
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · テレビ
66 Chs

Secret Invasion

Jordan slowly wakes and groans in pain. Before he went unconscious, he was attacked and knocked out by someone large and filled with malice. Now, he has no clue where he is. He tries to get up, but he can't. The space is too confined. He then turns his head to his right and sees a recording device. He picks it up and hits the play button.

"Hello, Jordan. If you're still alive, here is a message for you. I don't hate you. You're a cool dude, but me and my associates couldn't allow you to interfere with our plans. I know that you're probably thinking about why we didn't kill you. We did that not because we couldn't, but because we didn't want to. We like challenges and you can bring a good one," said the man.

"Great. Are there any normal days in this city?" said Jordan.

"And one more thing. I left you a gift. You may love it or you might hate it, but ay. It's not my fault. You brought this on yourself," said the man.

Jordan turns to his left and sees a bad sight. It's his mother right next to him. They lay like three peas in a pod, or more accurately, two humans in a grave. Jordan nearly jumps in shock and touches his mother's face. This is no fake.

"Mom," said Jordan softly.

"Happy Birthday," said the man.

"What did he do to you?" asked Jordan.

His mother doesn't respond. She is still in the coma from years ago.

"That bastard! Hold on, mom. We're getting out of here." said Jordan.

Jordan lifts himself a little bit and starts to angrily punch the casket. The casket is not made out of wood, but a hard steel. This doesn't deter Jordan as he continues to punch his way through the casket with his bloodied fists. He hits it more and more and more until it finally starts to crack and eventually breaks. Dirt starts to fill the casket and Jordan blocks it with his fist. He then softly grabs his mother and then pulls out a Claw from his back pocket. He throws it into the dirt and explodes it, creating an opening. He then drags himself and his mother through the hole and out of the grave. He places her on the ground and then lays on it for a second.

"Whoever did this is a dead man. Now, I just need to find out who did," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. Jordan now sits in front of his supercomputer in his hideout. His mother lies on his bed, still sound asleep. He takes one look before going back to typing.

"Whoever this person and his friends are know me. They know my story, my weaknesses, and my family. I have to find out why they did this," said Jordan.

Jordan continues to flip through files and type in his journal until he hears an alarm. A large red exclamation mark appears on the screen. He clicks on it and his eyes become wide.

"No," said Jordan.

"This is a terrible day for Jump City. Our Titans, our heroes, are in bad shape. Many Titans have been found on the brink of death or dying all around the city. What could have done this to them? What did they do to deserve this? On the beach, Beast Boy is violently shaking and bleeding out, in the downtown library, Raven is struggling to breathe, on the football field of UCJC, Cyborg is basically a lifeless robot, Wonder Girl is fighting anyone and destroying everything in sight in the financial district, Superboy has been shot in the heart on the edge of town, and Starfire, Dark Phoenix, and Blue Beetle are missing. Will the Titans be able to recover from this? We don't know, but the heroes always win. Don't they?" said the reporter.

"This can't be happening. The team is under attack by an unknown force and they are using my contingency plans. The team is going to hate me after this," said Jordan as he gets out of his seat.

He then runs towards his car and hops in it. He takes one more look at his mother and places his cowl on his face. He blasts out of the secret hideout, on his way to save his friends. His first stop is the warehouse. He makes it there in only five minutes. He hops out of his car and rushes through the crowd of civilians and enters the warehouse.

"Dark Phoenix, glad to see you. We can't get the bullet out of him," said a doctor.

"His skin can only be penetrated by Kryptonite. Use this," said Jordan as he pulls out a small piece of Kryptonite and hands it to the doctors.

"How did you get this?" asked another doctor.

"Spend more time saving him than asking questions," said Jordan.

"Right," said another doctor.

One of the doctors places the small piece of Kryptonite on a scalpel and presses it on Connor's skin. It makes a cut and the doctors get to work. They make a big enough cut to get to the bullet. Then, another doctor grabs a pair of tweezers and pulls out the bullet. Jordan then grabs the bullet and places it in his utility belt.

"Will he be ok?" asked one of the doctors.

"Yes. He heals fast. Just keep that Kryptonite away from him. When he wakes up, give him these coordinates. He will know what they mean," said Jordan as he hands one of the doctors a piece of folded paper.

