
The Nameless Boy Reincarnated into a Novel

There was a Nameless boy who didn't have parents and lived his life on the streets, he never had anyone to share his grief or problems with. To survive he had to steal the food and be beaten by the people if he caught it. This was the life of this Nameless boy, then one day a book fell on the boy, the boy was somehow able to read the book and he read the book. The book was about a young boy and how he became a hero and save the world from many threats. The nameless boy finds joy for the first time in his life, learn the emotions, companionship, love, care, hate, liar, evil, betrayed, and many things he might not had felt if he wasn't able to read the book. Then he reincarnated into this book as a minor character. ---- Important: The MC is not evil; he is a good person who forgives others because mistakes happen. Yes, people make mistakes, and it's okay to forgive them. Mistakes happen once, but the next time it's a choice or laziness in correcting their mistakes. The MC will forgive a mistake once but not a second time. Another thing, aside from some characters, the MC loves all the characters in the novel because they gave him hope to live. He will try to save these characters and make them happy because they made him happy. However, in saving or making these characters happy, he won't do anything that sacrifices his own happiness. 1. No NTR. 2. No Yuri in MC's Harem, but outside of MC's Harem has Yuri. 3. MC will get his first girlfriend after his first year academy. 4. There is a very low amount of smut chapters since this novel focus is more on MC and his friends journey. 5. This novel is at a slow pace since I'm writing many characters's journey together. 6. I didn't decide an exact number of harem members MC will have but all harem members love MC because of valid reason. These harem members have their own ambition and to fulfill their ambition they don't mind getting separated from MC for a long time to go on their own journey to fulfill their ambitions. However, they never ever will cheat on MC, nor will they think about it.

_Er · 都市
109 Chs

First Day at S-Class

As I enter the class, I see 13 students; I'm the last one to enter. I notice some of the students' eyes moving towards me for a moment before they return to what they're doing.

I look around and see Ava; she isn't surprised by my arrival. I scan the classroom and find an empty seat.

I walk over and sit down. My heart is beating wildly, and I don't know what to do because a girl I love from this series is sitting beside me.

She's sitting with a straight posture, wearing a dark dress and dark, long hair with a long bang covering one of her orange eyes. She seems quite reserved.

"Hey, I'm Devin Ford," I say to her, trying to control my shaking hand as I extend it.

She looks up at me, then at my hand, and with a bit of shyness in her voice, she responds, "I'm Yumi." She holds my hand and gives it a gentle shake. Her hand feels soft and warm. I smile at her, causing her to blush.

Yumi is a girl with no friends, and I don't think she's had much interaction with the opposite gender in her life, so my speaking with her and taking the initiative might be a bit overwhelming for her.

After introducing myself to her, I refrain from saying anything else. I need to find a topic that will help her speak openly. I know there are many things she'll like in the future, but for now, I'm aware that she's a shy person who won't initiate a conversation on her own.

Starting a conversation with her would likely end in just a few seconds, so I need to wait before attempting a proper conversation. My goal is to become her friend and have our relationship go beyond mere friendship. I smile as I think about this, and after a while, the classroom door opens, and someone walks in.

I look at this person, and my eyes widen in surprise. This person is a man, a man with such a handsome face that it's hard to believe someone like him exists in this world. He's wearing a simple, plain robe that somehow makes him look even more handsome.

I'm surprised by his appearance, but what shocks me even more is that I met this man a week ago. That night, he lost all his clothes to gambling.

I never expected that the gambler was Raiden, the strongest human in the world, who would later become the master of Elmer. Although, instead of a master, he would take on more of a big brother role for Elmer.

In the novel, it was mentioned that Raiden used to be a gambler, but after starting as a teacher at the academy, he quit gambling. So, I guess he quit gambling altogether.

"Hello, everyone. It seems everyone is doing well. Okay, let me do my introduction. I'm Raiden, your teacher for the next three years of this academy," he says.

Then his gaze comes over mine and then at Ava. "However, before we start class, I have something to say about one of our friends, Devin Ford. Many of you must have heard a rumor that Devin raped a girl, and that girl committed suicide. As your teacher, I did research and these rumors are false. Devin is still a virgin; he might not even have seen a girl naked, so raping a girl... Well, you can understand that much.

I dig even more about this, wondering why such rumors spread," Raiden casually walks into the classroom, coming to Ava's desk. He stops for a while before he begins to walk again. "After some digging, I learned that our friend Devin might not be a murderer, but he seems to be a stalker and attempted rape but failed miserably. The girl Devin stalked was Ava, and he attempted to rape her, but Ava sent him flying away, so nothing happened. Ava is also in this class with us, our other friend."

