
The mys-tery

A mistake made by a powerful king at youthful age would not be reverted, now he has to face the consequences with his family who knows nothing about it. Uju will not rest until she seek revenge to her satisfaction, using members of the household against each other, plotting evil and destroying anyone who comes her way, her determination leads to ruin and wiped out an entire family. ******Author's note: this story is very short but also interesting, it's simple and easy to read. please read, vote to encourage me, share for others to know about it, rate the book if you like it, add to your collections, like and comment, I promise to reply all comments. The cover is not mine, got it from goggle, credit goes to the original artist but I edited it anyway. Follow me on Instagram @puederashi

Puederashi · ファンタジー
6 Chs

More Tragedy

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Very impressive of me, so let's see what will happen next, what should I do now? Should I kill someone else? Or, should I kidnap him? Haaaaahaaahaaaahaaa, Eddy is the next on my list and I know just what to do" Cassey said and laughed more.

"This is so much fun" she said again and smiled.

"My king, my king, I can not find Eddy"Rahm shouted as she ran inside the royal chamber.

"My king..............

"Rahm get out" Perfect said immediately he saw her.

"My king, Eddy is...........

"I don't want to hear anything about you or your children" he cuts in angrily.

"Please my king, listen to me" she said sadly.

"I trusted you so much, I believed everything you said but you broke my trust, you ruined me, I can't listen or believe anything you said again, I can't" he said as tears ran down on his cheeks.

"Please forgive me my king" she pleaded and cried more.

"How could you? How could you kill him so your son can be king? How could you, Rahm?" he asked disappointed.

"Please believe me, I did not kill Collins"she said staring at him

"Really? Then, who killed him? Tell me Rahm, what happened to him?"he asked sadly.

"Oh mother! you are back, where is Eddy? I have made his kite"Jewel said smiling.

"Eddy is not with me, I did not see him, infact I have been looking for him everywhere" she said sadly.

"But mother, you left the palace with him this morning" Jewel said surprised.

"No, no, I did not go anywhere with him, where will I take him to, this morning?" she asked sadly.

"What? But I saw you mother, Christy saw you as well, even some of the guards and maidens saw you" Jewel said calmly.

"What is going on here?" he asked rhetorically.

"I don't know what Jewel is talking about, I did not take Eddy anywhere"she said calmly.

"Father believe me, I saw my mother taking Eddy out of the palace this morning" Jewel said calmly.

"Rahm, where is Eddy?"he shouted angrily.

Debby and her children ran inside the royal chamber to see what is going on.

"My king, what is wrong?"she asked immediately they got there.

"Eddy is nowhere to be found" Jewel blurted out.

"How is that possible? I saw him leaving the palace this morning and he was with mother" Jane said calmly.

"I saw them too" Cassey said calmly.

"Guards, guards" Perfect called endlessly.

"Yes your majesty" a guard answered and bowed before the king.

"I want you to search the entire kingdom for Eddy, tell another guard to summon the villagers and chief priest to the palace now" perfect said sadly.

"Yes your majesty"he said and left.

"Your majesty, there is evil penetrating this kingdom" the priest said immediately he arrived.

"Chief priest, please tell me, where is Eddy?" perfect asked calmly.

"Ask his mother" the priest said and shake his head.

"Please I don't know where he is" Rahm said sadly.

"Mother, what are you saying? I saw you this morning with...........

"Jewel, please believe me child, I did not take Eddy anywhere" Rahm cuts in.

"But I saw you mother" Jewel said sadly.

"Queen Rahm has killed Eddy" the priest blurted out and left chanting incantations.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the people shouted while Perfect sat down shocked.

"No, no, I did not kill Eddy, I will never kill my son" she said and began to cry bitterly.

"This woman must be thrown into the evil forest" one of the chieves said.

"Yes, she is an evil woman" one of the villagers said angrily.

"Please don't kill me, I didn't kill my son" Rahm pleaded .

"Shut up woman" one of the villagers said.

"Guards, take her away" Perfect shouted angrily.

"Yes your majesty" a guard answered and held Rahm up.

"To the evil forest, she must be killed and hanged there" the villagers shouted angrily.

"Yes" they shouted again as they followed them.

Perfect fell down and began to cry in his room, he could not believe the woman he loved so much did this.

"Oh oh!" Cassey exclaimed and smiled wickedly.

"Poor man, the woman you love with all your heart and soul is going to die like a chicken, wow Cassey! Such a brilliant girl you are, my job was so easy, I never thought it could be this simple" she said again and laughed.

"Kudos to me, so what am I going to do now? Who should I strike next? Jane, Jewel, Debby or Perfect, who should I handle? Oh! I forgot, haaaaaahaaaaaahaahaaahaaa, I will handle all of them once, I will destroy them without wasting much time but who should I start with? Cassey wondered as she walk around her room.

"Ewoooooooo, my king, my king, someone should help me ooooooooo" Debby shouted as she shake Jane and Jewel vigorously.

"What is going on here? What is wrong with them? What happened to them?" Perfect asked immediately he got there.

"My king, we were just breaking palm kernel when they started vomiting blood" she said and cried more.

"My queen, this is the leaf" a maiden ran in.

"Squeeze it and put the liquid in their mouths, please hurry" she said panting heavily.

"Yes my queen" she said as she squeezed with all her might.

Perfect couldn't say a word, he couldn't even think clearly, he became very weak as he watch his daughters lay lifeless on the ground, tears began to ran out of his eyes as he realize he is now childless.