
The Mysterious Villainess: My Journey To Be Strongest

Jass — A Mafia Women — transmigrated into the villainess's body. The villainess has a supporting role for hero and first heroine to make them couple just like old cliche - Hero saved heroine from being bullied by villainess. It was a trash novel where the hero have a harem and saved world from destruction after the villainess was dead, just like other antagonists. What Jass didn't expected was as she transmigrated, She found the many reason of her why 'Jass' was cruel villainess in novel. What she was unsure was that there was lot of mysteries around villainess, about her background, past, her bloodline, etc. Join her story to find out how Jass become the strongest person has ever lived in universe - How she solved everything just by her intelligence and genius brain. ===================== Cover is Ai art

Th_King · 都市
45 Chs

CH-11 Dragon...

'If memory serves, a hidden route leads to the dragon's lair. I might reach it before the hero. Plus I can monitor any changes there.'

Jass peered into the darkness, then strode forward purposefully.

"Ah, the confidential entrance or should I say exit..."

She whispered. "I suppose bending the rules isn't truly cheating unless one is rooting out, right?"

Jass pitched herself before a large boulder, tested its left side intently.

After she compressed a specific speck, a previously invisible doorway eventuated there within the rock face, sliding open silently.

She closed her eyes but raised her eyebrows at the sight of the riches.

A spark of avarice ignited in her heart, wheedling her to thievery it all.

"I nearly turned a deaf ear on this — it's the way out, and this chamber is brimming with rare treasure troves."

Jass unconsciously meandered towards the glittering piles of precious metal and harvested coins, jewels. Even her mouth dribbled with cupidity.


"Damn it! This is merely a ploy to turn me into a mindless automaton. Quit this madness, Jass. You have earned the luxury lifestyle of the ultra-wealthy."

Jass gently rubbed her red cheeks, whispering loudly.

"Greed is equivalent to an addictive drug. Once it fully tames one's mind and soul, the redemption becomes practically impossible."

Jass resolutely ignored the mountains of gold, situated her attendance to the next doorway.

As she approximated, she met with a vast chasm before her, spanned by a precarious bridge connecting two ledges over a seemingly bottomless abyss.

'One misstep and my soul might be lost from this mortal realm.'

At present, she lacked any supernatural abilities like flying to welfare in her crossing, Jass knew she had to tread carefully.

The wrong choice could send her sinking into the void below.

The bridge was old fashioned, there were stone markers bearing inscriptions, but to her dismay, the words appeared inverted.

Adding to her dilemma, Jass was presented with two resources, each fraught with potential danger if not chosen correctly.

"Who was the queen of shadows in antiquity that was killed at the claws of the draconic deity?"

"... Perhaps it was the monarch of the heartland realm?"

Jass placed her foot upon the spot and listened to an automated voice.

There was more Irritation washed over her as she listened to the subsequent message.

[If the host desires for then she may purchase teleportation crystals from the store of the system.]

[These artefacts enable instantaneous travel to any location that is stored within her recollection, rules if it should be currently in her memory.]

"What's the cost for this item?"

[Each stone is priced at a thousand dollars. However, it's important to note that this artefact has no hierarchical system.]

[It has to one's name the otherworldly ability to expatriate you to any planet, dimension, or even a location from your past life's existence.]

Jass wrinkled her brow, very much disoriented.

"Why wasn't I sophisticated about this earlier?"

[You never solicit that education.]

The more she overthink the frustration welled up inside Jass, causing her to clench her fists.

The artefact's capabilities were irrepressible and unbearable potent got body yet its price tag seemed exorbitant for now.

Not that money was a primary solicitude for Jass, thanks to her thriving restaurant.

She had recently diversified her investments into the stock market to boost her income.

Just yesterday, her shrewd trading had netted her a substantial profit of $20,000.

"I understand now. I'll take two of those stones. They will save me valuable time, and if any unforeseen circumstances arise here, it could lead to conspicuous hindrance."

"Are you sure you want to purchase the transport stones?"

The System wanted accreditation.


Jass retrieved the newly bagged stones from her inventory.

