
The next generation (Book 1: The Awakening)

Basically the only relation to DC is the super powers and the speed force just because I like the power but I will change it a bit also I am getting ideas from my friends so hope you enjoy, now onto the facts. In a world where the weird is normal such as superpowers with powers like flight, teleportation, strength, fire control and mind control just to name a few with over 10% of the population have these amazing abilities, heroes were created to fight back the villains being paid lots to save the worlds from these constant threats to humanity, now a new group of heroes in training will rise up to fight with our main character faking, pretending to be weak and being slower, to save the mentor he sees as father. What challenges will he find in keeping his secret from his friends, classmates and future villains. Find out now. One of the people write this is my good friend, ProjectRun

PainsSpeedster33 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Past of Jack (part 1)

Jackson who at first look you would guess was a bit of depressed with the past he had it wasn't surprising, the good in his life was once taken and he would never get it back.

Let's start from the very beginning, at the start all humans that were born had dark matter inside of them with most unable to activate the abilities they would get from it.

There were many who tried but the dark matter had already decided the destiny of these people's powers with some trying for the ability of fire only to burn themselves alive before they got their abilities, with others shocking themselves with enough electricity to light up Las Vegas for a year only to be fried to death or even some forever being torture by the effects of the method.

A boy who would eventually get powers and become one of the fastest beings to ever exist being Jackson.When he was first born his mother gave the name of her grandfather to him, that being Jackson, the father already got angry with that as he wanted the child to be called James after himself, James was already an angry with him committing crimes at least twice a month, the crimes being along the lines of either rape, theft or murder with it sometimes being other crimes such as kidnapping, torture or doing drugs with his sort of partner in these acts being the mother of Jackson, Olivia.

At the age of 7, Jackson was already both mentally and physically scarred for life with most of his body was covered in scar tissue, but only through tiny cuts and burns, with the only places undamaged would be his face, hands and legs from knee to toes.

He was already beaten at school then when he got home he was tortured both physically and mentally by his sperm donor (dad) and egg giver (mom).

His only friend would commit suicide by the time he was 8, yes at this time his sperm donor and egg giver were put in prison but the effects that occurred from this would be devastating, yes he might have had his name changed after being adopted by a person named Ben Allen but some still knew who he was and would forever feel the need to destroy his life one way or another.