
perverted bastard

"You..." Xuan Qi didn't able to speak when the same warm and soft lips covered his lips again, he didn't tried to struggle this time, his afraid he will fall and that time this stranger might not pull him again. But that kiss didn't last long than the first one,

Xuan Qi heard couples of footstep, his eyes widened and realized that they made a noise in the bathhouse.

"Do you want them to see us like these?" A husky and tease-ful voice of a man ring softly on Xuan Qi's ear which make him shiver.

"Do..don't come near here!" He blurted out loudly, which halted the incoming footstep.

"Are you okay, Young lady Xia?" Meiyan hollered,

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. Don't worry." The footstep can be heard that it was walking away,

Xuan Qi felt awkward when he realize that their standing position is weird, how couldn't it be, the man was holding his waist firmly and Xuan Qi's hand rested on the man's chest, their body is too close to each other. He couldn't see the man's face because there is no lit up lanterns there, and he knows why there aren't any because it's inconvenient for him.

"Ca-can you put me down slowly in the water?" Xuan Qi didn't know why he ask the man, but he didn't want either to get hurt or feel the pain in his foot.

"Hmm...but you need to pay my service." The man speak near Xuan Qi's ear again which the latter dodge the warm breathing of the man, but the man then buried its head on Xuan Qi's neck and started licking there.

"You...stop." Xuan Qi uttered between his gasp, thankfully the man stop as he said so. It guide him to sit back to the tub, Xuan Qi felt relieved when his body sunk down on the water but the man didn't move furthermore. It seems like it was waiting for something.

"The payment." The man uttered softly,

"Wha-what payment do you mean?" Xuan Qi got nervous again, all out of sudden. The man didn't talk instead it reach out Xuan Qi's chin and again for the third time, the man kiss him again, this time it didn't take 10 seconds that their lips touch.

"Now, I'm satisfied. Goodnight, my wife. " Then in a blink of the eyes, the man disappeared.

My wife your ass! I'm a man but that goddammit fucking man just stole my kiss..not just a kiss but my fucking first kiss.. he even stole the second one and even the third one...if only ...if only my foot isn't injured I should have kick his balls!

Xuan Qi's chest was filled with rage as he took the spare robe on the racks, dressing himself up.

"Meiyan!" He called out, Meiyan hurriedly came to his aide.

Xuan Qi was already lying on his bed, when he felt that something was below his pillow, he reach it out and look. It was an ointment and a small yellowish pill, there is also a small paper on it.

Heal soon my wife.

               Your husband

Tsk! Who is your wife?! Scram!

Xuan Qi folded the paper into a airplane form and throw it outside. It fly up in the air until it landed on one of the tree branch. He look himself on the big mirror, Meiyan fetch before she left. Xuan Qi manage to trick Meiyan.

His hazelnut-colored eyes, loose ink-black hair residing on his shoulder down to his hip length, slick eyebrow and thick-long eyelashes, pointed small nose, thin lips and a tall slim figure. His pale like snow skin glows even more because of the lit up candle and now his wearing a thin white robe for sleeping.

Am I really that beautiful-handsome? Wait...What! Tha- that's my face in the modern world too! Is this cheating!

He said on his thought as he gasped in surprise.

The black figure who was residing on the tree while watching at the window,  picked up the paper.

What kind of craft is this? He clearly don't have any qi, so how did he make it fly that fast and ended up here.

When the black figure unfold the paper, a smooth fine calligraphy came into view but the content aren't lovely.


The man smile, and glance at the window were the crafted paper fly out. "You clearly didn't even resist enough." And there the man disappeared in the dark.

A soft knock awoken the still sleeping beauty-handsome on the bed, Xuan Qi.

"Come in." He said sleepily, and robbed his still close eyes. He glance slightly at Meiyan who just came in, she was holding a folded cloth, a robe precisely.

"Young lady xia, headmaster Xia need your presence in the dining area for breakfast. We also have distinguish guest right now, he hope you won't be hostile this time." Meiyan inform him, polite as usual.

"As if." He said indifferently, he remembered that Xia Liyuan were very hostile to every guest but he has a soft, playful and timid attitude to his grandfather.

No wonder that old man rage suddenly. He didn't expect his grandson will joke around on such a serious matter.

Xuan Qi was now wearing a lady robe which was very significant and fit to his taste. Although he didn't like the idea wearing it, but looking at the big mirror, he eventually smile.

As to his foot? He didn't know what happened, when he woke up, his foot had already been healed.

When they reach the dining whole, he saw his grandfather talking to an unfamiliar figure. His grandfather is facing in him while chatting gleefully on the person who's back was facing him. After a while, Xia Long spotted him, the old man smile but Xuan Qi look at him indifferently, just like the former Xia Liyuan always did.

"Yuan'er, you're here already. Come sit beside me and lets eat. We've been waiting you for a while already. How's your foot?" Xia Long bubbly said, every servant dismissed from the dining hall when they saw that Xuan Qi entered. It was in the Xia family's rule. 'No servant would stay when the Young lady is in the dining hall' the servant didn't know why but obeying is the must.

This grandfather of Xia Liyuan is very alike to each other. They were bubbly to the person they want and show indifferent attitude to others. Hah! I encountered a people just like my attitude.

"Oh? Did I ask you to wait for me? My foot is fine now, I don't know how it healed but who-knows-what evil do." He ask bluntly before he mentioned his foot, he didn't even greeted the person his grandfather chatting with earlier, he sit beside his grandfather not minding the person who's intently watching every move he do. Xuan Qi shrugged the uncomfortable feeling under those gazing eyes and eat normally like no one was watching.

"Ah- this is my granddaughter Xia Liyuan. Yuan'er , he is young cultivator Yao Chen. Young cultivator Yao, I am very sorry on behalf of her attitude, young cultivator Yao. She is just like that but she's very kind..very. HAHAHA!" Xia Long fake a laugh and pinch Xuan Qi on the waist which the latter endure and didn't even flinch.

Xuan Qi just look his grandfather while a frown was drawn on his face.

Xia Long's expression was like saying be-a-good-grandson-just-for-now look before letting go his pinch.

"It's okay, headmaster Xia. I understood the Young lady Xia's situation, it's not a trivial matter to me. It's pleasure to meet the young lady of genius martial art beauty. " The guest stood up, folded hand and slightly bowed as the man greet him but the man respond which make Xuan Qi's brow twitch.

Gritted teeth, Xuan Qi also stood up and greeted the guest blandly, without sparing anonymous glance.

"It's nice to meet you too, young cultivator Yao." Before the man could speak, Xuan Qi had already sit down and continued to eat. No one notice the faint smile of the guest before sitting down again

"You should call him, Brother Yao. His the one who bring you back when you fall in the cliff." His grandfather inform him.

The figure of the man who's walking towards him came flash through Xuan Qi. And his heart suddenly beat faster than usual but then he shrugged the thought.

"And so? I thank, brother Yao then. Let's just eat, I'm hungry." His voice are bland, as if he really didn't care.