brushing aside the fact that you have a 5 million pound painting in your bedroom of all places, isn't this too horrific for the bedroom?" Mishti asked, turning sideways to watch him.

The moonlight from the open window reflected on his profile giving his already pale skin an otherworldly glow. His eyes were transfixed on the painting seemingly unaware of her gaze. It was odd and interesting to see him so taken by something. They'd visited galleries together and seen other paintings which he admired well enough but Mishti had never seen him look at one with such undeniable reverence. A glimpse of something opened up, just a shadow, not too much. It held a haunting regret and sadistic pride that stirred up so many questions in her.

"My father was, to put it kindly, an absentee for major times," Ronobir spoke, still staring at it, "Growing up our hatred was mutual. I hated him because he was gone and loveless. He hated me because I reminded him of himself. Far too much. My potential though far outshone his. Everyone could see that."

Mishti hadn't learned much about Milind Chatterjee in her research. He was the reasonably wealthy owner of a shipping company but died divorced and estranged from his children.

"During my second year at Havard, a business rival of his gave me a work opportunity. I accepted it albeit reluctantly because while I truly didn't want to go against my father, I did need the experience. Milind didn't want to hear my reasoning. He broke my arm and cut me off without a single penny. He banned all my siblings from communicating with me lest they suffer the same fate. Ratan and Avantika defied him as best they could but we were all so deeply embedded under this thumb," Ronobir was unemotional even as he recounted what should have been a painful memory. "I nearly dropped out but for bursaries and scholarships. After I finished all my schooling, I started Grey. Within five years I made it profitable. After seven years I bought up his company and sold it for peanuts. I relished destroying the one thing he loved the most."

The callousness of the words sunk deep into her marrow. "That was...wow."

He finally turned back to her, "The old will eat the young if you let them. The male lions drive the male cubs from the pride to ensure their place. But the cubs grow and return to topple the order. My father was a paranoid fool who was too afraid his son would overshadow him. In the end, he became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I've become greater than he could ever imagine. I am Jupiter tearing open the flesh of his father and casting him into the netherworld. That's why I keep this painting here. That and to remind me what happens to all my enemies."

"That you eventually devour them?"

"That I let them believe they've won and taken me out. Little do they know they've merely devoured a stone wrapped in cloth. I wait in the background until it is time to emerge and tear the flesh apart."

After all, he'd spoken, Mishti could only stare at him. This was what she wanted, wasn't it? To rip something open and take a peek inside him? Well, here it was. So much for a mere peek.

"What do you want from me?" Her voice was small and unsure.

Ronobir looked at her from head to toe. Everywhere his eyes burned. No part of her skin was left intact. He rubbed his chin in contemplation meeting her eyed, "I'm not sure yet." The honesty took them both aback.

She then cupped his cheek meekly leaning forward to kiss him. He was hesitant to kiss back and for a moment she thought the heavy subject had put him off. But then his arms snaked around her waist pulling her closer as his mouth swallowed hers. Mishti clutched at his shoulders to pull off his jacket. He removed it, tossing it on the floor along with his dress shirt.

They pulled away for air. Mishti moaned as his lips immediately attached themselves to her neck, kissing and sucking, leaving behind marks she would surely have to cover up. He moved down the valley of her breasts pulling down her dress as he went until she stood in nothing but underwear.

Ronobir gave her the same look as the painting; utterly entranced. He'd never looked at her that way before. He tore off her bra in one motion, cupping her breasts in both hands. His hands were cold sending goosebumps all over her. Her nipples hardened into diamond tips. He massaged them with utter care bending down to flick one with the tip of his tongue. The action made her insides immediately burst with desire.

"Tell me exactly what you want Mishti," Ronobir demanded roughly. He yanked off her lacy underwear impatiently, causing a small tear that surely rendered it unusable. "Tell me exactly what you want and I'll give it to you." The desperation mixed with lust in his voice made her feel powerful. A far cry from their first time when he had just taken what he wanted. Now here he was, begging for it. She would take what she wanted.

"I want you," Mishti whispered. It was the whole truth. She didn't know what she wanted to do with him. Turn him over, stay with him forever, or put a bullet through his skull. What she knew was that she needed to have him in whatever way she could.

They fucked twice. The first time was rough and fast as she was used to with him. He held down her hips and drove into her with the eloquence of a man possessed. By the time that round ended her hips and thighs were bruised showing imprints of his fingers. He pressed hot little kisses over them. It stirred something within him to see her flawless skin so marred by his touch.

The second time was after she left his sleeping form on the bed a few hours later to the kitchen to grab some water. Mishti wore his discarded shirt and walked barefoot through the enormous house. She might have gotten lost if not for her previous trips here with Avantika. She lived in her flat but came over frequently and dragged Mishti all around with her.

"Ronny doesn't like to admit it but he gets lonely in that monster of a house," She confided in Mishti one day. "Ratan's there but he's just as busy. I guess he needs the reminder of someone in the family being around occasionally."

Mishti asked why he bought it if it was too big.

"Swati wanted it and well he thought they'd have a family. That particular plan went to shit as you now know."

