
The mystery of the basement

Isabella's parents never let her go to the basement but when she sneaked into it she found something really mysterious in the basement come find out the truth

Nimra_Shivalli · SF
1 Chs

The Mystery Of The Basement

There was a girl named Isabella Dankworth who had a normal life until one day as she was cleaning her basement, she saw a book which had a clock symbol on it. Isabella took the book out of the box when she saw the book, she definitely knew that it didn't belong to her. So, she opened the book and tried to read it but the book was written in a different script or coded which she couldn't understand so she decided to decode the book and then Isabella spent hours on the book trying to decode it and then she could finally read some words like 'TIME' and 'YOU' something like that Isabella didn't knew where the book came from or whom did it belong to so she was curious to know what was written in the book and what was the meaning of YOU in the book so she spent days on the book trying to decode the sentence after some day she figured out the words 'IN THE' Isabella was trying to understand the sentences which was jumble like 'TIME YOU IN THE' Isabella was more curious about this book and wanted to know no matter the cost. Isabella spent most of her time trying to decode the book after some days she decoded another which spelled 'BACKWARD'. Isabella got scared cause she had a backyard and had a small basement in the backyard and more of all her parent wouldn't let her go to the backyard, So Isabella decided to keep her curiosity to herself and tried to figure out the 1st sentence of the book. After months and months of trying. She finally figured out the sentence was.......


Isabella was shocked when she completed the sentence there was no definite location in the book written in this sentence so she tried to decode the other sentences now she can understand which symbol means which letter. Isabella decodes a word which shocked her, it was Noah Dankworth it was Isabella's grandfather's name. Now Isabella was definitely knowing this book belonged to her family ever part of her puzzles was jointing together she was getting all of her answers like why her parents never let her go the backyard. So, Isabella knew the backyard which was mentioned in the book was her own houses backyard she was scared but she was not so sure that the was true or someone might be pranking her. So, Isabella decided sneaking in the basement at night and Isabella did it was successfully in the backyard basement without waking anyone.

It was dark in the basement she could hear the cold wind blowing in the night and the mouses running around the basement. As Isabella already read in the book that there going to be a time leaping portal so she came prepared and she was also prepaid to face the from her parents for breaking the rule. As she went further inside the dark cold basement, she saw an actual portal she couldn't believe her eyes there was the portal was emitting white light it was shiny and sparkling and it felt mesmerizing just by watching the portal. Isabella went in the portal holding her breathe and when she saw the next thing, she was shocked.

It was the same so she took the book and read it again and there she found out that she should think about a timeline and then entre the portal. So, while entering she thought about the year 1982 the first year that came to her mind and went through the portal and this time there was a little difference in the environment.

It was day and she went out of the basement it didn't look that old when she came out it was so peaceful environment and she had confirmed that the portal works she was happy she had an empty book with her as she came prepaid she wanted to write everything she saw and Isabella saw all the different things she could experience she was so happy in the timeline and kind of confused sometimes and. Isabella was enjoying her time and then her curiosity was fulfilled so Isabella was ready to go back to her timeline it was getting dark and she had no place to spend the night so she decided to go back to her timeline in 2082.

1st Isabella has a tiny problem that it was night and her people were staying in the house in the portal was there so at night she slowly sneaked into the house and slowly go through the portal she was already tired and went through the portal without thinking twice which year she was thinking when she came out from the other side of the portal it was the year 1343 BC. Isabella without thinking went to the past and the whole environment was different and she was scared and decided to go back and she turned back but she tripped on something and fell and when she the portal it was turned off. Isabella got up and started to figure out what was wrong with the portal and it was off.

it was dark in this timeline and she was regretting everything and stared writing everything in her book and she looked around in the place yet in this timeline the portal wasn't in the basement but it was in a room and the next thing she slept in that room and the next she went out and stared exploring the timeline and she was at the market place trying to buy something to because she didn't have that timeline's money currency so she was some of her small stuff.

