
chapter 2

Within the grand library of the Zhang Wu palace, the figure of a tall male strolled gracefully throughout its halls. With his hands held delicately behind his back, he gave off an untouchable aura.

At a mere glance, one would be mesmerized by his beauty. He had soft yet manly features and his long hair, as black as the night's skies, flowed elegantly past his shoulders down his back. On his body he wore the most refine of silk garments, which fitted neatly against his chest, perfectly displaying his solid and strong physique. Sitting loosely hanging upon his waist-belt was a crystal blue crescent jewel which symbolized his fundamental birth ability as the 'Great Water Alpha'.

"My dear sister, I heard you had returned home. Is life in Chen Xing palace not too your liking?". He asked in a voice that was deep yet gentle, as he approached a beautiful young woman, who sat reading a book near an open window overlooking the palace gardens.

Turing to face the male, the young woman with equally striking features with baby blue eyes and long jet-black hair gently smiled sweetly as she greeted the male, "Brother!" she called out to him.

The two people were Princess Zhang Wu Shu and her brother Prince Zhang Wu XiaoSheng.

"What brings my dear sister back home?" he curiously asked, taking a seat at the opposite side of her.

"Oh, I just wanted to see my dear brother... or does the great water alpha not miss his younger sister any more" she mockingly replied.

"Don't be absurd, one would be a fool to not want to have you in their company" he quickly responded.

Zhang Wu Shu paused at her brothers' words and almost immediately a sunken look appeared across her face, "not everyone", she lowly replied, her voice barely audible, that if Zhang Wu XiaoSheng wasn't a werewolf, he wouldn't have heard her.

XiaoSheng pretended not to have heard, knew all too well what her words meant and to whom she had intended them for, and it was none other than Prince Gang Li Hung. He hated the fact that, that such a cripple would have the face to treat his dear sister this way. But nonetheless, he was somewhat grateful at Gang Li Hung's actions, as he felt his sister was much deserving of someone far superior.

However, regardless of his disapproval, he respected Zhang Wu Shu feelings and if she insists that she wanted to be with Li Hung, then he had no choice but to indulge her.

"Brother, do you think am beautiful?", Zhang Wu Shu suddenly asked.

"Now, do you think that is the question you need to be asking your older brother, Shushu?" he tiled his head with a slight frown on his face.

Zhang Wu Shu signed "You're right, there isn't any point asking you..."

"Not because one insignificant individual doesn't see your worth doesn't mean you're not beautiful. I tell you all the time, but my words are filled with bias as you would still be just as beautiful even if you had one leg" he responded in a very serious tone.

"He-he…. One leg, oh my dear brother…... only you would say such absurd things" she chuckled lightly

The two siblings, who are only a few years apart in age, have always been close. As they were both born alphas with the same fundamental birth ability of controlling water, it made the bond between the two even stronger.

However, there were different expectations required from them by their parents. XiaoSheng was required to train vigorously each day, developing both his birth ability and wolf form. His days of training was intense and often cruel, however by the age of ten he was able to transform into his wolf form, something that took many well into their teens to achieve.

Therefore, as expected, XiaoSheng far surpassed Zhang Wu Shu, who on the other hand was coached on how to be a wife and the future empress of Zoulta.

"XiaoSheng, what is father planning?". Zheng Wu Shu's smile faded, and her voice became serious.

XiaoSheng raised his cup and pressed it gently against his lips, avoiding eye contact with his sister her refuted her question, "whatever in the world do you mean?" he probed her, his demeanour remaining unchanged.

"I have heard word that father is making plans, so tell me what they are? Does he plan to hurt Gang Li Hung?" she asked straightforwardly

Again, XiaoSheng remain unchanged, "my dear sister I know not of what you're asking or implying… whoever your informant is they have been mistaken. Please believe me when I tell you our father is not in any way planning to hurt that mute"

"XiaoSheng!" she snapped sharply. "If that were the case why has father acquired so many omegas into the palace… his he is planning a rebellion?".

Zheng Wu Shu knew that omegas were only needed for few things, and that was for labour or wars, and no kingdom has so may omegas unless they were prepared to use them in some why.

"Shushu there's no need to get angry, you know you can't control your wolf once your temper gets the better of you, and I do not wish to hurt you on your rare visit to us…... Anyway, if you should know, father only requested a few more additional omegas as we're planning a grand banquet and needed the extra labour…...Aww… I agree father went slightly overboard, but you know how ostentatious father gets with these things" he clammily replied, gently placing his teacup on the table, his gaze always lowered and frighteningly cold.

Zheng Wu Shu, paused for a moment as she assessed her brother's response, she could feel the air around him grew cold and oppressive. She knew better than anyone that his words and actions did not match what he was saying. Had she persisted on the matter any further, no good would have come from it. Therefore, it was best to drop the matter and investigate later. "Very well brother, I've been misguided, am sorry" she reluctantly accepted defeat.

XiaoSheng immediately arose from his seat, appearing to be unfazed by the matter "Shushu there's no need to sorry, however I must take my leave now. And do come by more often, father has become quite the handful since you've left", he faced Zheng Wu Shu and continued to speak gently, before taking his leave.

However, as he made his way through the library halls a slight twitched appeared above the corner of his lips, and his eyes were filled with the thirst for blood.