
Hide out

Moriah started Ranting about how she never knew Kassie had asthma and how she should have told her when she saw the note book come out from her backpack .

However before she could open it Kassie snatched it from her and said "Whats in my backpack is none of your buisness !" Moriah quickly spoke angrily "Fine" Kassie eyes inevertedly went down to Moriah's top she quickly gave Moriah her jacket and said the heat will make you get a sunburn Moriah couldn't help but blush at this gesture but before she could say thank you John came from under the bushes and said " Hey I found a hideout" they followed him to the hide out when they saw a frog that was blue they quickly put him out of there cause it could contain poison when it suddenly grew massive Kassie who had a strong reaction time got out her tazerwhich is attached to a metal rod in her backpack and hit it with it which made it faint just as they were about to ask Kassie responded "For the creeps" "Now I'm guessing there's more like it "

"So let's work on protecting this Hideout."