The objects were diminutive and eroded a vibrant amethyst hue. She assimilated one, it suddenly crumbled in her palm with her raw.

In an instant, her vessel glowed in blue light and vanished, only to crystallise miraculously on the opposite side of the chasm.

'The price should justify its power.'

Jass ventured into a vast cavern.

The sight that greeted her was awe-inspiring: an expansive sea of molten rock ocean as far as the eye could distinguish.

The fiery landscape seemed to propound no visible means of escape, its boundaries obnubilate by incandescent heating waves.

There, in a remarkable phenomenon, a water well existed in close proximity to a lava flow - Also assemblage.

'What a fantasy world it is!'

What disconcerted her most was that this unusual eventuality hadn't been documented in any literature.

This situation was the unexpected function of these opposing elements — they neither combined nor reacted as one might pre-empt.

The water didn't kindle, and the molten rock perpetuated its heat, contravening the natural laws one would preggy to govern such an encounter.

'My objective lies ahead, and perhaps the solution to this query.'

In a floating rock or Island, a colossal crimson dragon slumbered. The journey there was not arduous, with stairs leading the pathway.


"I'm honored to meet you, Mrs. Dragon!"

Jass said, inclining her head reverently, in spite of the slumbering creature's shut eyelids.

"Prostrate yourself, lowly demon!"

An imperious voice boomed. Jass, upon hearing this commanding tone, was single-minded and unflinching.

She was an individual who adamantly refused to bow to anyone, even in the face of peril.

Afterall, Death was preferable to submission in her eyes.

"Sorry, Mrs. Dragon! I won't kneel but I respect your power!"

Because In her mindset, she reigned supreme, cultivate deep-seated convictions even before not belonging to any criminal or mafia organization.

This attitude had been ingrained since childhood. Nevertheless, she held powerful individuals in high regard, regardless of their allegiance.

After all, she viewed the world as the drama to a fast-food chain - where weak beings, like poultry, rabbit or sheep, fall prey to higher up hunters of the food chain.

"Oh~~ Do you still want to resist?"

The dragon's eyes fluttered open as it rose, settling into a posture reminiscent of a canine at rest.

Jass appeared minuscule before the colossal beast, similar to an insect facing a cat size predator.

"Indeed!" she replied tersely.

For now, as little as it can, the Brevity served as her main weapons.

She knew the entity before her had the power to extinguish countless lives with barely a blink.

"Hmph! Unyielding as always, I see,"

The dragon remarked, a hint of amusement in its voice.

In response, Jass lowered herself to the ground, adopting a cross-legged meditation stance.


Jass mused. 'Does this creature know of my past live. I was always arrogant there? Surely… it can't read my thoughts and brain... or can it?'

"Yes. Anyway, Pretend like I never talked about my previous statement. But… Kid, You have a lengthy path ahead."

Its feminine tone was alluring but Jass's ecosystem was elsewhere.

She sensed the beast was alluding to something important.

Though its exact meaning was out of her consciousness.

"I beg your pardon? What does that mean?"

"Oh? Have you forgotten me already from soul, my pompous little monarch? You were the one who expressed a thirst to begin a new life… fufu~~"

The dragon chuckled, its voice rumbling like distant thunder.

"Now, what makes you disturb my slumber? I'd rather be a tenant with my position!"

With that, the great beast settled back down.

Seeing the creature's resistance to elaborate anything more like their true nature, Jass decided to point out the main matter directly.

"Would you be willing to remove the barrier surrounding the dungeon? What's your reasoning for confining all the students?"

The dragon's eyes half-closed. "What makes you assume I'm responsible?"

'... fuck you! The novel clearly broached your motivation to challenge the students. It also told you wished to reward the courageous with some of your vast hoard, as you own good assets

and find yourself... restless.'

'But that's not the whole story, is it? You also yearn to spectator the world crumble under your treasures, all because you're... disenchanted with existence and want to relish.'

Ahh, What do you think dragon was talking about...

Share powers stones and support this book. I will upload new chapter as fast as I can. bye~~

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