
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · ファンタジー
89 Chs

35 - Combat Exam 2

Victor was sitting down on a bolder as he commanded his skeletons.

So far he been using his Summons to bring over and kill monsters but he noticed that the more his new familiar fought the same type of enemy the fast it got.

At first it wasn't noticeable but after it killed the 20th rabbit Victor noticed that it started to change its method of attack.

Of course the change wasn't big and there still are a huge amount of faults that even a beginner wouldn't make but it showed promise.

"Maybe I need a stronger foe for it.." Victor changed his previous plans of having it fight weaker monster or just give it the kill but instead had the thought that fighting an opponent stronger than it might improve it quicker.

"But what would be a good opponent.... let's go with a fox to push it over the limit, even though it will not be the fox's opponent this could be a good opportunity to know it's limits." Victor thought to himself outloud before using his skeletons to find than draw over a low level fox.

"That one will work.." After finding a level 3 green fox, Victor set up the area he was in for the battle by surrounding it with his skeletons but keeping the rat and wolf next to himself in case.

Even though he could easily kill the fox that didn't mean that there wasn't other monster ready to attack it himself.

"Ok kill that fox." Victor pointed at the fox that was just tricked into the encirclement.

Without any hesitation the skeleton ran forwards... well more walked but that didn't matter.

Seeing a new opponent the fox bent down putting power into its legs getting ready to pounce.

And just as expected the skeleton was far too slow to react as the fox pounced pushing it onto the ground.

Victor who was watching closely could see that his familiar's bones chipped and cracked from the impact of the force of hitting the ground.

"It's bones shouldn't be that brittle." Victor's eyes narrowed at this as he felt that this wasn't going as well as he thought.

Victor watch on as the fox started to claw and bite away at the skeleton, the skeleton tried to fight back but the disparity in strength was to much to over come without any technique.

So it didn't amount to much other than so struggling.

"Crack." The damage increased as it's bones cracked before finally a rib was broken off.

"Sigh I guess it's too weak." Victor's words seemed to ignite something within the undead.

As in the next second it's soul flame increased in brightness slightly before it grabbed a nearby rock.

"Whimper!" The fox whimpered in pain as the side of its head was smashed by the rock.

Fox fell over as it was stunned by the pain becoming dizzy, the familiar used this opportunity to get up off the ground.

But it did something that made Victor frown, it dropped the rock before picking up it's broken rib.

It's next actions suprised Victor as it walked over to the Fox who had recovered.

Instead of rushing in once more the skeleton slowly walked over as it's body shook because of the large amount of cracks running through it's body.

The fox seeing it's prey weakened pounced once more.

But unexpected by both the fox and Victor the undead familiar used this to its advantage or it was just lucky.

As it raised it's broken rib like a sword and stabbed forwards into the fox's mouth.

It was too late for the fox to react and it couldn't doge in mid air.

The sound of bones falling spend as the the familiar broke apart from the force of the fox hitting it.

Movement came from the conclusion but it wasn't the fox but instead the bones on the ground trying to rebuild itself.

"Hmm now you an interesting little guy aren't you." Victor amused as he picked up the skull and looked at his somehow successful familiar.

The skull looked back at its master and it's jaw opened and closed making a funny picture.

"Well it would seem that you have some connection to the sword, so why don't we get you one. In the meantime you can use this." Victor placed the skull onto the pile of bones while sending his mana to speed up the process.

Than he pulled out a long dagger and handed it too the rebuilt skeleton.

"I do wonder if this will work and if so than I'll have too experiment later." Victor muttered to himself as he watch his familiar look at it's new weapon.

"Well let's get you used to using a weapon." From there Victor proceeded to have his familiar fight against all sorts of monsters with the long dagger as if it was a sword.

And it did improve, yes it was bearly noticeable at first and it did continue to use its new weapon incorrectly, but Victor just attributed it to not being an actual sword.

Overall Victor's performance and actions were just too easy, which caused his score to grow quickly, although not as fast as those teams going into dungeons it still was fast especially considering it was only him.

But it still didn't catch the attention of anyone watching, feeling that this was enough and that he needed a sword, Victor started planning to go dungeon diving.

Meanwhile inside of the city, parents sat in excitement or embarrassment as they watched their children under going the exam.

"There doing very well this year." The teachers were talking amongst themselves either barging or complimenting each other.

Overall the atmosphere was a mostly joyful one, bar a few students but they all knew that the real test hadn't began yet.

However their joyful conversations were rudely interrupted by a man with in an unbuttoned shirt.

"They're not very impressive, I got sent all the way out here to watch over this? What waste of my time." His rude voice upset the teachers, as they worked hard raising and teaching their students.

And for a guest to insult not only them but also the hard work of their students, without any regard, hell he wasn't even watching most of the time instead he was drinking or looking at the female staff with a lustful gaze.

"Now Jin even though your right you shouldn't say it outloud." The female guest sitting next too him said, never once looking away from her phone.

"Racy you should be watching the excitement of the exam and not be on your phone." Jin smirked as he snickered.

"Now I would but what I'm currently doing is much more important than watching a bunch of talentless brats." The women Racy said, her voice full of ridicule.

The teachers held their words as anger filled them but they felt more ashamed than anything, as they couldn't even defend their students.

Jin knew their thoughts but he didn't care instead he enjoyed it as the three of them sat there and insulted the people who lived here.

But none of this mattered too them as for one, they've never been to this city before or have any respect for anyone here.

As these three guests actually aren't important, have any real power or status, and for this reason they got stuck with the task of coming to Flora City.

To oversee the exam and to make sure that they represent the academy they work for, while also making sure too recruit talented children.

Every year the government gives every Academy in the Empire a list of mandatory schools they have to send representatives across the Empire.

Of course they can still send representatives to other cities to recruit new students.

So when the four representatives academies got their required list and knew that they had to send someone too Flora City, they sent someone unimportant.

And unfortunately for these teachers and other guests, these four were incredibly rude, they used their organisations power and status as if it was their own without any regard.

Normally a representative would never act in such a manner as they represent the organisation they're apart of.

And if someone did act like these three then it would be reported and the respective organisation would take action inorder to avoid punishment from the government and harming their reputations

As Academies place a heavy wieght and impotence upon their reputations, as though their reputations they have a higher chance of recruiting talented students or teachers.

Which in turn allow for the school to have better results and higher ranking, which likewise increases the amount of funding and resources the school receive.

But three of these four just so happened to have never been given this task before and likewise have lost all sense of thought as a false sense of power had overtaken them.

That contained with the fact that they were stronger than everyone else present, reinforced and increased their delusions.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to report my mission completion, I didn't miss anything right?" A soft enchanting voice interrupted the terrible atmosphere.

A women wearing light blue jeans and a light blue shirt walked over to the private sitting area.

The Principal looked over and became unsure, as he didn't have any recollection of this woman.

"Umm you are?" He asked seeing her take an empty seat, but when he and the other teachers saw where she sat.

Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, as that spot was left empty at the request of Racy, so as too separate herself from "The worthless".

"Who the hell are you?" Racy who had not once looked up from her phone finally did, when she noticed that someone had sat down next to her.

Placing her dink down on the table too her left in-between her and Jin, Racy sight a gaze full of disgust and annoyance.

Especially when she saw that the person was so much more beautiful than her, without any makeup on unlike her who had too much on.

"Oh it's nice to meet you I'm Violet Wise, I'm here to watch my nephew and cousin take their exam. I hope I haven't missed anything." Violet answered with a kind bright smile before turning her attention back to the huge magic screen.