
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · ファンタジー
89 Chs

13 - Chance Trial & New Summon

Michael and Victor's vision cleared up after entering the Dungeon.

"Ah man that was close." Victor complained as the item in his hand disappeared into thin air.

"Why did we run?" Michael asked Victor who was still sorting his backpack back into the order he had it earlier, not looking up.

"Because if they caught up to us, we can't fight back against such a large group and if they stop us from advancing combined with us all ready being behind schedule, so we had no choice but to leave quickly" Victor explained why they had to stay away from that group.

"Ha.. By the way didn't you say this Dungeon only has a Forest and Cave area?" Michael asked curiously while looking around.

"Yeah, why...?" Victor asked looking up in confusion but froze when he saw their surroundings.

Instead of being in a forest they were on a small floating platform, with hundreds of other floating platforms along with other groups of people all floating over a void full of fire, tornadoes and fire tornadoes.

Likewise the people on the other platforms were also confused or frightened by the current change.

"Hey, I thought you said that normal Dungeons can't have multiple parties in the same raid?" Michael asked looking at all the different people.

"No you can't... but this isn't a Dungeon... It's a Trial.." Victor said looking around for clues and trying to recall all of the things he has learnt about Trials.

"Oh, so it's a Trial! Then there should be tons of treasure! Magic weapons, armor, Skill books, potions, pills, materials and even inheritances!" Michael got super excited just at the thought of all the different riches.

"Yeah, but you're forgetting that they are as dangerous and as hard as there is treasure." Victor reminded as he put his backpack back on.

"And what makes this even worse is that this is a Chance Trial so there is only 4 ways for anyone to leave." Victor said as he looked to all the other people who had realized this and were shaking in despair or reluctance.

"Oh what are they?" Michael asked not really concerned causing Victor to sigh and explain.

"Sigh, well first is that either you get to a certain point that allows you to leave or you clear the Trial." Victor spoke with a serious face as this is by no means a easy task.

"Second someone else clears the Trial allowing everyone to leave." Michael nodded his head at this beginning to understand why Victor was so serious.

"Third you use a escape scroll to leave the Trial but this doesn't always work as the Trial's difficulty will effect what Tier of Magic Scroll you need. But even then some Trials don't allow you to leave without clearing it." Victor spoke as he slightly rubbed the small silver ring on his left ring finger.

"What's the last?" Michael asked as he walked to the edge to look down into the harsh void surging with fire and wind chaotic Mana.

"Well... That's to quite simply die.." Victor answered in a lower voice as he looked over at a team of veteran adventures who had despair plastered on their faces.

All around people had different reactions to appearing in this Trial, from conference, excitement, fear, despair, greed and confusion.

"oh.... So which one are we going for?" Michael asked like the last way wasn't even a option.

"Well looking around there are only a few more platforms left to be filled before the Trial starts. But our question should be what will the tests and trials be?" Victor said preparing himself.

[ Trial of Fire & Wind ]

Words appeared high up in the air attracting everyone's attention to these bright golden words.

"Oh, it's starting." Michael said in interest.

A portal appeared on each platform leading to the first challenge.

"We can't pass this! We're only high school students!" A young girl who just got her class panicked after knowing that this was a Trial.

"Y-Yeah, let's just wait for someone else to clear it." Another member of her group agreed clearly in shock.

"Don't you want to try, after all even if we only get to a check point we still get awesome rewards." One the boys said with eyes full of greed.

"O-ok l-let's give it a go..." The first girl agreed as greed over took her as well.

Looking over Michael pointed at them as he could hear their conversation as they were the closest platform to them.

"Do you reckon they'll be fine? After all that's not the best mindset, letting your greed take over." Michael asked causing Victor to give him a weird look, as if he didn't want to waste all of their money in his greed for a stupid sword.

Shaking his head Victor walked over to the portal.

"Come on we can get though this, we just have to work together and we should be fine." Victor entered the portal with Michael.

Opening his eyes Victor found himself in a fiery world full of hot flames and strong winds.

[ First Trial - Fiery Rise ]

Fiery words appeared up in the air singling the start of the first challenge.

"Ok judging by the title of the challenge it has something to do with fire." Victor spoke as he tried to think of what the challenge will be.

"It's that obvious? After all we're surrounded by fire and lava." Michael japed at Victor's thoughts causing Victor to hit him on his helmet with his staff.

"Oww, oww" Michael rubbed his helmet like Victor actually hit his head.

"Now let's get moving and pay attention to our surroundings after all we don't know what could be around us." Victor spoke as a dark purple magic circle appeared on the ground as the ten Skeletons were resummoned.

Thinking back to his new Summon, he tried it as well to check it out and see how useful it will be.

Another Magic Circle appeared before disappearing as the ground where the summoning took place began to be pushed up as a Wolf skull pushed out followed by the rest of it's body.

| Summon Skeleton Wolf (Level 1) 1/1: Summon a Skeleton Wolf (Ungraded) to fight in your stead or too do your bidding, after being summoned the Skeleton Wolf can be stored and resummoned for free. The Skeleton Wolfs strength is affected by the summoners intelligent/skill level and the max stored amount by the level of the skill |

[Weak Skeleton Wolf - Lvl 1]


| Constitution - 5 |

| Strength - 5 |

| Agility - 6 |

| Intelligence - 1 |

| Spirit - 1 |

[Skills: Wolf Pack (Lvl 1) ]

| Wolf Pack (Level 1): When 3 or more Skeleton Wolfs are in a pack, they all get a bonus of 0.5 intelligence and 0.5 Agility for every Wolf (Max 3 Wolfs), in a pack the Wolfs will work together to fight, track and hunt improving their combat ability and teamwork |

[Traits: Undead Creature (Max), Blessing of Undeath (Max), Bone Undead (Max) ]

The Skeleton Wolf was 1.2 meters long (4 feet) from it's done tail to it's teeth and 66cm tall. It's two sinister Soul Fire eyes gave of a much colder air then the Weak Skeletons, along with it's slight bloodlust and smell of death coming from it's mouth it could scare any new adventures or students.

A body made completely of bones it was unlike any other creature, as it's white bones gave a chilly touch and unlike the Skeletons it's bones were not moving around like they were barely holding together.

But had a feeling of strength with the only constant moving parts being it's ears and tail.

There was a slight intelligence in those two soul flames as it looked around slightly as if looking for any living being but as it set it's eyes upon Victor it's two ears made of bone shot up before coming over and laying down at Victor's feet.

Not expecting this Victor crouch down and touch the Skeleton Wolf's body and head feeling it's smooth cold bones and looking over at it's bones connected to it's spine.

"No way! I thought all of your early summons would be trash but who cares this little guy looks like it just walk out of a freaking cemetery! It's so cool!" Michael ran over upon seeing this awesome summon, wishing he had one of his own.