
The Never Ending Market.

How far can your imagination truly extend? What are the most outlandish ideas you've ever considered? To what depth can your mind explore? What if I told you, there exists a place that caters to the unimaginable, stretching beyond the limits of even the most extraordinary thinkers... What if I told you, that there was a venue that meets all your unexplored needs, a vast space that expands infinitely, challenging your understanding with each step deeper... What if I told you, that there was a hub where diverse worlds intersect, sharing ideas and exploring the unknown to discover new realms of creativity... What if I told you, that this place was just a hypermarket... Would you believe it? ____ before you read: DISCLAIMER: I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS MENTIONED BESIDES THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. heads up. Market stuff starts at 1 and 2, and starts again at 13 onwards. 3~12 chapters is a world adventure. keywords: slow/moderate pace, mystery, world hopping, multiple OCs, multiple POV, LitRPG, system, world adventures, mainstream media, non mainstream media, detailed writing, power scaling, weak to strong, moderate/slightly heavy market information, This is a test drive as it's my first writing, comments and or reviews based on improvement are highly welcomed. updates are unstable. but I will never drop this fanfiction whatsoever until I finish it, I have an idea on how to end this and planned around. enjoy.

LittleLemur · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs







[The market]

+Entity POV+


The entity contemplated its situation, standing before the double doors that had opened, revealing a pitch-black void beyond. It was acutely aware of the fact that Takashi had already entered this mysterious space. The entity noticed that Takashi had forgotten about his purchase, a lonely item left behind at the counter beside it. Without hesitation, the entity picked up the forgotten item, understanding the importance of returning it to its owner.

Now, faced with the open double doors and the enigmatic darkness beyond. It wondered whether the doors were waiting for it to step through.

With Takashi's forgotten purchase in hand, the entity made the decision to duck its head under the door frame and step forward. It was a momentous choice, leaving behind the confines of its long-time residence after what felt like an eternity.

As it ventured deeper into the darkness beyond the double doors, it found itself in a state of near blindness. The absence of light made it difficult to perceive anything in the surroundings.

The entity's mind was far from idle. It contemplated the mysteries surrounding its existence and this peculiar realm it found itself in. The questions that had accumulated over days of attending to visitors and completing mundane tasks continued to plague its thoughts. It had no knowledge of who had assigned these duties or the purpose behind its existence.

As it navigated through the darkness, the entity couldn't shake the feeling that it was being watched, adding another layer of intrigue and uncertainty to its already enigmatic journey.

Emerging from the darkness into what appeared to be another open door, the entity gazed at the scene before it. It could discern the slow-moving images that unfolded, like frames from a surreal film. There was Takashi, standing with his back turned, and with him was a girl, as mentioned by Takashi earlier.

With careful movements, the entity extended its hands, gripping the sides of the door frame, and mimicked the action with its opposite hand. Lowering its head once more, it pushed through the door, fully emerging on the other side.

However, its arrival was far from inconspicuous. The entity's emergence triggered a piercing scream that echoed through the surroundings.


Its sudden appearance was undoubtedly unsettling, especially given its form.

The entity's thoughts turned to the object it had unintentionally dropped. Realizing that the can of fuel was left behind, it extended its long arm back into the darkness of the door, groping around to locate the missing item. The situation had become a bit more complicated than it initially anticipated, but it was determined to retrieve the can before moving forward.

'Found it...' The entity managed to locate the can of fuel in the darkness.


+POV End+





"You forgot your item." The entity held the can at head length to show it to its recent buyer.

That made Takashi sweat drop, as it turns out that he was wrong and the creature was genuine about what it said, right? Still in doubt, though slightly.

As for Rei, her fear still lingered. She cautiously raised her head from Takashi's shoulder to take a peek at the creature.

"It doesn't seem to be a threat from the looks of it, it's alright now." Takashi's reassurance seemed to have a calming effect on Rei, and with his help, she stood up, albeit still feeling shaken by the surreal experience.

Afterward, Takashi approached the tall creature and received the can; Rei watched the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

With the can in hand, Takashi made his way back to where the motorcycle was parked. Popping the lid open, he made sure to carefully pour the gasoline into the motorcycle's tank, ensuring not to spill any.

On the other hand, Rei remained fixated on the enigmatic entity, her curiosity driving her to observe its every move. She couldn't help but wonder about its origins and intentions.

As the store clerk explored its new surroundings, it stumbled upon something hidden behind an ATM. Curious, it moved closer to investigate, unaware of the attention it was receiving from Takashi and Rei.


The sudden sound of metal hitting the concrete ground disrupted the atmosphere around.


All three of them snapped their heads in the direction of the noise, their senses on high alert.

"Fuck! Shit!" A man emerged from his hiding spot, clearly terrified. He sprinted away in panic, glancing over his shoulder to ensure that the peculiar creature wasn't pursuing him.

