
Chapter 50


Helena POV-

"Of course.. I understand" Florence nodded.. I used the mate trick to see what she's feeling right now. She feels calm, I think she's telling the truth.

"I still can't believe my sister is a wolf.. no a Lycan?.. hold on..".. "-It makes sense now.. you're the one they have all been looking for" She said with astonishment and happiness plastered all over her face.

"I guess so" I replied calmly..

"Leena don't you understand?, The king is the whole reason we've been hiding here.. Kano will be so happy when he finds out.." Belle beamed gleefully. "You don't know how long I have been waiting for this.." She said as she turned to leave..

I looked to Florence who somehow understood why I had, she nodded and I got up follow after Belle. "Wait" I called. She slowed her walking for me to catch up.. "What exactly were you waiting for?" I asked..

"We all want the same thing cub, with you as our guide we will achieve it.." She smiled simply.. Great, does she think I'm the messiah too?.. "And to think Kano thought it was me" she chuckled.. "For your sake I wish it was but.. you're here now, I know you can do this" she turned and continued walking..

"Just stop.." I ordered.. She stopped in her tracks to look back at me surprised. "I'm so sick of being told what I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to do.. you saw my encounter with the king.. you want me to go rushing back in there before I've even had a chance to process it?" I had been thinking that perhaps I could stay here until I have the child, I could give it to my sister, since she's fae and been so good at hiding. Then I will face the king. But now she is running full steam ahead with the idea that I'm the solution to everything.

"The people are ready to fight.. they just need a reason too.." she sighed walking back over to me..

"But I don't understand why they won't fight without me.. they have plenty of reasons" ..

"These people are different, they have been put down for so long they need a sign from the Gods.. they need you".. what the actual fuck.

"You really believe that?" I asked stumped.

"Yes Leena.. I really do. If you knew this place like I do.. you would too"..

"Then why can't you do it?" I asked.. surely seeing a dark fae attempt to take on the king will spark something in them. "You want this just as bad do you not?"

"I do but.. I don't have the prophecy to back me up.. and you're the first female Lycan in over 400 years, they see you in a different light.. we have to try.."

"I know we do, but we can't right now.." I spoke confidently.

"More children are being taken everyday day, mothers killed because they won't let them go.. the longer we wait the more harm he does.." She pleaded..

"You can tell Kano what I am but I'm telling you, I'm not ready for this.." I can't be fighting and running around the woods pregnant, I don't even know how far along I am. What I thought to be five days in the cell could have been weeks. Luckily I'm not showing yet but sometimes that doesn't always mean much.

"What is stopping you? Florence?" she asked slightly annoyed and confused.

"No, she wants the king dead just as much as I do.." I replied with a tiredness in my voice..

"What is it then? are you just scared?"..

"I'm pregnant.." I said annoyed that I had to even say it.

"What?.. when?" she asked completely surprised.. I would have thought she knew but maybe when she said that she 'almost' see every moment, this is one she didn't.

"I don't know when I just know that I am, so we need to wait.." .. "Please" I sighed defeatedly.

"Okay.." Belle nodded in acceptance. "Congratulations I guess" she added with a smile, making me cringe in the process.."What?"

"Nothing" I smiled.. "don't touch me" I said causing us both to laugh..

"I won't do that I promise.. you really don't understand how scared I was the first time".. she shook her head as she started to walk back the way we came..

"What do you mean?"

"Well I didn't expect to go hurtling through your memories.. I tried to look only at what you were thinking about, not be thrown into all of it with you by my side.." she almost laughed.

"I'm glad you got scared, now you know not to do it again" I smirked.. "Can I ask you something?"..

"What is it?"..

"How did you even know it was me?" I asked looking to her..

"You look just like her.." she stopped to look at me before continuing.."Only you have our fathers eyes" She smiled.

"So do you.." I smiled back.

"He went missing right before I came here" I felt the need to tell her, even if she hates them both they are still our parents.