As Isabella was stranding in the market place looking around somebody came running and bumped into Isabella hard and Isabella fell to the ground when she got up the person apologized and ran away it stared to get dark so Isabella went to the room of the portal and stared figuring how to turn on the portal.

Isabella stared to examine the portal closely and saw a clock symbol mold in the portal which was similar to the symbol on the book. Isabella stared searching her bag but she couldn't find the book. she might have dropped it somewhere.....

Where Did The Book Go ???...

She couldn't find the book anywhere she might have dropped it somewhere

the next day she went in the search of the book she went to every single place she visited yesterday. But she couldn't find the book anywhere while on the way back to the portal room she remembered that she bumped into someone the other day she might have dropped it there she went to the market space and the same spot and started searching for the book

Isabella was terrified and it was getting dark and she was stuck in a random century and first of all her parents didn't know where she was standing in the middle of the street and then some people started to corner her then she felt something before she could even response to it, she was already being dragged out of it after a while of running Isabella stopped and thanked the person.

As the person removed the hoddie Isabella was shocked to see a pretty girl similar to her age and the girl looked at Isabella with a confused face.

Girl: Who are you??

Isabella: I'm supposed to ask you that

Girl: I don't care just who are you?? I haven't seen you before and you're dressed differently and your accent is different too.


Girl: tell me you don't belong here, don't you?? Isabella was shocked as she didn't want to tell this girl anything because she didn't want to create more chaos in the time so she just said oh, you are right I haven't introduced myself I'm Isabella, Isabella Dankworth. Who are you?? The girl replied I'm Everly and said now answer my question

Isabell said yeah sure I'm a tourist so my accent and dressing is different and so you haven't seen me before Everly asked are you lost or something do you need any help? Isabella replied yeah, I need your help

Then okay I'll help you Everly said.

Isabella asked I'm looking for something will you help me find it Everly happily agreed then she said Hey does that mean we are officially friends right?? Isabella nodded seeing how Everly changed her attitude in just a matter of time. Everly asked Isabella anyways what are you looking for? Oh, it is just a book its kind of a diary she replied. Everly said why don't you buy a new one its just a book right?? What's so special about it??

Isabella replied it is really special to me. Everly said oh! now don't worry your new friend Everly will help you find your book. So, let's start the investigation. Detective Everly at your service Isabella asked her How will you find it??

Everly said by the smallest clues and hints. so, now answer all of questions properly, truly and no skipping any questions or any part. Okay?

Isabella: Okay (confused)

Everly: when did you find out that your book was missing?

Isabella: when I searched for it in my bag to read it

Everly: Okay, do you have any idea that you might have dropped your book there.

Isabella: I think when I bumped into someone in the market

Everly: did you see the person?

Isabella: no

Everly: do you remember the place and time when you bumped into the person? (curious)

Isabella: yeah! It was around 2.00pm in the market area where I met you.

Everly: wait! Hold up are you talking about the bool with the clock symbol on it?? (Surprised and shocked)

Isabella: yeah!! That's the one how do you know about the book I cant believe are you really a detective or something? (excited)

Everly: (nervously rubbing her back) Ehh the book you are talking and bumping into a person the person you bumped into was none other ME!!

Isabella: then you might have my book, right?? (excited)

Everly: hem about the book when I bumped, I fell to floor when I got up, I saw a book it looked expensive and attractive.

Isabella: don't tell me (worried)

Everly: yeah. I sold it! Sorry (ashamed)

Isabella: (face palmed) how I'm supposed to go home

Everly: wait was it a tourist guide or something if yes then I have so many tourist magazines and maps want to check them out?

Isabella: no, it was my grandfather's book Everly tell me where did you sell the book?

Everly: follow me and yet again I'm sorry

Isabella: no, its fine it was my problem

Everly: it's here this is the shop is sold your book to.

Isabella: okay

Everly went in the shop and talks to the shopkeeper and comes out and says to Isabella I'm sorry the shopkeeper said he sold it to some tourist. Here I thought this day couldn't get any worse Isabella thought. Hey listen Isabella, I will buy you a new one I'm so sorry Everly said.

