
The Mysterious Villainess: My Journey To Be Strongest

Jass — A Mafia Women — transmigrated into the villainess's body. The villainess has a supporting role for hero and first heroine to make them couple just like old cliche - Hero saved heroine from being bullied by villainess. It was a trash novel where the hero have a harem and saved world from destruction after the villainess was dead, just like other antagonists. What Jass didn't expected was as she transmigrated, She found the many reason of her why 'Jass' was cruel villainess in novel. What she was unsure was that there was lot of mysteries around villainess, about her background, past, her bloodline, etc. Join her story to find out how Jass become the strongest person has ever lived in universe - How she solved everything just by her intelligence and genius brain. ===================== Cover is Ai art

Th_King · 都市
45 Chs

CH-15 Ending of Queen

Jass ogled an icy stare upon the assembled group.

When she spoke, her voice sent them goosebumps just as if those tiny creatures — like earthworms and roaches — skittering in their first skin.

'I'm acutely no stranger to the unique nature of my bloodline. Through my personal history, I have written in my diary that during the moments of anger or frustration, an innate, demonic aspect of my bloodline becomes apparent.'

'It was craving to imbibe others with its inherent power. This incident approximates to an automatic function on a mobile device, activating to either protect me or momentarily overpower my conscious mind.'

'Naturally, this hereditary attribute comes with indubitable advantages. One such benefit is my ability to amend my voice, editing it more of infernal entities - It can be Satan himself or other denizens of the underworld.'

Jass chewed over silently as she kept tabs on the crowd, then articulated a ceremonious warning…

"Keep in mind that when adversity strikes, you alone will bear the brunt of its consequences."

She hurried towards the queen.

The students exchanged worried glances until a horrifying shriek pierced the air.

One of their classmates had fallen like sugar candy to a group of ants.

The insects were ferociously attacking the unfortunate individual's head, eating it as casually as one might snack while watching a film.

"Now is the moment for action, not contemplation!"

The first brave student exclaimed.

"Fuck! Kill them all, dirty bitches!"

In a second, another one shouted in agreement. A primaeval roared twins through the air as the battlefield rose.

"Damn it! I'll preserve some of you for a future night meal!"

The students finally start mission retribution to preserve their lives.

It was a fight for survival — either they or the ants would die. John allied himself with Jass, both determined to eliminate the colony's leader.

"I will make an exception just this once."

John sighed, And took a fighting stance.

"Oh, thank you, little puppy!"

"... Damn you, say it again and I'll end your dickhead existence!"

"Go ahead then, if you dare. Anyway, do some industrial action on that queen first!"

Jass reconnoitre as Queen Ant's fundamental instincts took control.

The creature pouced towards her and John with frightening speed.

They bound apart, diving in opposite directions to cheat the attack.

However, the Queen, shunned them both, expropriates an credulous student standing nearby.

In a horrifying instant, It extinguished the innocent life, leaving the others frozen in shock and terror.

"Well, it seems a few neurons are still firing in that skull of yours!"

With a sardonic grin, Jass quipped at the ant queen. She then recuperated her twin blades of creation from her inventory.

These showpieces of artisanship were long with awesomely curved steel weapons.

Their design is a hypnotising amelioration of beauty and jeopardy.

The swords boasted obsidian-black blades, their darkness so exhaustive it looked like it was about to absorb light.

Its edges along, there was a brilliant white hue corresponding to glacial ice flashes prophetic.

This was an ethereal white mist stemmed from these frost-kissed borders, appalling the air at temperatures that give the memories of an ancient ice age.

The hilt is adorned with a textured design, whisked shades of amber and bronze to form an aesthetically captivating yet practical gripping surface.

This ornate wrapping, referred to as tsuka-ito, serves a dual purpose.

It elevates the weapon's visual was… fascinated while simultaneously allocating a firm and reliable clutch for the wielder during combat or practice.

'This suits me perfectly.'

Jass's eyes sparked with satisfaction as she appraised her weapon. she was sliding the blade into its resting place — on her shoulder.

As if sensing their mistress's intent, the ornate golden scabbards that had housed the twin swords vanished into glowing motes of light.

The blades, now unencumbered, stood ready for action.

[Welcome back, master!]

The sword's telepathically greeted her but she excessively focused on the task at hand.

In this villainess vessel, she had encountered her fair share of enigmas and had acclimated herself for whatever challenge was against her.

Jass had prepared herself to check the mysteries that induced.

'Do you know that I'm not your true master but rather an entity taking over her form?'

[Only the passage of time can answer what you pursue. My liege, I hope you wield my power and vanquish that bogging being.]

'Sure… Heh! He is already fighting with it!'

John had already battled with the ant to protect the children.

On the other side, she was preoccupied with her self-imposed task of studying swords.

'What a cunning individual, isn't he? If anyone see us in this situation, they would most likely regard him as the gallant hero. As for me, they will idol me as the self-centered villain!'