The kitchen was empty. Not unusual considering it was 1 am. She poured herself a glass of cold water moaning at how to cool liquid refreshed her parched throat muscles. Mishti placed the glass in the sink. On her way back to the bedroom, she passed by Ronobir's office. A niggling feeling in her head pushed her to open the door and enter. Find something, anything connected to the guns. Surely his home office would be where he was more likely to keep those sensitive documents. But something else kept her feet rooted to the ground. Her hand was stretched towards the knob but it was frozen. It must have been about five minutes she stood there until a deep voice startled her.

"What are you doing?" Avish's voice came deep and harsh behind her. Mishti jumped and turned to face him. He wasn't wearing any pajamas. It looked like he'd just come from the office. He still wore the dark suit and slim tie she associated with his uniform.

"I-I w-went to grab some water in the kitchen," She squeaked heart pounding.

Avish walked slowly towards her in menacing steps. From her attire, he could put two and two together. "Be very careful girlie. He likes you now because you entertain him with your pretty body but sooner or later, you'll slip up and he'll see you for what you truly are."

"What do you mean?" Mishti said stoically. Internally, she was freaking out wondering what he meant by that. Avish was hostile towards her from day one. No amount of kind greetings or awkward small talk changed that. But before now he was content to glare at her or grunt occasionally. Now, he looked like a bull ready to charge and she was a tasty morsel wrapped in red.

"You women are all the same. You may have them all fooled with your charming girl act but I see you for what you truly are. A whore itching for a place with a rich family," Avish spat and brushed past her, making sure to bump their shoulders painfully.

Mishti watched him retreat into another wing rubbing her shoulder. Avantika's jokes that he was in love with Ronobir suddenly didn't feel like jokes anymore. By the time she returned to the room, Ronobir was awake and sitting in bed. "Where did you go?" He asked hoarsely.

"I was thirsty," She explained crawling back into bed.

Ronobir grabbed her arm and pulled her body to his, engaging her in a ferocious kiss. He gripped her thighs so hard she felt his nails pierce her skin. Mishti pulled away breathing hard, "What's the matter ?"

"Nothing," He breathed, pushing her onto her back. "For a moment I thought you'd left." Maybe she imagined it but there was a speck of vulnerability in his voice.

"I'm not going anywhere," Mishti said, making eye contact.

He unbuttoned his shirt from her body. "Good."

Ronobir flipped her onto her knees and fucked her from behind. He pulled her hair until her line of sight caught the painting. She felt Saturn's crazed wide eyes and hungry gaze over her with every thrust. She from being devoured from within by a force out of her control. If there was any luck then perhaps something would remain. When they both climaxed Ronobir held her body flush and tight against his making any form of escape impossible. She was drifting away well worn and exhausted from the previous activities when she felt his lips on her forehead and whispered words.

"Never leave me."

"I'm sleeping with Ronobir," Mishti blurted.

Ruhaan remained eerily still for such a long time she was worried he might have died and his corpse was in extremely fast rigor mortis.

Finally, he spoke low and gruff. "When did it start?"

"A few months ago."

"I see." Mishti looked away, not wanting to see the disappointment. Or if it was even disappointment. The potential of another type of look was what worried her.

"Has it helped at all or is it purely recreational?"

That got a sharp look. "I'm getting closer. We just got back from a trip to Casablanca. There was a meeting with some Algerian businessmen about medical supplies like ventilators and defibrillators moving by ship from Spain to Cairo. From there the buyers are coming to inspect it. I found it a bit odd and I wanted to let you know."

"What exactly did you find odd?" Ruhaan crossed his legs.

Mishti bit her bottom lip, "They're supposed to be for the foundation. To donate it to war-torn countries in need of hospital equipment. Ronobir and Ratan don't directly deal with anything to do with the foundation. They leave that up to Anirudh. But he didn't show up. Not to mention the supplies are supposed to be going to the UN refugee camp near Kashmir but the trail ends in Cairo. I managed to copy the shipping manifest." It was no easy task. She got it from Avish's open laptop on the plane ride back. Ronobir was in the bathroom and Ratan was dozing over an open file. Avish himself was distracted by the flight attendant who was serving them refreshments. She used a ten-second window and took the pictures with her phone praying not to get caught.

She dropped a folded-up newspaper on the bench. Ruhaan picked it up and felt a small hard bump at the bottom. A flash drive.

"Well done Mishti," He said. "I'll get Gaurav to track that ship and see if we can get eyes on the contents when it lands in the port."

"You do that," Mishti stood up.

"I'll get you out of this. I promise," Ruhaan swore. The wind blew her crème scarf upward exposing a patch of smooth skin. An ugly image came to his mind. Ronobir had pressed his disgusting lips on her. He touched her body. He held her. It shouldn't have bothered Ruhaan at all. It was what he anticipated might happen. Mishti was an attractive woman. Surely one of the men there would take notice and she might take advantage of it to get what they needed. He just didn't expect it to be the don himself although he shouldn't have been surprised. Faced with the reality of what she had done, what she was doing strengthened his resolve to bring this to an end as quickly as possible. She wouldn't meet the same fate as Mallishka.

Mishti said nothing in return. She just walked away.