"Will do. Give those clowns a beating for us," said one of the doctors.

"Sure," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and exits the warehouse. He then walks through the crowd and enters his car. He slams on the accelerator and zooms off towards the beach to save Garfield. Another five minutes pass. He rolls on the beach and swerves to stop right in front of the crowd. He hops out of his car and runs up to Beast Boy. He pulls out a syringe full of a green liquid and stabs it in his chest. The serum is pumped into the green boy's systems and he stops shaking and bleeding. He blinks and sees his friend kneeling over him.

"Jordan?" asked Beast Boy.

"It's me," said Jordan.

"I thought that I was going to get something special, but all I got was a shock," said Beast Boy.

"We're all having a bad day. Put on some pants and find some place to hide. I'm going to save everyone else," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and runs back into his vehicle. He zooms off the beach and in the direction of the downtown library. He reaches it in only ten minutes and hops out once he gets there. He runs into the library at top speed and follows the crowd until he sees his girl lying in the center of the floor. He runs up to her and pulls out another syringe. This one is filled with a black liquid. He sticks it in her neck and pumps the serum into her veins. In seconds, she starts to breathe once again and starts to blink.

"How did I get here?" asked Raven.

"You must have been taken here. To humiliate us," said Jordan.

"Who?" asked Raven.

"I don't know yet, but I will find out. They will pay," said Jordan.

"You have some explaining to do," said Raven sternly.

I know, but you can scream at me later. Now, we have something to do," said Jordan.

"Who's left?" asked Raven.

"Donna, Vic, Jaime, and Kori," said Jordan.

"I'll get Vic and Donna. You go get Kori and Jaime," said Raven.

"They have been kidnapped. I can track them," said Jordan.

"Then, go do that. We don't have much time," said Raven.

"Ok," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and runs towards his vehicle. Raven gets up and flies out the window. The crowd just sits there, surprised and disappointed. What a crowd. Yet another five minutes pass. In the financial district, Donna is fired at by many officers, but their bullets and laser blasts bounce right off her. She then leaps at them and crushes the road underneath them with her fists. The officers start to fall through the ground but are stopped by black mystical energy. They are then lifted and dropped on a rooftop.

"You can't run, Ares! I will kill you and all of your little minions!" exclaimed Donna.

"Donna, Ares is not here. Just you destroying innocent people. Come to your senses," said Raven.

Donan turns around and looks up. She doesn't see Raven. She's just another Ares in her eyes.

"Ares, there you are! Have you finished sending your minions?" said Donna.

"I'm not Ares. You have been infected with nanobots that are making you see him. If you continue fighting, your heart will go out. You will die," said Raven.

"Worthy sacrifice to take you out," said Donna.

"Please don't," said Raven.

"Ahhhh!" exclaimed Donna gloriously as she leaps at Raven.

"Sorry for this," said Raven.

Before Donna can stab her with her long blade, Raven grabs her head and flows her mystical energy into her. Donna screams in pain and tries to escape, but she can't. Her memories are restored and she starts to see the world back in a normal light. She stops struggling and opens her eyes.

"Raven," said Donna.

"You're back," said Raven.

"What's going on?" asked Donna.

"No time to chat. Just follow me. We have to save Cyborg," said Raven.

"Why?" asked Donna.

"Just shut it and come with me," said Raven as she grabs Donna's hand and zooms off towards the football field.

Fifteen minutes pass. In a laboratory on the east side of town, Jaime and Starfire are held in test tubes filled with water. Jaime is continuously electrocuted while Starfire is constantly injected with the knockout serum. Jordan lands on the roof after hopping from another rooftop and looks through the large rooftop window. He sees his two friends in test tubes. He sees no one else. Not even one guard and just decides to bust through the window. He lands on the floor and walks over to Jaime's test tube first. He taps in a couple numbers on the number pad and frees Jaime. He does the same thing for Starfire a few seconds later.

"Jordan. Where's my father?" said Jaime.

"That wasn't your father," said Jordan.

"How do you know that?" asked Jaime.

"I'll explain later. Let's get out of here," said Jordan.

"Jordan, come in," said Raven.

"Yeah. I'm here," said Jordan as he taps on his communicator.

