
Chapter 30:Rasenshuriken Is Easy?


Waking up, you go eat breakfast with the girls. After eating breakfast at the inn, you guys went shopping again today but equipment this time for the girls.

The 5 Catkin decided to learn from and help Alice cook in the restaurant when you told them this option. The Elves decided to continue working on their profession before being captured; There 7 Elves had 5 magic archers and 2 elemental mages, while the 3 Dark Elves had 2 magic archers and 1 alchemist.

Leaving aside the Catkin because you just need to leave them to Alice, you go shopping again, this time for equipment though.

Going to a weapons shop, you buy enchanted bows for the magic archers while giving them the steel golem arrows you made before. Since you already have steel golem staffs for the mages, you guys move onto armor and clothing.

For the archers, you give them the leather and steel mix armor from the dungeon. Although you could give the mages normal robes, you decide to buy 50 enchanted robes for the mages and for the ones back in the dungeon. The enchanted robes all lower mana consumption.

Seeing as it's already noon, you leave the girls to go shopping for whatever they want and go pick up the items you requested from the suspicious Shop Keeper. Walking into the shop, the Shop Keeper is already waiting for you next to the door to the back.

You:"Did you get everything?"

Shop Keeper:"Yep, I think your my best customer after this purchase"

You:"Do I get something special for being your best customer?"

Shop Keeper:"Sorry but we don't have anything special like that in my shop"

You:"Hmmm... I don't really care about money so a discount won't really help... can you just save similar items for the next time I come to one of your shops?"

Shop Keeper:"... I guess I could do that. Although it would mean I won't be selling to anyone else cursed items, poison, or aphrodisiacs anymore, I wouldn't be necessarily closing that market of people since your just buying all of them before them... Ok enough chit chat, follow me"

Following the Shop Keeper to another room, you feel that this shop is bigger on the inside than on the outside. Walking into the room, you see boxes and crates, each one labeled something you requested.

Shop Keeper:"There is 2,931 cursed items; 691 spears, 1011 swords, 235 bows, 813 axes, 47 sets of throwing knifes, and 134 magic staffs which is 7,134 gold coins. Also 303 Aphrodisiac; 36 2-hour, 91 1.5-hour, 101 1-hour, and 80 30-minutes which makes another 3,369 gold coins. Lastly 156 bottles of poison which is 1,123 gold coins. All together it's 11,616 gold coins or 1 platinum, 16 white gold, and 16 gold coins"


System:Ding! User has bought 1 [Platinum Coin] for 1,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 16 [White Gold Coin] for 160 Dp

System:User has bought 20 [Gold Coin] for 2 Dp

Taking out the coins you bought, you pay the Shop Keeper. Placing your hand on the crates one by one, you put them in your inventory.

You:"Thanks for doing business with you"

Shop Keeper:"No, Thank you"

You:"Hey, I never go your name, what is it?"

Shop Keeper:"... I don't think your strong enough to know"

You:"... Ok, see you next time then" since this world has anime logic, you know that he's someone that's going to be really important later on.



Waking up, you ate breakfast with the Hobgoblins, Minotaurs, and Beastkin in the dining hall inside the castle. You let Alice use the 41 Homunculus Maids to cook for everyone.

After eating with everyone, you check up on the slimes; you told the girls that the slimes where hunting with your Shadow. Walking into the room with the slime pit, you see that the slimes have had absorbed the concoction you made; looking whitish instead of their normal blue and green color.

Seeing that they finished absorbing your concoction, you pull out the 303 crates of aphrodisiacs from inside your inventory that your Shadow in the west just got from one of the suspicious shops. Opening the crates with a crowbar you made with Golemancy, you start pouring the bottles of aphrodisiacs into the pit.

Looking at the darkish purple and white pool of aphrodisiacs and slimes, you leave the slimes to also absorb the aphrodisiacs and 'evolve' again.

Now that your finished letting the slimes have a drink, you also have one. Going into another room, you take out the crates of poison your shadow bought. After drinking the 156 bottles of poison with 11 types of new poison. Processing the poisons inside your body, you feel your mana explode and the mixture of the different types of poisons you have consumed blend together, making a deadlier poison.

System:Ding! User skill [(C)Poison Dragon Slayer Magic] has upgrade to [(B)Poison Dragon Slayer Magic] due to the large amount of poison user has consumed

System:Ding! Users mana pool has increase to 3,000/3,000 due to the large amount of mana and user skill has upgraded

You:"Good, buying all this poison wasn't a waste. Although I could have had tipped the arrows we have with them... whatever, now I need to get strong because finishing the Space Dungeon Core Mission won't be easy looking at the back at the anime I've watched"

Going back to training field, you start practicing Rasenshuriken. Forming a Rasengan, you try adding wind chakra into it. Imagining a wind shaped shuriken, as small shuriken forms in the middle of the Rasengan, constituting on holding the Rasengan and increasing The shuriken size.


The Rasengan exploded, sending you flying back, falling to the ground. Looking at your hand, you see that there's only a few scratches since the shuriken wasn't that large, plus your skin is now much more durable due to dragon slayer magic. Not wanting to risk it when the shuriken increases in size you take a little preparation.

System:Ding! User has bought [(E)Armament Haki] for 100,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has learned [(E)Armament Haki]

System:Ding! User has bought [(lvl:3)Vector Manipulation] for 100,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has Learned [(lvl:3)Vector Manipulation]

Although you can't see the black cover of haki or manipulation vectors as good as Accelerator, but it should work.


After practicing Rasenshuriken for 30 minute you give up due to the Rasengan constantly exploding. Although you have the stamina and chakra to keep on going, your Armament Haki has run out.

You:"Karasu, are you their?" Saying that Karasu fades into existence on your shoulder, although your a little surprised by this, you somehow feel like she was there the whole time.

You:"Where do you go whenever I don't need you?"

Karasu:"I'm like a ghost, I either stay inside your soul since my soul is bound to you, or I fly around invisible. Don't worry, I can always hear, see, and feel you at anytime because of the bond we have"

You:"That totally didn't sound creepy at all... do you go into the girls bathroom or showers?"

Karasu:"... yes"

You:"You really are my familiar, I feel like your my spirit animal right now, which is fitting since your an animal right now"

Karasu:"Like master, like familiar"

You:"Ok let's stop joking around and get back to business. Karasu can you help me make a Rasenshuriken, I'll handle the Rasengan part while you add wind chakra since that's your nature without my skills"

Karasu:"Ok, let's do this"

Starting, you make a Rasengan. Karasu, while on your shoulder, sends her chakra towards it. A small wind shuriken forms inside the Rasengan, while it increase in size, you start to hear the 'Shrrrerer' sound get louder. After a minute the Rasenshuriken is complete, holding it in your hand, you fill that it was easy.

You:"Well I did skip the wind chakra training which took most of Naruto training time and Naruto was also occupied learning Sage mode most of the time during the shortish time he spent training in Mount Myōboku after Jiraiya's death, being sent there because of the danger of pain. Plus I already know it's final stage, and to throw it"

Knowing that having a Rasenshuriken near you would be harmful, you try throwing it. Once throw the Rasenshuriken, it flys towards the end of the training field for a little bit before exploding into a blue and white cyclone. Although the Rasenshuriken was impressive, it was still lacking in distance and power to Naruto's Rasenshuriken. Since your Rasenshuriken was still incomplete you start practicing again with Karasu.