"Missing?" she asked confusedly.

"Pieces of his boat were found washed ashore in Fleece.." .. "He's probably dead.." I added..

"I'm sorry, that must have been hard for you" she sighed..

"It's alright.. I had the 'wedding' to take my mind off it" I joked.

"You were only seventeen? surely not.." ..

"I was only a month away, it's barbaric I know but, the council decided a new king was what the people needed to get over the last one.." ..

"I'm so greatful that you are here with me instead, and greatful that I never had to go through any of that.." she sighed.. "I totally forgot.. I came to find you because I wanted to show you something.." she sounded a little excited.

"Lead the way" I smiled gesturing forward. She started walking and I followed straight after.

We made our way through some corridors and down steps until we had passed two floors underground. It seems they have been here, working on this for awhile. We stopped on the third floor down when she spoke again.. "This way..".. I followed down another corridor to a small room, filled with painted portraits of people.. most of them look upper class from what I could see. Each one has a golden or silver elegant frame.

She began shuffling through them until she found what she was looking for. Belle pulled out the painting resting it infront of the others for us to look at.."Helena.. meet Keira.. the Queen of Death"..she spoke as she came to stand by my side. I gasped when it came into view..

"Belle.. what is that?" I asked completely shocked at what I saw.. my mothers face, the frame had been made with the words 'Queen of Darkness' but someone had painted 'Queen of Death' in red over her torso on the canvas.

"I was hoping you might be able to tell me, it seems you spent alot more time with her than I ever did." she said as she looked back to the painting..

"When was this painted?" I asked in the same tone as before.. she's even wearing the same necklace.. I know this is not a coincidence.

"All we can tell is that it was painted over a thousand years ago.." she stated..

"This is so much worse than I thought.. if she is the Queen of Death what does that make us?" I shook my head..

"I don't know.. Kano showed me it after he saw the resemblance.." she sighed...

"What does this even mean?" I asked still totally perplexed.

"That she is much older than she looks?" Belle replied sounding just as confused as I was.

"Does she know we're here?" I looked to Belle.

"I don't know.. she must have ran for a reason, maybe she is too scared to come back"...

"Maybe.. but it will do us no good to think of why right now.. thank you for showing me this." I spoke in a greatful tone. "What are you going to tell Kano about me?" I asked..

"I have to tell him what you are. But I will tell him we have to wait until your ready.. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something went wrong and an innocent child-" ...

"I understand.." I interrupted.. "Thank you." I nodded my head with a smile..

"I still can't believe this is who you grew up to be." she shook her head with a smile, leaving the room. I followed.

"Neither can I.." I almost scoffed..


I was sitting in a room with many circular dining tables dotted all over the place, each one full of people eating. On my plate was a concoction of meats and greens, cooked in some kind of broth. It didn't look great but smelt and tasted amazing. I could see Belle sitting on Kanos table with another older woman and three more men.

"What are you thinking about?" Florence asked..

"This is just.. weird for me" I admitted looking away from Belle and back to Florence.

"Did they say we can stay?" Bea asked from the right of me..

"We can stay.. and after the child is out of me we can finally get a real plan into motion.."..

"The child." Bea echoed my words, clearly having something to say on the matter..

"What about it?"..

"Nothing.. just remember 'it' is going to have thoughts and feelings.." she said calmly so that I might understand her view.

"I know.. I just can't think about it like that." I shook my head. To dissociate from my situation is the only way I've been able to cope so far.. to not get completely overwhelmed. "Excuse me." I smiled as I got up from the table. I just started walking away, I don't even know why exactly.

I found myself sitting on a bench in the garden area again. I had been sitting here for about ten minutes when Beas voice caught my attention.. "Here you are.." she smiled.. "I've been looking everywhere.."..

"I saw you ten minutes ago.." I shook my head laughing..