To the average person, it might appear as though John was exerting his maximum strength and abilities.

But… this is not the case for someone who has read the novel.


John chanted the incarnation and a molten sphere manifested before him. which he thrusted that heated ball at the queen.

The monarch was agile and fast.

It not only evaded the attack but fought back by exhaling a violet mist that released from its form — it was from mouth and ears.

The noxious fumes proved lethal to all who inhaled them.

All the victims surrendered to violent coughing fits, their eyes becoming bloodshot as their respiration accelerated after every five seconds passed away.

Within moments, they collapsed unconscious.

No one was spared from the gas's effects, not even the queen's own minions.

"Don't breathe it in!"

John yelled, backing away to a secure safe spot. His warning ranged at the end of the area as people escaped just like him.

They dashed off without a backward glance, hands clamped over their noses.

The crowd involuntarily shadow John's lead, ratifying that his commands aligned perfectly with the elaborated danger.

"Want my assistance? I doubt the queen's haze will quit until this entire place is flooded with it."

Jass proposed her strategy's bit of part.

John's brow furrowed in response.

Despite his stubborn nature and usual refusal to accept help, he couldn't ignore the unstoppable stream of toxic fumes pouring from the ant-like creatures.

The situation was growing dire by the second. Ultimately, John gave up on his pride.

The safety of students - and if he was honest, his own skin - mattered more than his ego.

He nodded to Jass's submission, as…

'Sometimes, even the strongest need a helping hand, Sometimes, viability wins over stubbornness.'

The decision didn't come easy, but as the purple mist crept closer, John knew he had made the right call… perhaps.

"If you have got a solution, don't waste time asking - just do it!"

John clenched his sword tightly with both hands.

Jass let out an unsettling laugh that sent chills down John's spine.

Her sinister grin dancing on her face, leaving him deeply unnerved.

'What's with that creepy smile?'

John thought with fear.

Jass hooked his wrist. As she slowly ran her tongue on her lips, the colour unloaded from John's face.

His stomach churned with apprehension, unsure of what twisted plan she had in mind.

'Whatever she was about to do, I had a feeling it wouldn't be pleasant for me!'

John struggled to get rid of the grip. Even used fully raw power of body but his efforts proved wasted against iron-like strength.

"W-What are you plotting?"

"Conversation is a luxury we can't afford right now."

Jass pivoted him using her both hands while two blades were sent in her arsenal.

Jass seductively pressed her own lips with free arms' fingers.

His feet left the ground as he was spun, and he let out a terrified cry directed at her.

"Let me go, you assh—"

"Your selfless act will forever be warm in my memory, sweetheart. I'm truly gratef- No we are!"

With a final last wink, she threw him towards the queen ant's location.

To be non-discriminatory, John wasn't entirely blameless and merciful.

In an instant, he evoked an obsidian-hued arrow from thin air and launched it in her direction.

"Well, this is quite a great welcome from you! But… who asked for it, so please stay in your room!! — but he is intelligent

She snatched that in an arrow mid-flight, she brandished it towards him.

It was just a prediction. Furthermore, he had already vanished into a cloud of violet mist…

Moments later…


An explosion blasted within the haze, propelling the diminutive creature through the air in her direction.

Jass praised. "Well done, young boy!"

As the Queen entered her reach, she swung her twin blades in a tight cross formation.

The moment steel met flesh, a thin layer of frost crystallised on the target's surface.

Time seemed to slow as hairline fractures extended on the icy sheen.

Beneath the skin, blood vessels constricted and froze, causing a cascade of tissue damage from the point of impact.

In the blink of an eye, the freezing effect penetrated deep within, transforming vital organs into brittle ice.

Life extinguished as the body shattered from within, leaving behind only frozen fragments.

In the normal timing, the queen ant's form underwent an otherworldly transformation, its exoskeleton shifting to a vibrant azure hue.

Even in this change, the keen edge of the blade proved sharpness, cleaving through its carapace — dropped behind her and she looked at it l

"Phew! You had a stroke of misfor-"

Jass's instincts flared, sensing an incoming threat. She twisted, her body gesticulating the toing and froing of her head.

A clenched fist whizzed past her face. With lightning reflexes, she grabbed the familiar wrist and...


Exerting her full strength, Jass prised the arm into an unnatural angle.

John's painful cry pierced the air as his consciousness began to fade.

Within moments, his eyes rolled back, and he fainted after a final, drawn-out howl of pain.

'Ahh! How delightful! I'm thoroughly content whenever events go commensurate with my ideas.'

'A good majority of the students' coins now are mine. Their opinions are inconsequential — because I should be queen in everything.'

Okay guys! I'm are back and fine. because of no update in previous days, I posted a long chapter. I hope you guys like it. thanks you.

Do tell me if I should make an discord server for notifications for chapters plus we can talk like usual friends there if anyone wants.

Th_Kingcreators' thoughts