
The Mute Girl and Alpha

Somehow I have to live between the two most terrifying kings who want my life and death? - Elena. Elena, an innocent and quiet teenage girl, must live her days filled with terrible terror. However, who would have thought, the mastermind behind the events that threatened Elena's life was someone she loved the most.

7Mysterious_Human7 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Weird Attitude

I walked down the school corridor to go to class. All pairs of eyes immediately greeted me with cynical looks mixed with hatred. However, I try to be calm and ignore everyone's sneers about me.

I was overcome by sadness because I remembered the wolf's death yesterday. I'm sure the wolf is kind because it doesn't intend to hurt me. As a result, I was devastated by the wolf's departure, as if I had lost a good friend.



"Sorry, Mister!" I immediately picked up the books scattered on the floor, then returned them to the owner.

"Thank you." Valko smiled.

I am surprised. "Mr. Valko?! Why is Mr. Valko here? Isn't Mr. Valko is not still recovering—" My eyes were glued to the bandages covering my teacher's neck.

"Is Mr. Valko really alright?" I'm worried.

"Of course. There's no way I'd be seriously injured from that little crash just now." Valco chuckled.

"That's not what I meant, Mr. Valko! But why is your neck bandaged? Was it from yesterday's car crash?" I'm guessing.

"Oh, you mean this wound…." Valko smiled casually while holding his bandaged neck. "It's just a minor wound."

"Please, don't lie, Mister. The wound looks very bad. It must be the impact of yesterday's crash, right? Be honest." I feel very guilty for making Valko suffer.

Valco chuckled. "Are you worried about me?" Valko's joke broke the ice.

I was speechless and nervous. For the first time in my history, I could finally speak intimately and fluently to someone without fear and stammering. Moreover, that person was a man.

"O-of course, Mister. Because you got hurt because of me. So it's only natural that I take responsibility and worry about you. Is that normal?"

"Of course! I'm so happy! Uhm, I mean… I'm so happy that my student is worried about me." Valko hastily corrected his sentence while smiling shyly.

"Is Mister's wound getting worse day by day? Do we need to check it into the hospital?" I repeated my question.

"No need. I feel much better than before. This wound is not an injury from yesterday's accident, but I fell down the stairs this morning and broke my neck. However, everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Are you going to class?"

I nodded.

"Coincidentally, me too. Can I walk with you while chatting?"

I was reluctant to refuse, especially since Valko is my life savior. I nodded, and we walked together to class.

"What are your hobbies?"


"Your favorite food?"

I was silent for a moment, confused. "Maybe... chicken."

Valko chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? Does that sound funny?" I asked with an innocent expression.

Valko shook his head while holding back a laugh. "Not at all. It's just that you talk like a child. So innocent and honest."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" I asked again. I need clarification on whether to say thank you or other words.

Valko was silent due to a bit of surprise, but he tried to hide it. "Of course, it's a compliment."


"It turns out that Elena still dares to go to school, even though everyone already hates her."

"Looks like we have to give the mute girl a proper punishment so that she leaves immediately and moves from this school!"

"You're right! If the teacher doesn't want to expel Elena, let's make her a deterrent so she takes the initiative to move."

I just took a deep breath. I was scared but had no other choice. Because many schools had refused my presence, Mother had difficulty getting me into school due to my strange attitude toward other people.

"If you guys dare to do something bad like you're planning, I'll drag you out of this school myself! Got it?!" Valko's firm voice echoed in the hustle and bustle of the canteen.

All students looked down in fear, while the three girls who wanted to bully me bowed deeply.

"Do you guys have no business besides talking about people?" Valko looked at the three girls sharply and angrily.

The three of them just looked down in fear.

"Elena, come with me."

I was scared but forced to nod. I stood up and followed Valko, who had already walked in.

Arriving at the teachers' room, I stood in the doorway and didn't dare enter. "W-what is it Mister called me?"

"Sit down."

I considered for a moment to decide. To me, being in a room with a stranger is terrifying.

"Elena? Do you hear me?"

I nodded slowly, then forced to sit in front of Valko. "What's going on, Mister?"

Valko handed me a lunch box. "Eat."

"What's is this?" I frowned in confusion.

"Fried chicken. Your favorite food." Valko smiled sincerely.

I frowned in confusion. "Why did the Mister buy me chicken?"

"Didn't you say your favorite food is chicken? Did I hear that wrong?" Valko tried to remember.

"That's not what I meant... but why would Mister bother to buy me a chicken? Because I can buy it myself."

"I know you don't have time to buy it. Because your time is up for the painting, right?" Valko chuckled jokingly.

I fell silent.


I had no other choice and had to nod. I would hate to refuse Valko's small request. Especially when considering his services.

Valko smiled sweetly while looking at me, who was hungrily eating food. "From now on, you must come to my study every break time."

"Why, Mister?" I winced, amazed.

"So you don't have to hear the taunts of your schoolmates anymore."

I was silent for a moment, then shook my head. "It's okay. I'm used to it." I went back to eating my food. There is a strange feeling that surrounds my heart. My heart feels happy and happy because of Valko's attention.

Silence, Valko and I do not speak to each other. I was engrossed in eating fried chicken that spoiled my tongue while Valko was busy looking at me while sipping his coffee.

I was nervous about the way Valko was looking at me. Do I look weird when I'm eating?

I suddenly remembered something and looked back at Valko, curious. "Why don't you hate me like they do?" That's a question I deserve to ask.

Valko choked on coffee until he coughed.

I panicked while handing my drinking water to Valko. "Drink, Mister."

Valko shooked his head quickly. "I have to go to the bathroom right away." Valko rushed to run outside, leaving me just like that.

I feel guilty. Because of my stupid question, Valko faltered.

I hope he's okay.

I waited for Valko while reading a book lying on his desk. However, I was fixated on a book like a bible. The book looks very strange, like an ancient book. I grabbed the book and was about to read it.


I jerked so that the book fell from my hands. "W-what's wrong, Mister?"

Vako breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled sweetly. "Nothing."

I winced.

Valko hastily looked at his watch. "In ten minutes, the bell will ring. We'd better get back to class."

I nodded, then the two of us walked together to the classroom.

"Walk ahead," Valko pleaded.


"Just do it."

Although confused, I still nodded obediently. I need help understanding Valko's sometimes strange attitude.