
The Nephilim's Daughter

Aurelia Hayes had always known herself as an abandoned child, left at the door of an orphanage run by a non profit organization. She was always mocked at in the orphanage for being the only girl there, but she strives hard and earns herself the reputation of being the toughest one amongst her peers. Every year when a child turned 16, they would be taken abroad to train for two years before they would venture into the society and earn their livelihood, but where they were taken to train or where they were employed, no one knew, except the elders of the organization. Aurelia turns 16 in a few days and she can't wait to get trained and face the real world,travel around and find out who she really is and who her parents were. On her 16th birthday, she finally gets the chance to step out for the training but what she had expected about the training is much too different than what she faces, as she steps into a completely different world with nephilims and fallen angels.

Mandy29 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 9

"You're angels?Is Mr. Turner an angel as well? And what about the other elders?Are they angels as well?",I fired my questions at them. Ever since I met them, I seemed to have become a question box, firing questions about every bit I was learning about them and about me.

Raphael chuckled at my questions and turned to Raguel and said,"You've got yourself a curious one here."

He then turned to me and, with his silver eyes boring into my plain brown eyes, he said,"No, they're not angels. They're all nephilims, but they have given their allegiance to fight against the fallen brothers and their army of nephilims."

'The fallen brothers',he had said and I wondered if he meant Lucifer and his group of other fallen angels. Were they then the good angels sent to destroy the bad ones?

While his answer brought some clarity about who they were, I still wasn't sure about a lot of things,and that included things about me and what nephilims were really.

I had long heard about Lucifer, the fallen angel, who brought sin to this world, but I wondered if there were good nephilims and bad nephilims as well, just as good people and bad people?

Out of curiosity, I asked Raphael again,since he seemed to be better in conversing,"Are nephilims offsprings of humans and angels?"

He nodded a yes and I wondered which one of my parents was an angel.

But I recalled Raguel say that I was different from the rest of them, so that made me curious again and I wondered why he said that I was different from the others.

"Am I a nephilim as well?",I asked him again, not able to get over my curiosity.

This time, he didn't answer me directly and looked at Raguel instead. I turned my attention towards Raguel as well, and he simply said to Raphael,"You didn't tell us why you came here to find us."

At that Raphael seemed serious as he replied,"The nephilims led by Ariel seems to be killing off the fallen brothers. It seems like they have sworn to kill off all angels, irrespective of whether they're the fallen ones or .."

"Us",Raguel completed his sentence. I was astonished to hear Ariel's name being mentioned in their conversation and wondered if it was the same Ariel, whose journal, Odin and I, had found.

"Is this Ariel you mention, Ariel Bennet?",I asked Raphael, and he replied with a nod and said,"Yes, its her. But how do you know about her?"

I knew there was no need to lie or hide, so I said,"Odin and I found her journal, and that's where I learnt about nephilims."

At least, my curiosity about Ariel's gender was solved, but I wondered how she could gain so much power to recruit other nephilims and kill off angels.

Didn't Raguel tell me that I couldn't develop my powers because of my emotions? But it was apparently different for Ariel as she clearly wrote in her journal that she channeled her anger into her power. And how did she grow so strong to kill off angels?

After trying to feed my curiosity with my own rationale failed so badly, I asked Raphael,"Are nephilims more powerful than angels? And can we really not channel our anger or other emotions to feed our power?"

Raphael seemed to consider my question as he answered,"Nephilims are as strong as angels, but not stronger. However, if one angel is faced by a hundred nephilims, who do you think has better odds at winning?"

"As for your second question",he said looking at me,"Emotions aren't always a good source to channel your power from. Its like what they say about drugs, you get hooked to it, and you forget all rationale as it makes you dependent on it for survival."

I seemed to understand what he was trying to say. Ariel had channeled her power from her anger, and in order to get more power, she had let herself be consumed with more anger until, nothing in her life would give her peace. All she would need would be anger that would give her more power.

"I see",I simply said and nodded in understanding. I didn't want to become someone driven by hate and anger, and had to do as I was told by Raguel, let go of my pride and forgive my parents.

But didn't Mr. Turner tell Raguel that he had to let go of his emotions as well? Was his abilities restricted by his emotions as well?

I looked at Raguel, who was now discussing with Raphael, about the fight between Ariel's nephilims and the fallen angel that was killed.

I tried listening to their conversation, but no matter how hard I did,I couldn't hear a word from their conversation. It was like an invisible barrier was blocking me from prying into whatever it was that they were talking about.

Since all my efforts at listening to their conversation were proving to be futile, I decided to do something more productive and medidate.

I sat down and crossed my legs, and tried to let go of my emotions, my feelings of despair at the thought of my parents abandoning me and all the bullying I had faced growing, but for the life of me, I couldn't clear my mind of all the raging emotions that were in me.

My thoughts raced from my life in the orphanage, getting bullied by Hector and his friends, to learning about nephilims and angels. All of the thoughts were making it hard for me to medidate, as whatever I had learnt about medidation was to clear one's mind of all sorts of thoughts, but right now, my mind was anything but that.

I knew that I couldn't shake off my thoughts so I decided to deal with my issues one thought at a time.

I conjured up images of my parents, and reasoned that they might have faced unforeseen troubles ,like how Ariel was killing angels, and had to put me in the orphanage to protect me, which made it easier for me to somehow forgive them.

I held on to my pendant, and found peace, believing in my own reasoning that my parents, whoever they were, only wanted the best for me, and did what they could, to protect me.

I let out a breath and opened my eyes, and was surprised to find that there were tears in my eyes. I wiped them off and went to where Raphael and Raguel sat, waiting for me.