In his frantic attempt to escape, the man inadvertently collided with an obstacle, causing him to crash onto the pavement. As he struggled to regain his footing, his eyes widened in terror as he found himself face to face with a gruesome and decayed head, its mouth agape in a grotesque display.

"No. No. " Despair filled the man as he realized the grim fate that awaited him. The decaying corpse lunged forward and sank its teeth into the unfortunate victim's exposed neck, causing him to writhe in excruciating pain.

Feeble attempts to escape the relentless grip of the undead proved futile as the horrifying scene unfolded before Takashi, Rei, and the tall attendant.

 "AAAAAAAAGGGHHH! HELGP! GAAAAA!" The man's agonized screams pierced the air as he desperately cried out for help. He exerted every ounce of remaining strength in a futile attempt to force the monstrous corpse away from him, but with each struggle, he only felt more pain.

The decaying creature clung to his flesh, its relentless grip driving the man to the brink of despair.

The horrifying scene didn't go unnoticed, as the man's frantic cries for assistance drew the attention of other nearby undead. They began to converge upon the unfortunate victim, a grotesque horde of flesh-hungry monstrosities descending upon him.

"Please- AAAAAAGH!" The man's desperate pleas for help continued to fill the night; his agonizing screams and cries echoed as he endured the unimaginable pain of being torn apart by the relentless undead.

His tear-filled eyes scanned the vicinity, desperately searching for any savior who might come to his aid, but the horror of his situation only intensified as another chunk of his flesh was ruthlessly bitten.

The ones present were watching as the horror unfolded right in front of them with horrified expressions, except for the entity whose face seemed featureless, no signs of twitching towards the scene at front.

With a sense of urgency, Takashi made a swift decision to take action. He discarded the fuel can and started up the motorcycle, revving the engine to life.

"We have to get the hell out of here! Hop in!" Takashi wasted no time, urging his childhood friend, with Rei seated behind him and securely held onto him.

"We'll meet again." Takashi gave his farewell to the tall figure before he drove away, with some of the undead sluggishly following behind them.

Meanwhile, the entity heard a sound emanating in his pocket. He retrieved the device. It prepared to examine the message or alert it had received.




Loading complete.

Saving current domain...

You have entered a new domain. Would you like to set a checkpoint here?

Yes | No




'A checkpoint? does it mean that I can return here? But how would that work?'

The entity, curious by the prospect of setting a checkpoint, opted to do so by selecting "Yes" in response to the device's prompt. A series of loading screens followed, leading to the creation of a checkpoint in this new domain.

Upon reaching the device's main homepage, it observed three distinct applications in the center, each marked with a unique graphical icon. Additionally, there were a few smaller icons at the bottom, including those representing a wallet, inventory, and inboxes. One of these icons was distinguished by an exclamation mark. Without hesitation, it tapped on the "Task" button.




Current Application(s):

● Appraise.

● Track.

● Task. [ ! ]



Daily tasks:

● Cleaning: -complete-


Clean up at Aisle number 55, 47 and 45


▪︎ 25 SC


● Fill an empty part of the shelf: -complete-


There is a shopping cart with the products in the storage room. Head to aisle 34 and stack up the items in the empty part of the shelf


▪︎25 SC


● Organize aisle: -complete-


Aisle 67 is a mess; it needs a makeover.


▪︎25 SC


● Dummy practice: -incomplete-


Head to the tier-one Dummy room. Practice your attacks on the target for 10 minutes.


▪︎ 25 SC


● Mission(s): [ ! ]



● Corpse Party:


Kill 100 zombies under the set time limit.

Difficulty: ☆☆ | Normal


▪︎ 500 SC

▪︎ New device Function(s).

▪︎ 10 (STR)

▪︎ 10 (STA)

▪︎ A new Title


● Bonus tier 1:


Kill an extra 50.


▪︎ Bronze tier ability/item.


● Bonus tier 2:


Kill an extra 100.


▪︎ Silver tier ability/item.


● Bonus tier 3:


Kill an extra 200.


▪︎ Gold tier ability/item.


Do you wish to accept the mission?...

Yes | No




'A mission? This is the first time I ever received one. Does that mean only in a different world would I receive such tasks?'

Facing this unique opportunity, the entity pondered whether to accept the mission. After a brief moment, it chose to face the challenge and selected "Yes," initiating a countdown on the main screen.
















A raspy growl sounded in front of the store clerk.


The worker looks ahead only to see one of the undead extending its arms to grab onto his figure. He chose to back away a few steps to create a distance between them as the corpse sluggishly approached. He turned off the device and placed it in his pocket.

Willing to test its strength, the entity chose to swiftly pierce its skull with its sharp index


The sound of the skull being pierced with a Crack didn't unnoticed as it drew those nearby and were sluggishly walking towards it.

Seeing the outcome, the entity pulled its finger out, and left the lifeless body fall with a loud thump. The worker studied its finger now blood-ridden state as the fluid dripped down from its tip.


Another nasty growl, though this time it's not only one but a horde.


