
The new Deity

TEMMPP0 · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Then night comes, I am currently here at the governor's house as the governor offer me to sleep here even if just for tonight.

I checked my pocket watch and it's 35 minutes in 10 at night means it's only a matter of minutes when the black pearl appear.

Moments later I hear cannon fires and fireballs landing on the grounds as I also hear screams.

"Now Mateo go to Jack Sparrow and free him and also lead him into one's commodore Norrington's ships," I said to Mateo, I looked at him and he looked like an assassin from the assassin creed it is wonderful the clothes that I picked for him.

"Yes my lord," Mateo said as he jump from the window and disappeared.

Then I hear gunshots and screams of pirates inside of the governor's house, I immediately run to Elizabeth's room, and see the two pirates Pintel and Ragetti.

Though I can just cut there heads off or put a bullets on there both head I can't because there undead right now.

So I just made them sleep by my magic, well I me too I just discovered I can use magic just these after when a sword fall to me by accident but my mouth just talk some chants and the sword become butterflies.

"You okay there Ms. Swann?" I said as I stab the two pirates into there chest.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, thank you for saving my life Mr.BrightDoom," Elizabeth said.

"Okay now follow me Ms. Swann we need to get the hell out of these place," I said as I walk out of the dining room.

While we try to escape there's some pirates who try to attack us but I immediately put them to sleep and put a bullet into there heads.

Though I don't know where to go I just lead Elizabeth to the woods as it's the safest area right now because of the pirates rooming around the house and streets as we don't want to be seen.

We then hide into a log big log big enough to hide two people i and Elizabeth, as we watched the 10 pirates searched and talk at the house, yes we can see them as we were just near the governor houses.

I then see Elizabeth close to me as I smell her bright tho I thought it will be smell bad but it's actually smell good, after moments of staring I just kissed her as she also kissed me.

Though Elizabeth is beautiful I don't fancy her, though just kiss and sex is okay but in the future I have no intention of getting into relationship with her.

After that I and Elizabeth fucked although we didn't fuck until the sun rises, no no, although I like sex's I know when to stop.

After that we dressed our clothes as we threw our clothes and undressed when i and Elizabeth fucked, moments later we stood up and see that the pirates are long gone, I then looked at my pocket watch and it's 48 minutes in 1 at midnight.

"We should probably go I think the pirates are gone now," I said.

After going back to the governor's house we got welcomed by the soldiers, Mr. Norrington, and the governor, as we arrived we explained that we escaped when the pirates have come.

Of course what half of I said to governor and Norrington is true and half of it are false.

After going back inside as the governor's house is now cleaned, I go back to my room and waited for the report of Mateo, moments later Mateo jump in my window as I just asked him.

"So the Sparrow's escape?" I asked.

"Indeed my lord he also said thanks for freeing him," Mateo said.

"There's no way that Sparrow will not follow the pearl," I said.

"Well before we follow Sparrow we will wait for my ships to be built and start our own trading company," I said.


I had a good night sleep even though it's only 7 hours sleep, eh I'm immortal I don't even need to sleep but I love to sleep.

The governor's said last night even though pirates came they only steal things in the streets and stores not here in his house.

The breakfast went well as Norrington and Will joined us, as we talked about things that it isn't important.


6 months later….

"Mr. BrightDoom your 5 ships had been finished." The governor said.

"Indeed it is," I said as I looked at the 3 big ships that has full of cannons and 2 ships that has only 15 cannons.

Now I locked at my inventory and see 3 45 crew for the battle ships and 2 35 chew for the merchant ship.

The governor's just left and I'm the only here and also Mateo, I the summoned the 3 45 packs for the battleships, and see 135 crew wearing black military uniforms for the navy, they also have each pistols and rifles.

"We saw the lord," all of them said.

"Now go to your own ship's," I said as I assigned the captain's for each ships.

After that the ground is clean again as all 135 crew have go to there ships, I then summoned 2 35 crew for the merchant ships, I then saw 70 crew, there uniforms are the same as the soldiers uniforms in my battleships.

"We saw the lord," I said.

I then assigned captain's for each ship and told them to go to there assigned merchant ship.

I ordered them to go to Asia maybe China, Singapore and the Philippines, to buy luxury things there and go back to England to trade or sell it there, I also gave them a map that will lead them to Asia and will lead them to England.

As the 5 ships sails away the trading company of BrightDoom had begun.