
Chapter 18 Flo


Florence POV

My name is Florence and I am 30 years old.

My job is a scout, I silently patrol the areas informing my pack of nearing threats. We have stayed safe from the King and the Skrill because of our strict protocols. Our clan has a couple hundred people in it. My alpha is Marcus, my Luna is Gigi, together they keep us safe.

There are few Lycans here including Marcus, he's at least 150 years old and Gigi is even older. My father was a Lycan, my mother was a wolf, making me half Lycan. Gigi said that's the only reason I survived.

I wasn't as strong as a Lycan, my body in wolf form is just a mixture between the two. More wolf than Lycan luckily. I don't know why Lycans stopped being able to produce females. It's still a mystery to everyone.

Not many people know that I am part lycan, I've been hidden by Gigi and Marcus my whole life.

Normally my job just consists of observing and notifying if I see something, but today Gigi had something else in store.

"Florence I need your help" Gigi began, placing her hand on my shoulder catching up to me as I walked through our camp. "What do you need?" I asked with a smile.

This woman took me in when I was little.

I don't remember much of my parents, I know I miss them.

I also know this is the woman who read me bed time stories and cleaned me up when I was sick.

I love her as much as a daughter loves her mother, I'm greatful for her.

Things have been abit more hectic than usual around here, the higher ups are running around like crazy people. I'm guessing it has something to do with whatever is going on out there.

"I need someone who can infiltrate the enemy, I need you to free one prisoner and leave... can you do that for me?" She asked still looking ahead.

I know why she asked me, I don't like to gloat but I'm pretty good with my hands. I can pick almost any lock, and my knack for strategy makes it pretty easy for me to think my way around any problem.

I don't like getting right in the middle of the action though.

Yes I'm good at making the plan, but I'm no fighter.

If something happens and my plan goes wrong I will probably die. Gigi could tell I was apprehensive.

"I don't trust anyone else to get the job done...I need to make sure no-one gets followed back here. Your the stealthiest person I know and I need that right now, I wouldn't put you in danger if I had a choice, Marcus will go with you but he can't go all the way". She said stopping us and turning me to face her. The way she was looking at me with pleading in her eyes made it pretty hard for me to say no.

That is one thing about Gigi though, she always ends up getting what she wants somehow.


My plan has been set in motion. I took three of our strongest men with me, they've already cut down a tree to block the enemies way.

The trackers came back with their route not too long ago. I know my way around here so it wasn't much trouble to fix up a plan.

Now that we've blocked the path, they will try to take the easiest route, it won't be much longer before they are looking for somewhere to set up camp, to which there is a stream along the way.

It's the perfect place for a camp, making it my perfect time to strike...I really hope they take the easiest route.


A few hours later...

I thought everyone was sleeping but...

I can't believe my eyes, four of these idiots have rebelled against their leader taking the prisoner with them...oh no, make that five.

I watched one of the men hand her a drink. She fell asleep almost instantly. He drugged her.

She was hanging lifeless chained to this huge tree being weighed down by a collar that was designed to hold 6ft Lycan men.

If they change when wearing the collar, it cuts into their neck cutting arteries and making them bleed out.

The man then lifted her chin with two fingers to face him, inspecting her delicate features turning her head either side to get a better look... I want to break his hands, how disrespectful can you be.

Why are they restraining her like that?

She doesn't look dangerous to me. I just want to get her out of there as quickly as I can.


The idiots walked for about an hour before deciding it was enough and setting up camp. Of course it wasn't enough. Their leader was not too far behind and I know just what will give him a boost.

And create a distraction for me to free her... hopefully. I just need them to go to sleep first.

The men chained this poor girl to another tree, I thought the restraints were over the top the first time but now she is fully immobilised. They must be pretty terrified, I can't help but wonder why.

She began to wake up and I dreaded what was next. This is the hard part of the plan, the waiting. The watching.

They sort of all panicked abit at first before resuming to their natural state of composure.

The guy who drugged her appeared from out of the bushes. I could see it startled her at first, then she just stood there with a straight face, she even looked somewhat elegant. Even I would be terrified in that situation, you got kidnapped, then drugged and kidnapped again... how are you not crying, or shouting or something...

The man walked closer to her, he touched her face again with his dirty hands, whispering something before brushing his filthy thumb across her bottom lip... she really is unpredictable I'll give her that, she gripped her teeth around his thumb and bit down hard, I see the blood already running down her chin before she let go.

Just as she did he used his right hand to punch her hard, square in the nose. I wanted to jump in front of her but I'd give up my position and then we'd both be dead.

I can tell that the hit hurt her. It's pretty dark but I can still see the blood gushing out of her face from behind her hair. Her knees gave way and she just hung there from the tree.