"We got Vic. He's fine," said Raven.

"Great. Meet us at the base," said Jordan.

"We can't return to Titans Tower. They could be there," said Jaime.

"Not that one. Mine," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. Jordan rolls his vehicle into an alley and then stops it. He looks at his gauntlet and a hologram appears on it. He then takes off his cowl and it scans his face. The ground beneath then lowers itself until it reaches the depths of a secret base. Jordan hits the reverse and backs u[ until it reaches the center of the hideout. The three Titans hop out and walk towards the rest of the Titans standing around the supercomputer.

"So, when were you going to tell us that you had a Batcave?" asked Jaime.

"When I needed to," said Jordan.

Jordan takes a seat on the chair and looks at his teammates as they look at him in a concerning way. Jordan clears his throat and crosses his left leg over his right knee.

"So, what do you guys want to know?" asked Jordan.

"What happened today? We were all defeated in mysterious ways all around the city. How could that happen?" asked Cyborg.

"It was me. I created those situations in the case that we needed to neutralize or kill any member of the Titans. They were my contingency plans and they must have been stolen by whoever wanted to destroy us," said Jordan.

"I'm not surprised. You are a very secretive person," said Beast Boy.

"So, you guys aren't pissed off?" asked Jordan.

"Eh, not really. We understand why you created those plans, but we would have loved to not have been in so much pain," said Jaime.

"Look. I'm sorry that the plans got in the wrong hands. I never wanted something like this to happen, but it did and we need to take down these villains before they do anything drastic," said Jordan.

"They must be in Titans Tower. It would be the ultimate victory to take the home of your defeated enemy," said Starfire.

"She is right. They must be there," said Donna.

"How strong are they?" asked Raven.

"No clue, but the person who fought me was pretty strong. Only took a few hits to take me down. Everyone else was taken down with my plans," said Jordan.

"So, there is only one threat. This should be easy," said Connor.

"Maybe it will be and maybe it won't. We have to get to them first before we make any rash judgments," said Jordan.

"Yeah. Let's take back our home from those cowards," said Donna.

"I have some words for them," said Cyborg.

"Me too," said Beast Boy.

"Then, let's go take back our tower. Let's get some vengeance," said Jordan.

Forty minutes pass. The Titans have already entered their home. They have not tripped any alarms because those have already been taken care of by Jordan and Blue Beetle. They now reach the living room. Before entering, Jordan makes a hand sign. Everyone nods and Jordan walks forward, opening the door. The Titans enter the living room, but no one is there. They get in a fighting stance because they suspect that something is up. They are right once the lights go out.

"Hello, Titans and welcome back to your home. The more accurate thing to say is welcome to our home. You guys lost, so get out," said the man.

"It's the same guy from the recording device. Come on out and face us," said Jordan.

"Don't give him orders, punk. We run this town and this universe. Show us some respect," said a woman.

"Yeah. Show the master some respect, peasant," said another woman.

"Who are you?" asked Raven.

"Do you really want to know? Fine. We will show you. Victor, lights on!" said the man.

The lights turn on and the Titans see a shocking sight. They see themselves, but eviler and nastier. Shivers run down their spines as their evil counterparts evilly stare at them.

"This is so freaky," said Beast Boy.

"What are you people?" asked Jordan.

"You, idiot. We're you, but better," said the evil Jordan.

"Evil would be accurate," said Jordan.

"You could say that, but we are good at heart," said the evil Jordan.

"Why have you come here to destroy us?" asked Jordan.

"That's simple. We want to rule all of the multiverse," said the evil Jordan.

"Stereotypical," said Raven.

"Not quite. Usually, evil versions of morally good characters want to control the world or universe, but never achieve that goal. We have already taken over many universes with little to no difficulty. This one will be no different," said the evil Jordan.

"What are you guys? The Teen Terrorists?" asked Blue Beetle.

"Close. We are the Teen Tyrants and we have come to force you to join our multiversal empire," said the evil Jordan.

"Maybe if you ask nicely, we will join your ranks," said Jordan.

"Being nice isn't my thing," said the evil Jordan.

"Mine neither. Titans, go!" said Jordan.

"Tyrants! Terrorize!" exclaimed the evil Jordan.