Isabella: it's not just a tourist guide Everly. Move Everly (angrily)

Isabella was already angry she enters the shop and screaming hey listen you shopkeeper to whom did you sell the book to and grabs the shopkeeper's collar. The shopkeeper say mam!! please clam down! Isabella says you want me to calm down in this situation you all are fools you don't understand how important the book is to me.

The shopkeeper asked is that book that much important to you?? That you are ready to hurt someone?

Isabella said it's not like I want to hurt someone or anything I will do whatever it takes to get to that book just tell me where and whom did you sell the book to before I mess your face

Hey clam down mam if you want the book back then you need to speak to me politely and stop yelling at me the shopkeeper said. Isabella just rolled her eyes and said sir will you please tell me whom did you sell the book to?

The shopkeeper said if you want the book so bad I will myself give it to you if you pay for it. Isabella looked shocked and said wait that is my book and is should pay for it??

If you want your back the shopkeeper explained. Isabella was furious and yelled yeah how much money do you want and what you want??

The shopkeeper replied anything that is expensive and worth money. Isabella bought some stuff that she had in her bag that were useless she had an advantage that since she was in past timeline the useless things that she has have a value in this timeline.

That stuff was makeup, calculator, makeup and her cell phone the cell phone is expensive yet she had to get the book back. She threw the bag with the stuff Infront of the shopkeeper and said have this and now take me to the person that you sold my book to.

The shopkeeper said woah this is a lot of stuff and the book was a lottery for me. Your rich huh he said. Isabella went all bonker on him and yelled what are you doing wasting my time just give me my book back do whatever you want.

The shopkeeper just smiled a took a book out of the drawer and explained this book looked expensive so I didn't sell it to anyone I was just waiting for the right seller that was the best decision I've made in my life he said.


He said yeap!!

Isabella took the book and said there are scammers here so better be careful next time to whom you sell the stolen things to.

Everly: hey you are supposed to say not to steal anymore stuff now. dumb

Isabella: yeah, but now I can go home (excited)

Everly sobbed then you will leave right?

Isabella: obviously!!

Hey thanks for being my friend you were the first friend I ever had. Everly explained

Isabella came toward Everly and said thank you so much for saving me without you I wouldn't be able to go back home

Glad I could help you but still I'm so sorry for stealing your book and selling it Everly said.

don't be sorry I have the book now that's what matter right? And here take this as a token of friendship from me. And please don't steal something try making things of your own and one day you will surely be successful Isabella said and removed the pendant and handed it to Everly.

Everly sobbingly took the pendant and said I will always treasure this and surely ill make something of my own I promise.

Isabella said her good bye to Everly and headed back to the basement when she came back to the basement and saw the portal, she was so excited to go back to her own timeline she then removed the clock pendant from the book and slowly placed it in the perfectly made keyhole and then Isabella eyes lit up as the portal lit up.

She than thought of her timeline and went through the portal and then she was finally after all this drama in her life she was back to her home. She looked around it was already night time so she slowly took off her shoes and went in the house she was scared cause she hasn't came back to home in the past two days and her parents might be mad at her.

But when she entered her home, she was amazed when she saw that everyone was sleeping so she slowly sneaked to her room as soon as she reached her room, she was so impatient she took out the laptop and checked the date.

She was shocked to see it had only been 4 hours since she left for the basement. So, she had nothing to worry about now. She searched thought the history of the town and started scrolling through websites and then suddenly she stopped at a page and she almost teared up when she read the lines.

The saver girl

The first girl who saved the lost tourist and help them to get back home without any problem. And then she saw a picture of a pendant which was the same pendant that Isabella gave to Everly it had a note with it saying it is a treasure to me. Isabella was so happy that Everly kept her promise and made something of her own. And the pendant she treasured it always.

Sometimes people only need guidance and not all people who have done wrong in the past are the bad guys.

And sometimes let yourself answer your curiosity. And discover new and mysterious things.


-Nimra Shivalli.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

and also thank you all for reading

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