"Well yes but.. I'm not used to chasing people around.." she argued.

"Why were you looking for me?" I was unable to stop a smile at her childishness.

"I need to tell you something.." she sounded like she wasn't sure she wanted to say what it was.

"What is it?"

"I know this place.. I was never aloud to ask about it but. I know what happened here.." ..

"With Florences parents?" I asked confused.

"I don't know".."My aunt was the luna here, she was murdered because she left my father's side for a Lycan. They built a life here, away from him but.. he found them eventually" she sighed.. placing her hand on one of the stone beams that held the place up.

"Really?" I asked surprised.. I should have tried to sound a little more solemn but I couldn't stop thinking.. was Florences mother and Beas aunt the same person?.. holy shit.. "We have to tell Florence.." .. "What was the name of your aunt?" ...

"Darla" she replied calmly.

"Well let's go then.." I said as I led us around to find Florence and Anders still sitting together in the common room, now Belle was sitting with them.

"Everything alright?" Belle asked when she saw us..

"It's all good." I smiled.. Florence furrowed her eyebrows slightly at me. "I'm just checking in.." I added but she wasn't buying it.

"Care to join us?" Belle asked..

"Sure.." I grinned, why couldn't I say no?. I took an empty chair and sat opposite Florence with Belle one side of me and Bea sat down on the other.

"So what are we talking about?" I asked nonchalantly..

"Gigi and Marcus.." Belle said.

"What about them?"..

"They could be useful to us." Belle smiled simply before continuing.. "I mean they have connections, we might need that." I guess she is right. "Anyway, I have things to do.. see you all later.. Bye cub" she smiled to me doing a small wave as she got up from the chair tucking it back in.

"Bye." I smiled and waved along with everyone else. She turned to leave and I looked to Anders. "Could you check and make sure everyone is okay for me?" I asked kindly.

"Of course" He smiled back and got up to leave.

"Thank you"..

"What is it?" Florence asked as soon as he was out of earshot.

"How do you know there is something to be an 'it'?" I asked..

"What was your mothers name?" Bea blurted out..

Florence smiled awkwardly confused.. "Why?"

"We think you might be my cousin" Bea stated in a confused tone, as if asking another question. "My aunt was the luna here" ..

"Was her name Darla?" I asked softly.

Florence palmed her forehead.."How could I not have known about this?" She lifted her hand from her head before speaking again.. "Why would they keep this from me?, did they think I wouldn't find out?".. she sounds so defeated.

"They must have thought they were protecting you" I offered a light theory.

"That isn't protection.. it's just lies.. and I hate royalty" She added, dropping her bawled fist on the table as she looked down, when Florence looked up she found two faces with furrowed brows.. should we be offended?..

"I mean most of them" She quickly interjected.

"Who would have thought there would be two family reunions in one day.." I laughed, palms in the air. While we are on the subject of our messed up families.. "I actually had another family reunion of sorts.." I admitted awkwardly.. "It's my mother... she's.. well she's even more evil than I thought.." I shook my head slightly, still completely dumbfounded.

"What happened?" Florence asked intently.. seemingly forgetting her own woes.

"Belle has a painting downstairs.. it's of our mother, only she said it was painted over a thousand years ago".. Should I tell them she's the self proclaimed 'Queen of Darkness'?, or that someone corrected it with 'Queen of Death'.. ah I'm guessing they will find out eventually..



I have done alot of writing the past two days, or three I can't remember, anyway.. alot has happened. I don't know if I'm good at thinking up stories and getting them down on paper right, but I know that I enjoy writing. As always I hope you liked it, feel free to let me know what you think. :)

Also this chapter is a little shorter because the last one was so long. Love love.

I can't tell you how good it feels to actually be able to write 'Chapter 50' in the title thing. I should probably come up with actual names for them but I really only do that as markers for myself so I don't get lost, I should think about that more. Let me know what you think.

Twink_98creators' thoughts