The ultimate battle between the two sides of good and evil starts off with a bang. To better explain it, a clash between the Tyrants and the Titans. Each good version combats their evil version. Let's take a peek at Jordan's fight first. The two leaders clash in the center of the room. Jordan throws a right, but the evil one catches it with a left. Jordan then tries to kick him, but his evil counterpart catches it with his own leg.

"You're too easy to read," said the evil Jordan.

"You shouldn't feel better about yourself. You're easy as well," said Jordan.

"You're going to eat those words," said the evil Jordan.

Now, let's cut to Raven's fight with her evil version. They throw magical blasts at each other, but they are easily blocked by the other's raven-shaped shield.

"Pink hair and a red cloak? What is up with your style?" asked Raven.

"What is up with yours, emo girl? You're so weird and lonely," said the evil Raven.

"But, at least I don't dress like a slut," said Raven.

"How dare you? Jordan loves this and I'm his favorite girl," said Raven.

"Favorite girl?" asked Raven.

"Doesn't your Jordan have a harem too? Oh, wait. He's a loser just like you," said the evil Raven.

"Come and feel the power of a loser. Azarath Metrion Zinthos," said Raven before she sends a large blast of energy toward her evil version.

It hits her evil version, but she just tanks it and smiles. Then, four red evils appear on her face and her two eyes turn red as well. Raven's expression becomes a shocked one.

"Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. If you were strong, you wouldn't have an issue with using our father's power. Azarath Metrion Zinthos," said the evil Raven.

"Crap," said Raven before she is hit by a powerful magic blast.

Now, we cut to the perspective of the fights between the two Cyborgs. One who is still a little human and the other who is all bot. They clash in the kitchen, testing their strengths by grappling with each other.

"You're strong, you bucket of bolts," said Cyborg.

"Hypocrite," said the evil Cyborg.

"At least I'm still human. You are all metal," said Cyborg.

"I abandoned my humanity years ago. I have no heart or soul. Just power," said the evil Cyborg.

"You're sad," said Cyborg.

"Father said the same thing before I obliterated him. I don't regret my decision," said the evil Cyborg.

"Then, you are lost," said Cyborg.

In front of the computer, the two Amazonians clash. Their giant blades clash as they angrily roar at each other. They are equally matched, but their convictions tell the difference.

"Why are you doing this? Aren't you a warrior?" asked Donna.

"I am, but I have different goals and different idols," said the evil Donna.

"Diana would never do this," said Donna.

"Fuck her," said the evil Donna.

"Why?" asked Donna.

"Just because," said the evil Donna.

"You have discarded all of your pride and beauty and love for strength. You're a shame to all of our sisters," said Donna.

"I don't care! Ahhhhhh!" exclaimed the evil Donna.

We now cut to the point of view of the two Beast Boys. They both turn into bulls and charge at each other. They clash and hurt each other's heads. They transform back into their human states and rub their heads.

"Cool mohawk," said Beast Boy.

"Thanks. Cool suit," said the evil Beast Boy.

"Thanks. You're not that bad," said Beast Boy.

"I'm the one that poisoned you," said the evil Beast Boy.

"Then, you must die," said Beast Boy.

"At least I pretended to be a blonde. You love blondes. I could ask Terra that, but she's dead in my universe and she will be in this one too," said the evil Beast Boy.

"What happened?" asked Beast Boy.

"Well, it was tragic. She betrayed us and I raped and slaughtered her. Another day in the office," said the evil Beast Boy.

"You're dead!" exclaimed the evil Beast Boy.

We now cut to the perspective of Starfire as she doesn't fight the evil version of herself. No. She fights her evil sister who is basically an evil version of herself. Very symbolic.

"Little sister, I haven't seen you in such a long time. How have you been?" said Blackfire.

"Don't pretend to be nice. I know the monster that you are," said Starfire.

"I can't be worried about my sister? The last time that I saw you, you were a cumrag for the Gordonians," said Blackfire.

"My fate is completely different. I have friends. I have a family," said Starfire.

"But, you will never defeat this, Blackfire. Not in your wildest dreams," said Blackfire.

"I will test out that theory!" exclaimed Starfire as she angrily shoots out Starbeams.

