
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · ファンタジー
89 Chs

82 - New Equipment & Abilities

The two quietly made their way over to the cafeteria to grab breakfast before heading off to the field.

Deciding on a quick a easy few wraps to be breakfast, they ate as the enjoyed the scenery of the academy grounds.

"You know what, mmHg these red chicken wraps are actually quite nice, yeah a little spicy but still great." Michael said stuffing his face full.

Victor only nodded agreeing with him, as he took another bite of his own wrap.

As they had gotten up a bit late other students where already on their way to do their own things, making the campus full of lively people and noise.

"Man seeing all these people with mounts, just makes me jealous of them." Michael said as a green and black leopard with a person ridding it bolted past them.

"Yell we can see about getting one after we've gotten enough points to buy one or we could just unlock that skill of yours." Victor said finding another thing he agreed with.

As it would be nice to have a summon or pet that he could ride or travel on, just the convenience of it would be a huge game changer.

Take just the academy grounds, the travel time straight through the middle to the other side of the campus is about an 1 and a half walk, and that's if you could walk through the middle of the campus which you couldn't.

Arriving at the Training ground, several large halls sat close together with three large fields for different purposes sat near the halls.

Each of the halls were for a different purpose to do with training, from physical to magical.

Even though they both wanted to go and check out each of the halls, they knew they couldn't.

So instead of placing their attention on such useless stuff they went right over to one of the large fields were other people were already training.

The field Victor picked was for an open area where you could practice your abilities for free.

"Ok, so here's all of your new equipment and skills from the auction, now remember our goal is to get used to them, not to go overboard." Victor said as he started to hand over Michael's stuff.

Michael excitedly took over his things as he used each skill book straight away.

Learning double Slash, Stab and Quick Slash. One right after the other, as for the two class skills, well they each got one each.

Seeing him finish, Victor started taking out Michael's new equipment, a shield, armour and finally a sword.

All to replace his old damaged equipment, seeing Michael began to put it on, Victor also put on his new gear.

(I'll put a auxiliary chapter soon with all equipment info :)

"Oo, we're both now looking snazzy!" Michael said as he wrapped his arms around Victor.

Not minding his words, Victor did notice that unknownly their new equipment actually matched together with a similar style.

Moving his attention back to what his goal was today, Victor summoned his Grimoire before letting it absorb all seven new spells he brought.

"Come forth..." Victor turned his attention to his next goal, using his mana he summoned all of his weak Skeletons.

"Why are you summon the little guys?" Michael asked seeing all of the weak little skeletons.

"Well you're going to need at physical target to get a hang of your new abilities, the weak Skeletons are perfect for that, as if you don't destroy them I can just repair them." Victor explained.

"Huh? But isn't there supposed to be targets and dummies for use to practice with?" Michael asked once more unsure.

"Well of course there are, it's just they're all in one of those halls over there, the ones we can't currently enter." Victor gestured over to halls as he answered.

"Oh right, so I just can't kill them right?" Michael asked once more as he suddenly felt the rush of excitement from using new stuff.

"Yeah, but first test them without the skeletons." Victor wanted to see each skill first.

"Alright, I'll start with double Slash, then I'll use Stab, with Quick Slash being last." Michael took a few steps back before unsheathing his new black sword.

Entering into an attack stance, Michael took a hard step forwards as he slashed while he used his new skill.

= Double Slash =

A faint Phantom of his blade followed his sword as it slashed, the phantom was a second attack made from mana, that dealt magic damage too the target.

Overall it was an incredible attack to suprise while dealing a powerful blow.

"Hmm, not bad it's actually great for fighting against targets with powerful armour or for putting more pressure on an enemy." Michael said to himself as he remembered the feeling of using it.

"Alright next!" Michael said as he entered a defensive stance with his new shield in front on him, he pulled his sword back as his arm grew taught with power.

= Stab =

Activating his next skill mana flowed into his arm and sword, to the tip of the blade. His arm shot forth like a spring, the top of his sword cut right through the air without any resistance before stopping only because he had fully extended his arm.

"Whistle, if I had this against that tough nut, then I would have been able to penetrate his armour without any help." Stars shown in his gaze as he excitedly cheered.

Without any hesitation he immediately used his next and final new skill Quick Slash.

Upon use Michael felt mana spread into his arm and blade once more, only this time his sword got the slightest bit lighter and his swinging spread increased, other than this it was no different from a regular slash only less powerful.

"Hmm." Feeling the slight changes in his slash, Michael frowned in thought on how this skill would fit into his combat style.

Yes having a fast attack is useful but it doesn't fit him, but at least he has it if needed.

"Go on then try them out on a target." Victor seeing him finish trying out his new skills gestured towards the line of weak Skeletons.

That was all he needed to hear, Michael immediately entered into his battle stance as 15 skeletons charged towards him wobbly.

Smirking Michael slammed his shield into the first before following up with a Double Slash on the next two.

His sword cut right through the spine and rib cage of the first before the next skeleton was cut in two by the second phantom blade.

Not pausing even for a second his third attack came, pulling his blade back like a spring, Michael pushed forwards with extreme speed and power stabbing another skeleton right through its spine.

His sword lodged into the bone before he twisted the handle, as the skeletons spine crumbled into pieces.

Feeling danger from behind, Michael spun around as he used Quick Slash too stop his ambusha.

Victor stood aside controling his skeletons, as he tried to put as much pressure on Michael as possible.

Seeing that Michael was decimating the skeletons without much issues, Victor couldn't help but realise how weak his summons were once more.

When Michael had finally disabled the last skeleton, he couldn't help but breath tiredly, after all even though he could take down one with a single swing, Victor didn't make it easy.

This wasn't just training for him but also Victor, as his control increased so too did his strength.

"Oh ah, ok... It's your turn to try out spells." Michael breathing was slightly uneven, as Victor would repair all of the damage he did basically making it so an infinite swam of bones.

But if it was a real fight then it would have gone completely differently, after all Michael was only allowed to damage them not kill.

"Have you forgotten, I can't learn spells like everyone else. And I don't have enough souls to learn anymore as I'm using them to evolve my familiar." Victor explained as he once more summoned his Grimoire only this time to begin the evolution.

Skelly appeared before looking around confused with a slack jaw bone.

"Ok now all that's left is to inject the required souls to start the evolution."

His Girmoire automatically opened to the right page by itself as it floated in front of him.

[ Skeleton Soldier - Combatibility Superior ]

| Skeleton Soldiers is one of first advancements of a normal skeleton, giving it combat abilities and also increasing its stats and allowing it to learn combat skills |

• Requirements to Evolve: Max Lvl (10), have Slash Ability, get 50 kills with Slash 50/50 •

Victor placed his hand upon his little summon before closing his eyes and concentrating.

Slowly he felt a strange energy flow through his body before leaving through his hand, a strange sense of lose grew with each strand injected.

Once he newly used up all of his accumulated souls, Victor opened his eyes and took a few steps back.

Immediately after flames matching the Girmoire spread along the ground around little Skelly.

Quickly a circle was made before the flames started to travel along inside the circle creating lines and patterns.

Coming together to create a magic formation, skelly suddenly dropped his sword to the ground where it was immediately melted by the flames, turning into ash.

A dark sticky fog started to travel up Skelly's boney legs, quickly covering his whole body..

(Sorry for the huge delay but I'm back baby!)