The tall figure knows what it has to do after its quick examination. It readied its hands and pierced its fingers at the approaching duo

Similar results as both fell after pulling it out of their skull. Now aware that he has a time limit, he didn't stop. The entity continued its fierce assault on the approaching horde of zombies. Its claws moved with precision and speed, slicing through the undead with ruthless efficiency.


The sound of slashing and groans commenced as the number of death tolls began to rack up.


Five... Eight... Sixteen... Its claws dismantled the zombies one by one. Limbs and heads were severed, bodies torn apart, and the ground became littered with the remains of the undead.

Twenty two... Forty five... Sixty seven... The entity's movements were fluid. It knew that time was of the essence, and it had to eliminate as many zombies as possible before the countdown reached its end.

The numbers continued to rise as the entity pressed forward, undeterred by the relentless onslaught. It was a force to be reckoned with, a dark and powerful entity fighting for the goal set in this nightmarish world.


The abrupt halt of a groan as its skull was pierced through.


A swift and precise finger strike pierced the zombie's forehead. Ending the bloodbath, as that was the last of them.

The moonlight cast an eerie glow over the gruesome scene as the entity pulled its sharp, pointy finger out and decided to walk back to the gas station.




Stepping over an eye, it ignores it as the remains stuck to its shoe. Its steps left a trail of red prints on the pavement, evidence of the carnage it had wrought. The entity paid no heed to the gruesome sights and sounds around it.

Arriving at a nearby bench outside the convenience store, the entity took a seat, its attire now thoroughly drenched and stained with bits of gore. Its colorful fabric clothing was now a gruesome mix of colors.


The device dinged in its pockets.


The entity's attention was drawn to the sound originating from the device. It paused momentarily after pulling it out, contemplating the significance of this digital message.

'Before looking over the device, I glanced towards the mass slaughter on the streets. How come I was calm in doing that? I didn't spaz out on the awful gore that I have witnessed. My psyche is perfectly intact.'

The entity proceeded to check on the device, curious about what information or task it might hold.





● Corpse Party: -complete-


Kill 100 zombies under the time limit set.

Difficulty: ☆☆ | Normal

Result(s): 178/100


▪︎ 500 SC

▪︎ New device Function(s).

▪︎ 10 (STR) [ +10 completed first mission bonis]

▪︎ 10 (STA) [ +10 completed first mission bonus]

▪︎ A new Title


● Bonus tier 1:


Kill an extra 50.


▪︎ Bronze tier ability/item.


● Bonus tier 2:


Kill an extra 100.


▪︎ Silver tier ability/item.


● Bonus tier 3:


Kill an extra 200.


▪︎ Gold tier ability/item.


Would you like to cash out the rewards now?

Yes | No




The entity tapped on the button to claim its rewards. As it did, an array of rewards was displayed in the form of cards, each with its own title, description, and attributes.






▪︎ 500 SC added to your virtual wallet.

▪︎ A new function has been added: Extraction (requires a restart)


Able to extract without limits, collect things from the outside world, and store them in your inventory.

▪︎ 20 points (STR) have been applied.

▪︎ 20 points (STA) have been applied.

▪︎ A new Title has been given: Zombie Killer


Deal 50% more damage and critical damage to a zombie. Trigger an aura that would hide you from them.

▪︎ Bonus tier 1: Swiping frenzy. -complete


Your claws are now coated with a magical substance if one's blood were to come in contact with it.

It would randomly choose an attribute from that individual, and the selected attribute would have its stat points slightly reduced and given to the host; the effect is temporary.

- Can't be repeated on the same individual until the effect duration has ended.

- Can stack.

- Duration: 30 minutes for each that is stolen.




As the figure examined its newfound abilities, it couldn't help but wonder about the nature of its existence and the source of these strange powers. The questions continued to pile up, leaving it with a growing sense of curiosity and uncertainty.


The device dinged again with a new notification.





You have met the conditions.

Initiating reset...




The entity pondered the conditions and rewards, trying to make sense of how it had met these criteria. Its memory remained fragmented, leaving it with more questions than answers. As the screen loaded new features and revealed additional conditions




Update Complete.

Fragment tier 1 has been met.

Displaying conditions... Adding new features...


● Reach a total of 100 SC in sales: -complete-


Unlocked virtual store and upgrades section.

● Have at least two buying customers: -complete-


Unlocked Worker application.

● Visit one world: -complete-


Unlocked Portable Doors.

● Complete your first world mission: -complete-


Unlocked attribute application.


Conditions have been met...

Unlocking fragment...






The device fell to the ground as it slipped from the worker's hand. It remained seated, unmoving, and its breathing was stable.


The entity vigorously inhales after what seemed an eternity for itself.


The store clerk shook in its place as it inhaled, sweat forming on his head.

It raised both clawlike hands, head level, inspecting them after a few seconds. The tall attendant had one of its hands wiping the blood off of the name tag, taking a closer look.



The device tinged.




Identity fragment. -complete-




