2 The nephew who lived

Harry was having a problem, he couldn't observe himself and the reason was because he couldn't see any of his body, he was wrapped up like a tiny baby burrito and couldn't escape. No matter how much Harry wriggled and squirmed he couldn't get any part of himself free from this tiny prison of his, reluctantly Harry gave up trying to free himself. 'I thought gamers would have had some kind of status board' Harry thought to himself.


'A skill has been created'

'Status Board'

'you now know everything about yourself, from the very basics of your name to the skills, powers, spells, equipment and relationships. As a toddler all your stats start at the basic of the basics and must be worked on to progress, good luck'

[Name: Harry James Potter




Str:2 Vit:2 Dex:2

Mag:0 Int:40 Luk: 20]

'Harry James Potter the boy who lived survived a killing curse from Lord Voldemort though losing his parents beforehand, he has been given the Gamers power and a second chance by Gaia to save himself, his friends and the wizarding world'

'by reaching 25 in intelligence you've earned a skill, for the next intellence skill please get to 50 intelligence gence'

'Enhanced memory: with this passive you'll have an easier time learning and memorising information that you read or are taught about'

'I thought all my stats were meant to be the same as a normal toddler, why is my intelligence and luck so high' Harry thought to himself unknowingly making cooing noises which attracted Hagrid's attention and causing him to smile at little despite the tears still streaming down his large bearded face. All of a sudden Harry had an epiphany 'maybe they're higher because Gaia brought me back to life with all my memories and education, but what about my luck... Oh maybe because I survived Voldemort's killing curse'


'Due to understanding why your intelligence is high +1 intelligence'

'Due to figuring out why your luck is higher +1 luck and intelligence'

'Status' Harry said in his mind.

[Name: Harry James Potter




Str:2 Vit:2 Dex:2

Mag:0 Int:42 Luk: 21]

'Harry James Potter the boy who lived survived a killing curse from Lord Voldemort though losing his parents beforehand, he has been given the Gamers power and a second chance by Gaia to save himself, his friends and the wizarding world'

Suddenly Harry felt a lurch that moved his stomach in such a way that he felt he'd left it behind as Hagrid started to land the bike. Harry knew where he was going and he hated the idea of staying there again and that was number 4 privet drive where he would stay with his abusive uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia and his overly large bully of a cousin Dudley, but this time Harry decided to try and change them for the better, to actually have a happy loving childhood, he knew it could take a long time for this to happen, years even but he was determined to have some semblance of family before starting hogwarts and saving his godfather Sirius.

A sudden shudder as the motorbike landed and a very loud sniffle from hagrid meant that they were at there destination and the place of Harry's next ten years of his childhood. After the bike had stopped Harry felt himself being lifted by hagrid out of the bikes sidecar with his very large, very warm hands l, Harry felt safe and comfortable in Hagrids hands and Harry had a small smile on his face he could make hagrid embarrassed when he was started hogwarts by telling him that he remembered all of this.

"Here he is professor just as you asked" Hagrids already booming voice seemed even louder to the now toddler Harry. With a small grandfatherly smile whilst looking at Harry Dumbledore replied to Hagrid "I hope he was no trouble hagrid and wherw did you get this bike" shuffling his feet hagrid was still crying even when he answered the professor "little Harry was no trouble at all professor he fell asleep while we were flying over Bristol and woke up shortly after that, little tyke was even able to make me smile a little with all the noises he were making" hagrid mananged to say sniffling the whole time " but whyd they have to die professor, whyd they have to leave him alone" Hagrid burst into tears at this point you could feel the sadness radiating off of him, Harry could feel it and despite his best efforts Harry also burst into tears, the tears he'd been holding in for so long and worst of all this was the second time Harry had to lose his parents, it wasn't fair he didn't deserve this... They didn't deserve this but it'd already come to pass again

"hush now Hagrid you've made poor little Harry cry and we don't want the neighbours to know that he's here, not this late in the day do we" holding Harry in one arm dumbledore patted hagrid on the back trying his best to sooth the giant of a man.

"Sorry professor ill try not to be loud" hagrid managed to quietly say "Can I say goodbye" Dumbledore smiled and handed Harry to hagrid who leaned over and gave him what seemed to be the scratchiest whiskey kiss on the cheek ever. "I suppose I better go give this bike back to young Sirius now professor" as he got on the back and drove away. Meanwhile a woman appeared from behind dumbledore Harry obviously knew who this was, his transfiguration teacher McGonagell

"Are you sure you want to leave him here Dumbledore, these are the worst kind of muggles imaginable and I know I've been watching them all day, especially the boy there screaming and kicking his mum because he didn't get any sweets" McGonagall said this to Dumbledore with her face in a scowl obviously disgusted with the Dursleys.

"yes minerva I'm afraid Harry must be left here as bad as they are they are Harry's family and I'm sure they'll change when they meet him" Dumbledore spoke with his ever present smile "And I'll be sure to check up on him from time to time so there's nothing to worry about". Dumbledore laid Harry at the Dursleys door and tucked a letter into the basket with him, as it was late and Harry was a toddler again and add Dumbledores smile and sitting grandfatherly voice Harry slipped into a deep sleep.

"Goodbye Harry and may you have a nice childhood and good luck" these were Dumbledores last words before he knocked on the door and apparated away with McGonagall.
