
The next red moon

Banished to earth because of her mistake. Dethroned from the king of heaven to the King of werewolves all because of her and to return to his throne, he had until the next red moon to find the one who betrayed him and end her life. Christian Sanders used to be the King of heaven but he fell in love with a servant who betrayed him. To find redemption, he was sent to earth to be the king of werewolves and can only return on the next red moon. For thousands of years, he searched for her until he saw her again in his home as a servant and of course, his mate. Katrina is an omega who was opportune to work in the greatest place in the world. The home of a werewolf king. A place where only those who are eligible are allowed. A place that was going to be Katherine's hell. With a blind Sister to look after, Katherine can only but endure the sufferings and hell from her mate who hated her the first time he set his eyes on her. What would happen thereafter?

RayT · ファンタジー
126 Chs

The hunting omega

Katrina stared at the king with a look of betrayal as she was tied to the target. Her body shook vigorously as she feared for her life. Katrina knew that if she dies then there won't be anyone for her sister and her little sister would be left all alone to feed herself. Katrina couldn't refuse the king because her punishment would be much worse than death.

Christian grabbed a bow and arrow from Stefan and aimed at the target. He smiled as he fired the arrow. Katrina closed her eyes as the arrow neared her but it flew past her, piercing her cheek in the process and hitting the tiny space beside her cheek. Katrina gasped for breath and closed her eyes.

She was glad that the arrow didn't hit her and was also thankful that the king didn't aim at her but that didn't stop her heart from racing fast as if she had run a marathon. When Katrina opened her eyes, everything around her became hazy and she could barely see anything. Her headaches became so bad that she felt them pounding nonstop. Due to Katrina's lack of nourishment, she could barely see anything. Her throat begged for water and her stomach rumbled demanding food.

No one knew the pain she was going through except Christian who could feel her pain through the bond. He knew Katrina was in a lot of pain but he ignored it and focused on his revenge against her. Christian aimed his arrow at her again and Katrina didn't see it coming as her eyes were closed. Her leg shook terribly and her body slide to the right side where the arrow was headed and the arrow hit her on the arm. Katrina screamed out in pain and opened her eyes.

"He shot me," Katrina cried and screamed out yet again. She watched as blood pooled out of her arm and trailed down her hand.

Everyone in the Arena gasped and stared at her but no one was planning on helping her not even her mate, the Alpha king.

Christian had planned on teasing Katrina with the arrow but he never expected that the arrow would hit her and when it did, he dropped the bow in his head and stared at his mate. He felt his pain through their bond and for a few seconds, he couldn't hear anything as the voices faded away. "She is bleeding a lot!" Stefan's voice bought him back from his thoughts. "Except you want her to die then you have to free her!" He shouted.

Christian fluttered his eyes open and rushed towards his mate. It all happened In a slow motion and when he reached his mate, he remove the rope used to tie her hand and held her in her arms. "Veronica," he called and stared at her arm where the arrow had pierced. "Veronica," he whispered again as he touched her face.

Katrina stared at Christian with tears in her eyes and asked the question she wouldn't dare ask him if she were to be fine and not pierced by an arrow. "Why do you hate me so much?" She asked and placed a hand on his cheek. "You could have rejected me," Katrina's lips shook terribly, and coughed out blood.

"Someone get a doctor!" Christian shouted. "Veronica," he shouted her name and placed a hand on Katrina's face. He should be happy that Katrina was dying in his arms because it had been all he always wanted but for no reason at all, Christian didn't want Katrina to die because of him. He wanted her to suffer as he did in heaven. Christian believed that a quick death would be too easy for Katrina but he was wrong Instead his heartache to see her dead.

"Your highness, she is only an omega and you can be easily replaced with anyone else," One of the Alphas suggested but that got Christian enraged as he growled at the Alpha.

"So I should let her die because she is an Omega! You are a selfish bastard!" He yelled.

This got everyone got surprised as they never expected Christian to care for an omega that way and since she was an omega, they believed she didn't matter and could be easily replaced. The Alphas murmured amongst themselves while the maids whispered a few incoherent words. Christian heard their voices and what they all said.

"Why is he acting this way because of an omega?"

"Why does he care if an omega dies or not?"

"I thought he wouldn't care about an omega but he is acting like they are mates."

"I wonder what that stupid maid did to the king," One of the maids said. Christian looked at her and growled.

"A doctor is here!" One of the guards announced. "I found him in the other Arena," he added and lead the doctor towards Christian.

The doctor, a middle-aged man headed towards Christian and when he reached him, He checked the arrow in Katrina's arm and turned to face the king with his head lowered. "The arrow didn't go too deep your highness but," The doctor paused and looked up to face Christian but when he saw Christian's red eye, he lowered his head.

"But what?" Christian demanded.

"She...she...." The doctor's voice shook and he stuttered because of the king's presence. "She is Malnourished and might not be able to heal pretty fast," he explained.

Christian stared into Katrina's face and wondered if he was the cause of everything. He had made life hell for her and had forgotten to care if she was eating.

"It's not my fault anyway," Christian thought and pushed Katrina to the doctor and stood up. He looked around him and noticed that everyone was avoiding eye contact with him. "Take care of her and feed her well," he said to the doctor and walked out of the Arena with Stefan and his entourage following behind him. Christian knew that he shouldn't have acted that way in front of everyone and now they might suspect him.

He just have to pretend so that everyone would think that he had acted as a great king should.