
The Mute Girl and Alpha

Somehow I have to live between the two most terrifying kings who want my life and death? - Elena. Elena, an innocent and quiet teenage girl, must live her days filled with terrible terror. However, who would have thought, the mastermind behind the events that threatened Elena's life was someone she loved the most.

7Mysterious_Human7 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5  - Disclosed

While chatting casually, I and Valko arrived at the classroom and passed a handsome young man about to enter.

"Excuse me, Mister Valko…." The youth stopped Valko, who was talking to me.

Valko frowned in confusion. Instead of answering, Valko looked the foreign youth's appearance up and down.

"Who are you?" asked Valko then.

"I'm a new student, a transfer from Russia."

"New student?" Valko was a little surprised.


"But I am still waiting to receive a report from the headmaster that my class will have a new student today. Are you sure you're not in the wrong class?"

"Of course not." The young man replied with a charming smile. "If you don't believe me, you can ask the headmaster directly."

I'm just silent.

"Alright. You are welcome to come in, then introduce yourself."

"Thank you."

The three of them entered the classroom.

The young man stood in front of all the students, who looked at him with admiration. Especially women.

"Hello, my name is Tristan...."

"He's so handsome."

"This is the first time our class has a handsome friend."

There were whispers among the teenagers.

"You can sit anywhere," said Valko firmly.

There was no smile on his face.

Tristan nodded obediently, then walked over to me. I was already looking at Tristan with disapproval, but Tristan was still determined to sit next to me.

"Hi, nice to sit at the table with you. Hope we can be good friends."

I look away. My body was shaking violently with fear. This incident is bizarre. I thought I had recovered from the trauma to men, but the trauma returned to me.

"Tristan! Don't sit there! Move to another bench!" Valko's orders.

"Why?" Tristan asked innocently.

"Don't ask too many questions! Just do what I say!"

"Sorry, Mister. But I don't want to," said Tristan politely.

"How dare you oppose me! I am your teacher! So you must obey my every command!"

Valko's anger exploded.

"Sorry in advance, Mister. However, I purpose in paying to school here is not to be a slave but to be educated as a student. So, Mister does not deserve to order me like your subordinates."

Valko pounded the table until the boom boomed throughout the class. "GO OUT!"

Tristan shook his head, still smiling. "I came here to study, not to be expelled. Why are you angry with me? Are you offended by what I said earlier?

Valko lifted his chair high and was about to throw it at Tristan, but all over, Valko suddenly roared in pain like it was burning and hurting.

"Argh!" Valko groaned.

"Mister!" I helped Valko, but the man immediately pushed my hand away.

"Don't touch me! Get away from me!"

I was surprised by Valko's change in attitude. Now the man dared to yell at me, even had the heart to slap my hand so harshly.

Valko ran away in a hurry leaving me petrified on the spot.

Why is Valko suddenly in pain? Did the injury from yesterday's accident recur?

"That guy really is fierce, huh."

Tristan's voice startled me. "You don't intend to go after him?"

I quickly moved away from Tristan. "Stay away from me," I tried to suppress my fear.

Tristan chuckled. "Why? Do I look like a scary monster?"

I didn't answer out of fear. I really hate this foreign man who pretends to be familiar with me. Tristan looked more dangerous than Leo, who constantly bullied me in the past.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look handsome?" joked Tristan.

I immediately went outside and just left Tristan. Valko's health is far more important than the new student's ramblings.

'Where is Mr. Valko?'

I went to the infirmary but didn't find Valko in the room. I was even more panicked and confused.

Or maybe he went to the bathroom?

I rushed to the bathroom. When I got to the restroom, I searched all the cubicles, but Valko wasn't anywhere. In fact, I was desperate to search the entire school room for Valko, but he wasn't anywhere.

'Where exactly did Mr. Valko go?'

There's only one place I have yet to go to. However, I wonder if Valko is in that place.

'I'd better check if Mr. Valko is there.'

I had to follow the whisper of my heart and went to the park behind the school. Arriving at the park, I looked around to find the man's figure. However, I found no one in the garden.

Exactly as I thought, Valco is not in the park.

I sighed heavily, disappointed. I turned to go back to class.


The sound of a groan of pain suddenly stopped me in my tracks.

"That voice…." I am surprised. I'm no stranger to the owner of that voice.

I rushed to the source of the sound. After walking around a relatively large garden, I found the origin of the sound, which was behind a giant tree.

'Why is Mr. Valko hiding behind a tree?'

I was so surprised. Even though Valko should have gone to the infirmary or to the hospital.

Cautiously, I stepped closer to the old tree. The voice became more apparent as I got closer to it.

"Mr. Valko, were you there?" I called the man softly. However, I am still waiting to get word of an answer.

I winced in surprise. I suddenly hesitated to check Valko, who was behind the tree.

"Mister! If that's true, Misted, please answer the battery."

There was no answer, which made me even more anxious. I mustered up all my courage, then walked towards the giant tree. With a quick movement, I checked behind the tree, but there was no one.

I winced in surprise. I'm pretty sure I heard someone groaning in pain earlier and that it was coming from here.

"Why isn't there anyone?" I looked around in surprise, trying to find Valko. However, the result was nil. There's no one around me.

I was startled when someone tapped my shoulder. I suddenly turned back.

"You?!" I was utterly wide-eyed, shocked.

Tristan chuckled. "Why are you so surprised? Do I look like a ghost?" he joked.

I immediately ran away from Tristan. For some reason, I was very uncomfortable near that Russian-looking man.

I ran down the school corridor.

"Argh!" The moan came back again and made me stop for a moment. The voice came from the storage shed.

With minimal courage, I sneakily approached the door and slowly opened it.

I saw a shadow on the wall of a thrashing human figure. However, before long, the human form slowly changed to that of a Wolf.

I shut my mouth tightly.