
the new alpha

king of wolves faces rivaliry between them will raymond forfeit the challenge or will he engage a series of troubles

ivieitseuwa24 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

chapter 2 : tale of two cubs

Well..... if i remeber roughly when meliodas and i were quite young, .....


melidoas was quite an idiot because he acutally acted like you know who..... Alexis!. But only to find him more reasonable


Now look at my younger brother al' big and strong. "so your masjesty, you kay?". Meliodas always cares but as for some boys that lack respect. i nod to melidoas saying "" melidoas, i love that you are very obedient and respectful. you and the other can watch alexis suffer ". i snarled . but with melidoas with a sad look saying "Why spare us and not alexis, your highness, he is your OLDER BROTHER right?". i looked at meli and frown .... he's right after all. i'm being selfish with the throne this is why i wanted meli to be my advisor but he said no he is my brother not comforteer . but now see what i''m doing killing alexis for his selifishness and look at me it doesn't make me any different from alexis, after all he is twice sicker than me and wiser but much more stubborn .

Just as i was about to howl . A GUARD rushed towards me "sire, your elder brother has escaped ". I wided my eye with shock and take hold of his jacket "How could you le' my brother escape now?. Find him....". I growl and roared "Now " . I threw him down at and he scrapped . Then i looked at meli. He smiled "Why are you looking al' worried ?". I yelled at him "He is going to kill all of the people who wanted him killed!!!". Meli stared in horror, but it wasn't at me, when i turned and saw a guard holding my bleeding father "Who did this to my dad?". the guards kenlt and said "Alexis young majesty ". I feel to my kneels and sweared that i will hunt and kill alexis and his folllowers . meli carried me and whispered "i will help you too". i knew how much he hated seeing me cry