The final point of view is Jaime's. He fights himself, obviously, but it doesn't feel right. It feels like he is fighting someone completely different but in a different situation.

"Why are you evil? There is no point in my life that I would turn to the dark side," said Jaime.

"I'm not you, Jaime Reyes. I have taken over your body and have enhanced it to its full potential. We are unbeatable," said the scarab.

"I will never allow that to happen to me," said Jaime.

"You will. Involuntary," said the scarab.

"Never!" exclaimed Jaime as he blasts his evil counterpart with his plasma cannon.

The two sides of the moral scale continue to fight for five minutes. Both sides make no progress and stop fighting for a moment. They need a better plan.

"This isn't working. They won't go down," said Connor.

"Switch!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Nope!" exclaimed the evil Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a trigger and presses the red button. Jordan and the Titans drop like flies as their skin turns orange. They scream and groan in pain.

"No this," said Jordan.

"Yes. You never destroyed Slade's nanobots, so I will use that mistake against you. You lose," said the evil Jordan.

"We're not dead, so we can still win," said Donna.

"Valiant words, Donna, but you still lose. We win and your universe is ours," said the evil Jordan.

"So, we just kill them?" asked the evil Connor.

"No. You all die with them," said the evil Jordan.

"What?" asked Connor.

The evil Jordan pulls out another trigger and presses the blue button. His teammates drop like flies as their skins turn orange and they scream in pain.

"You should have seen this coming. I'm evil," said the evil Jordan before laughing maniacally.

"What are you going to do now? You took down your opponents and your own teammates," said Jordan.

"Well, this is my plan," said the evil Jordan.

He pulls out a remote and clicks a button. The center of the living room opens up and a big machine rises into view. The evil Jordan walks up to it and swipes his hand on it.

"This is my beauty. Isn't it beautiful?" said the evil Jordan.

"What is it?" asked Jordan.

"It's a universe destroyer. The most powerful thing in the universe. If this thing explodes, the universe goes with it. We're not conquerors. We're destroyers. Or at least I am. They didn't know that I've been doing this in every universe we go to, but now they know and they have to go. There can be no revolt or crime when there is no one there to do it," said the evil Jordan.

"You're a genocidal maniac. I'm disappointed. I thought that you would be cooler," said Jordan.

"I will show you cool," said the evil Jordan as he pulls out a device.

"Now, what is this?" asked Jordan.

"I will teleport to the center of the universe. Then, I will blow this up and destroy this universe. Easy peasy," said the evil Jordan.

"Good. Now, I can defeat you," said Jordan.

Jordan quickly gets up and runs toward his evil counterpart. This surprises the evil version, but he doesn't deter. He presses the gadget and teleports away, but his foot is grabbed and he brings along an unwanted visitor. Both Jordans land on a dark purple planet with the large machine behind them.

"How long could you do that?" asked the evil Jordan.

"Since the beginning. We got more powerful than we were years ago," said Jordan.

"I should have known, but you won't win. I still hold the trigger and I won't let it fall into your hands," said the evil Jordan.

"You don't have to give it to me. I will just take it from you," said Jordan.

"Come and get it," said the evil Jordan.

Jordan gets up and charges at the evil Jordan. He jumps and tries to land a kick, but the evil slaps his foot away. The evil version then kicks him in the back of the head and sends him flying to the side. Jordan pulls out two Claws and throws them at his evil counterpart. He easily catches them and then snaps them in half with his fists.

"Claws? Really? Is this all you have?" asked the evil Jordan.

"I have more. Just be patient," said Jordan.

Jordan gets back up once again and rushes his evil version. He then pulls out two escrima sticks and hits the evil Jordan a few times. This doesn't do much as he is palmed in the chest and sent flying back. Jordan pulls out an Explosive Claw and throws it at the evil Jordan's face. It explodes, Jordan flips back to his feet, and charges at his evil version, but his neck is grabbed and he is raised into the air.

"You are pitiful. I am ashamed that you are an alternate version of me," said the evil Jordan.

"Well. You don't get everything that you wish for," said Jordan.

"Talia failed me and you and your allies weren't any fun. Such a waste of time," said the evil Jordan.

"At least you went out and got some air," said Jordan.

