
The Mystery of the Moonlight Transformation into a Wolf

The story takes place in an environment that has transformed from an ordinary world into an environment full of strange events. The protagonist Ye Sha, an ordinary fitness instructor, encountered a terrifying monster attack on a night full of strange events. At the critical moment of life and death, he accidentally turned into a werewolf after being illuminated by the moonlight, thus gaining the ability to protect himself. The beginning of the novel describes a turbulent world in which the news constantly reports various strange events, such as pupilless children, bloody hounds, etc. After experiencing horrific incidents one after another, Ye Sha gradually adapted to his new werewolf identity and began to look for a way to survive. He not only has to deal with strange threats from the outside world, but also faces the psychological and physical challenges brought about by his own identity changes.

Xinhe_Wang · SF
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Cut off the strange situation

Finally escaping from the scary gym, Ye Sha saw the hot sun. This time, he no longer disliked the scorching sun, but felt warmer.

Although he has a werewolf body, he is strange and ever-changing, and his killing methods are endless. For example, the weird old man died suddenly after just one look at him, even if Ye Sha was a Wolverine. Because after resurrecting, he died again after a quick glance, which directly caused a BUG!

This commercial building is already full of police officers, all of whom are on alert with their guns loaded.

Even though they were very close, there was no timely support. It was not because they were delaying, but because the floor of the gym was shrouded in a strange black mist and they couldn't get in!

Seeing people fleeing one after another, the police became vigilant and did not go up to ask questions in time. Instead, they asked them to stay in one area to rest, mainly because they were afraid that the strange people would follow them.

 After all, this world is full of strange things, so be careful in everything!

 "Boss, it's okay. We survived!"

I saw Liu Yuning in a daze, staring at her gym without saying a word. Ye Sha comforted him. He didn't know that Boss Liu was frightened by the weirdness? Or are you worried that no one will come to your gym?

 "Yesha, thank you!"

Liu Yuning came back to her senses and hugged the man next to her excitedly. She knew that everyone was saved by Ye Sha!

Ye Sha was hugged by the hot beauty, and he didn't dare to move. He smelled the nice sports perfume and felt the hot body. His shameful feeling came again!


Liu Yuning was about to speak, but she felt a strange temperature. She immediately understood the reason, but deliberately hugged her tighter, making the little man in her arms breathe faster.

"No... don't... be so tight..." Ye Sha said with difficulty, resisting the werewolf's desire.

 "Hmph, little rascal! I'll let you go."

Hearing that Ye Sha's voice was trembling, Liu Yuning let go of her hand, her beautiful face couldn't help but blush a little, and she said angrily.

Ye Sha quickly turned her back, her mind crazily recalling the "beauty" of Sister Feng and Ruhua, and then she suppressed her desire.

 The black fog outside the gym gradually dissipated, and the weird guy disguised as a fitness instructor should have slipped away!

The police formed columns and advanced into the building in an orderly manner. Each team was followed by a masked man wearing strange clothes. I don't know what he did?

Three or four masked men came with something like a metal detector and scanned the survivors' bodies constantly.

 "What are you doing? I just escaped with my life! Scan your mother!"

Some survivors with bad tempers were unhappy because they were concentrated in this area, and now they were treated like this, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

"Shut up! We are saving your lives! Who knows if the weirdness will leave something on you? If you don't want to die, just stay calm!"

The people in black didn't tolerate them and fought back, but what they said made some sense.

The unhappy survivors sat down angrily and did not cause any more trouble.

Ye Sha was a little nervous. He was a semi-weird person. He wondered if he would be scanned? Will he run away then? Turn into a werewolf and hide in the mountains?

Yesha didn't have much time to react. A man in black had already carried an instrument and started scanning him.

However, it was also good luck. The machine suddenly chirped and flashed a red light. This guy was out of power!

The man in black in front of him muttered something unhappily and went directly to change the instrument. When he came back, he started scanning directly from Liu Yuning next to Ye Sha.

"Escaped!" Ye Sha breathed a sigh of relief, it was better to keep this secret. If his werewolf form is discovered, he will no longer be able to stay in human society!

After the man in black scanned the area and indicated that it was safe, the survivors were invited into the ambulance one by one. They were given the necessary treatment and began to inquire about the relevant situation.

A young policeman walked up to Ye Sha with a notebook in his arms and said hello.

"Yesha, right? Thanks to you this time!"

 He just learned from other survivors that this sturdy young man was very courageous, brave and resourceful. After irritating Wei Wei, he led everyone to escape.

"Fortunately, it was mainly because of his eagerness to survive that he took a dangerous path!" Ye Sha is still relatively modest and not arrogant or complacent.

"It's already very powerful. No ordinary person in Jiangyang City has escaped the strange pursuit! You are the first to lead so many people to escape!"

The young policeman had a look of admiration on his face, but it wasn't half false.

 "Ordinary people? Then aren't they ordinary?"

Ye Sha changed the topic to the group of masked men in black, trying to find something to say.

"That's definitely not ordinary! They're trying to kill someone else!" The young policeman spoke quickly and was confused by the words. However, he immediately reacted and covered his mouth and stopped talking.

 "Cut the strange situation?"

Ye Sha kept repeating this term in his mind, which literally means killing weird organizations. It seems that humans have a way to deal with weird things!

However, he also has a weird werewolf identity now, so he can't just trust Zhan Wei. If one day he is hacked to death with a knife, it will be unreasonable!