Their relationship became public a short while after that although everyone made comments on how they all knew it all along. Avantika was the most vocal supporter. Ratan politely congratulated them. Ani was ambivalent. Avish seethed visibly but said nothing. It went on with very little fanfare for a few months.

Their working relationship didn't change much. They still traveled together and she attended meetings with foreign partners but now they openly shared a hotel room each trip.

Ronobir was freer with her. Mishti found out that he was an extremely tactile man hiding under a rigid and refined persona. He always found a reason to touch her person. Whether they were walking together and his hand fell on her lower back, or during meetings with his hand in hers in what many might consider an unprofessional manner, when he introduced her as his associate. He talked more freely too. They spent several nights in bed talking about their childhoods and pasts. Mishti told him about how her father abandoned them, her mother replaced her and her grandmother died too early. Ronobir told her more about his father's terrible treat, about how alone he was made to feel. About how his younger brother suffered so painfully due to the disease that took his life early on. How powerless it made him feel. At that moment they were kindred spirits understanding themselves in a way the world at large could not.

She slept in the manor six days out of seven. Moving in seemed like a logical next step but she needed her flat. It was her one conduit for the outside world. The world where she belonged. because it was so easy and tempting to be swept away by the allure of the Chatterjee s.

Most times it wasn't pretending. She'd begun to wonder if it ever was. Every part of her treacherous body was glad to give herself to his every touch and caress. From their dinner dates to times in the cinema when he whispered naughty things in her ear during the emotional climax of the performance. The Sunday dinners she was now a fixture at and a welcome one at that. They welcomed her with open arms and considered her part of the family now. It only intensified the ache she felt when reminded this would all soon come to an end.

The dilemma was now whether she wanted it to end faster or take time to enjoy the bits she could manage.

"I knew it was love at first sight when you threw your wine at him," Avantika cooed.

"Do shut up Avu," Mishti blushed.

"What can I say, feisty women are my weakness," Ronobir grinned kissing her cheek then walking over to his brother and another guest. They were at a party. It was Anirudh and Monica's fifth wedding anniversary and it was being hosted in Chatterjee Manor.

The couple in question were slow dancing together staring into each other's eyes with helpless devotion. It was oblivious to anyone who could see them that they were deeply in love. Mishti couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"I can't wait until we're at your wedding anniversary party," Avantika said wistfully.

Mishti choked on her drink, "Whoa, relax there. I'm not sure we're quite there yet."

"Trust me, Ronny is gone for you," Avantika said sagely. "I've seen all the women my brother's been with and how he's treated them. You are special."

I'm special alright, Mishti thought dejectedly.

"I'm just happy for what I have now. To dream for more would be selfish," She smiled sadly.

Avantika hugged her with one arm, "It's ok to dream Mishti. You're allowed to want more." No, not in this lifetime she's not.

Mishti excused d herself to the bathroom to touch up. She went upstairs to the guest bathroom because she preferred that one. Five minutes into reapplying her lipstick, the door swung open. Before she could shout occupied, she was pinned to the sink with a tight grip on her neck.

"Avish?" She choked out.

He was completely manic and unhinged. "What were you doing in the park with that man?"

"I-I don't know what you mean, -"

"Don't lie to me!" Avish shouted, squeezing her neck tighter. Mishti felt her airways shutting off and dark spots beginning to form in her vision. Somehow her brain managed to figure out that he followed her to her meeting with Ruhaan in the park.

"I told you you'd slip up eventually. Whores can't help but spread their legs around town," He squeezed harder making her scratch at his arm with her nails trying to dislodge it from her neck. "I protect Ronny from people like you. Once you're dead he'll be thanking me." For a horrible moment, she's certain this is it. This is her end. But it is decided that being strangled in a guest bathroom is not her fate. By some miracle Mishit's flailing hands reach for the glass soap dispenser near her hip and she breaks it over his head.

"Bitch!" Avish groans reaching for his now bloodied temple. Mishti used the opportunity to push off his body and run but he grabbed her by the arm pushing her painfully against the doorframe.

"Please I swear I'm not cheating on him," She cried, struggling against him. The blood from his head wound dripped down on her chest.

"I don't believe you," He slapped her hard and she fell to the ground in the hallway. The sound of guests downstairs laughing and talking must have drowned the sounds of their struggle. Avish straddled her putting both hands on her neck in a vice-like grip and squeezed. This was it. This was how she died. Her life didn't flash before her eyes but one image alone came and stayed. It was so bright and blue.

"Ronobir," She whispered, eyes fluttering shut.

A gunshot rang out and Avish stilled. A red stain formed in the middle of his chest.

His body fell flat on top of her and she screamed. The heavy body was pulled off her and fell to the side with a thud. Mishti was panting hard unable to comprehend how her life was saved in just a few seconds. "Mishti? Mishti, are you alright?"

Ronobir kneeled beside her, dropping a gun to the floor. Avish lay dead and unmoving. Mishti's chest continued to rise and fall rapidly. She could see his lips move but none of the words make it to her ears. Instead, she saw the blood seep into the carpet. His arms wrapped around her body. "You're ok sweety. You're ok."

Mishti screamed again.