She looks so small in those huge chains.

The man screamed something at her before stepping away, tending to his thumb and wounded ego.

I looked back at the girl, expecting to see her still hanging from the chains where this man's punch had left her, but she was just standing there, smiling...

The others quickly noticed too, I think they just shit themselves, now even I'm a little scared.

Why did you have to go and make it harder for yourself little miss?

The guy she had bitten approached her again, I kind of heard what he said this time... something about 'liking girls with a bit of fight in them'.

I feel sick, my stomach is turning knots and all I can do is watch, I feel so helpless. It was taking everything in me to go against my instincts. It was always in me to want to help people but I had to think about my own safety first, this was different. Maybe it's because of how I'm seeing her be treated. Right now all that matters is being patient, and getting the job done.

Phew... he just manically stared at her for a few seconds then went back to his bleeding thumb. The rest of the men stared at her for a little while before going inside their makeshift tents seemingly wanting get away from the girls gaze. I watched her struggle to raise her cuffed hands in an attempt to use her arm to get some of the congealing blood off her face.

In front of the men she didn't show an ounce of weakness, but as soon as they left her, her resolve had broken. She looked down, letting her body slowly rest into the chains.

These guys really are idiots no one is on watch, all I have to do is set the fire, easy. Then just go back to my hiding place and watch the chaos unfold.


My plan is finally coming to an end and I'm so greatful that it is. The leader followed my smoke trail and caught up with the traitors, he sliced one of their throats out with a shifted hand.

This whole situation seemed off, capturers were escorting a young girl to the king. But

what's a Lycan capturer doing hunting a young girl?. Why is she so important? I guess it doesn't matter right now.

The lycan is currently giving a lecture on how not to be a traitor...I think.

I'm not really listening, just trying to approach very quietly.

When I had reached her I forgot to tell her I wasn't going to hurt her, I just started unlocking the chains on her collar. I would have taken the collar off but the lock is different from the other ones I've done.

She flinched away from me... I scared her, now I feel even more terrible. And I'm wearing this mask, she must think I'm another kidnapper or something.

I quickly whispered to her that I was helping her, her face relaxed and she let me continue unlocking the chains. She is really ticklish, I had to tell her to stop moving because she was making my job alot harder.

After I finished with the chains I moved straight to the cuffs, as soon as they were off I looked into her vibrant green eyes for the first time, she really is a beauty.

I don't even like girls but I think I'd go there for her. What am I even saying, she's vulnerable right now, she needs my help not my affection.

I saw her eyes move from me and then I saw fear in them. I turned to see what she was looking at.

It's the Lycan, I can only see his eyes through the black face paint.. looking straight back at us. I whispered 'run' before taking off into the forest.

She just stood there, watching me run, why didn't she run?.

The men didn't care for me, they didn't even send anyone to chase me, they all seemed fixed on this girl. I'm guessing maybe they thought they had scared me away. I stopped running and made my way back a different route.

My plan failed and I should report back to Gigi, but if I leave they will have a head start and probably reach the King's palace before we catch up.

There is no coming back from that, The King is a big fan of using torturous methods to make people comply. His army are more like glorified slaves than soldiers. I wish I could free them all but I guess we have to start here.

After reaching a good view point I looked down to see the girl standing there still. Two men were on the floor, three were running straight for her, she elbowed one popping his nose, before running at the second one, tripping him and jumping on the third. Holy shit shit this girl can move. She made a mess of the guy she's sitting on, she only hit him twice but all I can see of his face from here is a bloody mess. She stood up waiting for the third man to get to her. Then the leader grabbed her arms, restraining her from doing anymore damage to his men. He yelled 'Enough!' but the guy running at her didn't seem to care. In a split second he was at her, planting a perfect blow to the stomach. I could have sworn I heard her ribs crack.

I could see the pain plastered across her face as she slumped, being help up only by the Lycans firm grip.

I looked up at him to see his expression change from anger at the man, to surprise.

He stared down at the girl in his hands and dropped her in a heap on the floor, cautiously taking a few steps back.

I watched in awe as she transformed into the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. The heavy collar around her neck just stretched and snapped, making a thud as it hit the ground barely leaving scratches on her. She stood tall on her hind legs puffing her chest out as she inhaled deeply.

It didn't take long for her to dispose of the men. Some of the stronger men made an attempt to change into their wolf form. One of them pounced on her. She grabbed it's face and... ripped it's fucking jaw off...I think I might puke.

The leader skulked into to the shadows, watching in rage as his men were being ripped to pieces.

The onslaught didn't take long. When it was almost finished, the Lycan leader disappeared into the mountains, leaving his pawns dead in the dirt.