"You will see your universe be destroyed first hand. You should be pleased," said the evil Jordan as he drops Jordan to the ground.

"I don't really like seeing billions of people die," said Jordan.

"Get used to it, Jordan. To be honest, this was kind of fun," said the evil Jordan.

"Ditto," said Jordan.

The evil Jordan reaches for the trigger, but it is not there. He searches his whole suit and it has disappeared. He then looks down and becomes angry. Jordan sits down with the trigger in his hand. Jordan flips over a few times to make some space.

"How did you take it?" asked the evil Jordan.

"You spent too much time talking and being bored. You should have been paying attention," said Jordan.

"Give it back or I will take it back," said the evil Jordan.

"I like to be a nuisance," said Jordan.

"Here comes daddy," said the evil Jordan.

"I don't know everything about you, but I can tell that we had different influences on our lives. Even though we may have walked different paths, we both looked into the same abyss. I embraced the darkness. You blinked," said Jordan as he presses both the teleportation gadget and the trigger.

Jordan is sent back to his universe while the evil Jordan is sent to nowhere. The machine explodes and he is sent to the afterlife, hopefully, but no one stays dead in this multiverse. Back in the main universe around an hour after the rest of the Teen Tyrants are sent back to their universe, Raven stands on the rooftop and allows the night wind to blow all on her. Jordan enters the rooftop and walks up next to her.

"Today was a bad day," said Jordan.

"Duh," said Raven.

"You're mad aren't you?" asked Jordan.

"Not really. He probably didn't even take your plans. He most likely made his own and used them to deal with us," said Raven.

"So, you're not mad?" asked Jordan.

"I'm mad at you for something else. When will I meet this Jordai?" said Raven.

"I don't think that Jade will like it for other women to go looking for her daughter," said Jordan.

"Your daughter. She's your daughter and you didn't tell me about it. I understand not revealing that you were in love with another girl, but not telling me that you had a child hurts," said Raven.

"I just found out like last month," said Jordan.

"A month is around thirty days. You had enough time to tell me, but you didn't. You were just going to not tell me. I guess I'm not too important to you," said Raven.

"Raven," said Jordan.

"Don't Raven me. You know I'm right. We're on the rocks. Don't drown us," said Raven as she walks away.

Jordan takes one more look at Raven before starting to stare at the large moon. He lets out a large sigh and takes a seat.

"Jordan King, you're a clown," said Jordan.

On Infinity Island at the same time, the son of Talia is ready to avenge his mother. He grabs a blade, places it on his hilt, and puts on his hood. He opens a window and hops out of it. He lands on the forest floor and starts to stealthily run through the forest.

"Boy, are you sure that you can do this?" asked a man.

"Yes. I was trained to do this. As her son, I need to avenge her," said Damian.

"No, you don't. You can just let her rot," said the man.

"She was my mother," said Damian.

"You were just a weapon for her. You should know that," said the man.

"I do, but I still feel sorry for her. She was raised to be this and I'm being raised to do the same thing," said Damian.

"Quit this petty revenge ploy and come work for me. We will need all the help possible for me to become the god that I'm supposed to be," said the man.

"I'm not interested. I just want to take out Jordan. He killed my mother," said Damian.

"I have no problem with you wanting to kill him, but think logically. He's a 25-year-old man who was trained by Batman for years while you are a nine-year-old boy with not much training from your mother and grandfather. You will get wrecked," said the man.

"Maybe, but I have to do this. I won't be able to sleep if I can't," said Damian.

"Fine. You have my blessing, but if you get caught, I don't exist," said the man.

"Don't worry, Blood. I won't lose," said Damian.

Sorry for not warning you, but this is the "Season Finale". I forgot last time. My bad. Personally, I thought this season was good. There may be things that you didn't like, but that's ok. I told the story/arc that I wanted to tell pretty well. Compared to the other seasons, I would give this one a 7/10. Nice stuff, but not perfect. My favorite chapter/ep was "Jordan In Murderland" and my least favorite was "Loco". Next season, starting in two weeks, will be the last and maybe even the greatest? I'm just throwing that out there. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day! In addition, the bio will no longer be updated because nothing much changes. The next time it will be updated is after the Series Finale. Timeline comes next time.

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