Raiden turns and looks at Ava. "Ava, will you tell us, did Devin stalk you and also attempt rape?"

"Of course, he did," Ava says.

"As you can see, but we shouldn't blindly trust Ava's words. Words are something that humans create in a way that benefits the person who speaks them. So, we also have to hear Devin's words. Devin, do you want to say something?" Raiden smiles as he looks at me.

"I stalked her, and it's true, but the rape attempt is an illusion," I say.

"Hm, now that you've both spoken, what's the truth? We don't know, and there's no way to know. The only way to settle this matter is through a battle. After a year, there will be an annual battle. In that battle, whoever wins will be the right one. If Ava wins, then Devin will be expelled from the S Class. And if Devin wins, then Ava will be expelled. Do you two understand this?"

Raiden looks at me and Ava, asking us.

"It's okay. I will defeat him, then I won't have to look at him anymore," Ava says confidently.

"I'm okay," I shrug my shoulders and say.

Since I know that even though Raiden says he will expel one of them, I know he's not going to do such a thing. But it doesn't mean that I won't give my best. I will do my best to defeat her.

"Okay, this matter is settled. We are going to do some hand-to-hand combat. Everyone makes a team of two and comes outside," the teacher says and leaves.

I sigh; now that the teacher said something like this about me in the whole class, I doubt I'm going to team with someone.

"Um... Devin... want to team up with me?"

I hear a small and meek voice; I see this voice is Yumi. I smile at her and ask, "Do you trust me? Don't you think that I did something bad?"

"My intuition... tells me you're a good guy," She says with a blush.

"Thank you." I say to her, and we team up for today.

I forget that Yumi trusts her intuition the most, and her intuition always is the correct one. I'm glad that the girl I love didn't think badly about me and trusts me.


After classes end, I go back home. In the class, I look at all those 13 statuses, and I'm the weakest one out of them.

"I know that I'm weak, but I still feel bad," I say and kick the rock in the way. "I have to train hard and catch up with them as fast as I can."

I say to myself before I reach back home. I get into the house and see Aunt Emily lying on the sofa, eating chips as she watches the TV.

I tilt my head as I thought of something I didn't think before: where did the money come from?

This house is big, with the latest facilities and everything. Aunt Evelyn stays at home all day, and Aunt Emily also stays at home. So where does this money come from?

I cross out Aunt Evelyn's husband; he can't let anyone see his relationship with Aunt Evelyn. Even in a secret way, he won't send money to Aunt. I doubt they even talk to each other. Other than some important matters, they might not talk to each other.

That's not what I need to think about right now; what I need to consider is where the money came from.

"Dev, welcome back."

Aunt Emily notices me and says.

I smile at her, walk to the sofa, and sit there.

"By the way, did you know why you're in the S Class?" Aunt Emily asks.

"Yes, I know."

Actually, I was thinking about future events and all of that. I forgot about how a person gets into the S Class.

"I spoke with the teacher, and he said that it's his intuition. He said that his intuition tells him that I have great potential, so he placed me in the S Class."

In the history of the academy, there was never a time when more than 5 students were able to get into the S Class. This is because all teachers from before just see the status of what students are at their current age and look at some past events to predict students' potential, while Raiden believes in his intuition.

Because of this judgment, he is able to find potential students who really have potential. Just like me, my current rank is lower than the school's average, and there are no achievements in my past, but he says I have potential, which is true.

"Although eating those ten Mana Pills and bathing in Spring Water will increase your potential, I didn't think it is so much that it places you in the S Class, catching the eyes of the world's strongest." Aunt Emily mutters, shocked by this.

"Where is Aunt Evelyn?" I ask. I want to tell my experience of the first day and also want to know something that will help me make friends with a girl.

"Oh, she went out to get groceries. Tell me more about your day," Aunt Emily switches off the TV and asks.

Well, since Aunt Evelyn is not here, let's tell Aunt Emily first.

At first, I was going to introduce everyone in this chapter, but then I decided to introduce all of them one by one.

So for the first, we are going with Raiden, the world's strongest human.

The next chapter is going to be about him, and just like him all 13 students are going to have some chapters and a small arc about them.

Of course, Ava, Eri, and Elmer are also going to have a small arc to properly introduce them.

Even if you don't want to, Ava is a girl that is important to the story.

_Ercreators' thoughts