
Chapter 7


Again this cursed darkness, lost in the thick fogs of the corridor, she advances with a trembling rhythm and shakes her head to find the strength to escape this shadow that suffocates her and blocks her like a vice. The more she tries to run away, the more the feeling of disgust invades her. A brush at the level of her thigh and she no longer holds back. A sharp cry comes out of her throat making her fall on her knees



-Ruby are you listening to me?

Lost in her thoughts with images of two brown eyes that mysteriously torment her, she slowly turns her head towards her colleague, regaining her spirits.


-What's happening to you? You've been in the moon for two fucking days

Her friend stares at her with a frown as if to detect the enigma that is Ruby.

-Nothing happens to me Alexis... I'm just thinking about something

-Like what? Ask the so-called Alexis without giving up her curiosity

Ruby rolls her eyes sighing, her blue eyes examine the club from the VIP square. The room is so crowded that we have the impression that people will end up doing one.

Without knowing why, her eyes lead her to the place where her beautiful Eugen is used to. A smile slowly floats on her lips when she thinks of their discussion the other day; short but so promising.


-Happy to know it

As soon as she blew her words, she felt a certain tension catch fire between them.She observes the young man with a lustful eye without removing his sensual smile from his angel face.

-I... I.. heu...

The young man struggles to find his words, which accentuates his charm.

Weird but charming; did she think?

Not wanting to make him even more uncomfortable, the young woman recovers and asks.

-Have you finished?

She notices the breath of relief that the young man lets escape.

-Heu yes yes... He comes out from behind the counter and silently asks Ruby to follow him.

Unable to prevent, Ruby follows the young man lingering on his buttocks that mold to perfection in these simple jeans.

-I changed a few pieces a little and redo the paint on this side... But I think it still has to dry.

The young man's words distract her from her contemplation. His eyes follow the movement of the young brown man's hands, which twist nervously. With a frown, she studies her car

-Was it you who repaired it?

-Heu... yes.. Yes, with my.. My employee

While answering, Ruby notices that Eugen has still not looked at him.

Is he nervous because of her?

-And I guess I can't get it back today

-Sorry but if you drove it, the paint will be burned and we will have to do it again tomorrow. So if it doesn't suit you... You can spend the night with me..( Eugen slightly widens his eyes as a mistake, which snatches a smile from the young redhead)... I.. I mean (he scrapes his throat and looks away). That you can wait another hour or two for it to dry.

Without leaving the young man's eyes, Ruby advances slowly until she feels Eugen's warm breath on his face.

-And if you take me home!

The young man suddenly turns his eyes to that of a sparkling blue of the redhead. Ruby represses the fierce urge to throw herself on her lips that the young man traps between her teeth involuntarily; who scolds her completely.

What the hell is happening to him? Take back Ruby; she grumbled

-y..you are sure (an amused smile takes place on the lips of the young redhead whom Eugen notices and he recovers) uh yes of course, since the paint has not yet dried and you will have to go home and as your car is there...You can't go home on foot. So I..


It instantly freezes at the way Ruby pronounces her first name, and their eyes cling without one of them deign to break this eye contact. Minutes pass or an eternity for them when the back door slams and a smiling Joe comes out.

-Then your fantasy is not...

Joe stops when he notices the presence of the young redhead, as for Eugen he pales and shoots Joe with his eyes. Ruby observes the two men with an amused air, feeling flattered by the words or rather a word out of the mouth of the Eugen employee

Fantasy!'s Interesting; she thought

-Hehe I think I'm going there!

Without asking for his rest, Joe leaves the garage at a mind-blowing speed. As soon as the door is closed, an embarrassing silence fills the room, in fact embarrassing for the young man who now does everything to avoid the redhead's gaze by dancing from one foot to the next; uncomfortable. Unlike The young woman who is used to being the fantasy of so many men but a good party like this dear Eugen is downright enjoyable, as much as the young man likes.

-In the end I'm going to call a taxi

Without one more word, the young redhead kisses Eugen on the cheek and turns her heels; a pleasant thought behind her head.


-You finished dreaming with that stupid smile stuck on your face! Now you explain to me!

Once again her colleague brings her back to reality, an annoyed look Ruby gets up and prepares to leave the VIP square. Alexis holds her by the arm by frowning. The young redhead slowly follows her colleague's grip from her eyes to her face; she raises an eyebrow and plunges her threatening blue eyes into that of Alexis. The latter understanding her gesture suddenly removes her.

-I...I.. Where are you going like that?

The young redhead takes her bag and throws it behind her back

-Be mixed up in your life Alexis

When she reaches the exit door of the club, she immediately notices her lifelong friend being flirted with by a customer. Before turning away, she remarked her and planted her companion who, according to her friend's annoyed gestures, became sticky. An amused smile floats on the young redhead's lips when Stacy stands in front of her

-Are you having fun? She asks not being able to stop carrying her

Stacy rolls her eyes and overtakes her to get out of the club

-Don't start! Does she throw behind her?

She follows her with a laugh

-So you got your car back where it was just a way to apologize for your delay the other day; her friend starts when Ruby gets up to her height

-I never apologize; just answer the redhead

-Oh yes I had forgotten your highness the word excuse does not appear in your dictionary; mocked Stacy by making ridiculous gestures

Ruby can't help laughing, in the face of her friend's comic mimicry.

-And I have to get it back now, they are waiting for me; resumes Ruby, insisting of course on the they. Knowing full well that his friend won't miss him

-What kind of garage is that so that it stays open until this time? (Before letting Ruby answer her question, she suddenly stops as if she had forgotten something)...

Ruby smiles already knowing what her friend is going to take out this time.

-....Wait, did they tell you? (Ruby nods his head without giving up his smile) are they well done?...( again nodding, waiting for the madwoman who serves as his confidant to express himself)... Fuck, I'll go with you.

As she expected, Stacy never misses beautiful specimens.