
The Mute Girl and Alpha

Somehow I have to live between the two most terrifying kings who want my life and death? - Elena. Elena, an innocent and quiet teenage girl, must live her days filled with terrible terror. However, who would have thought, the mastermind behind the events that threatened Elena's life was someone she loved the most.

7Mysterious_Human7 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Mysterious Wolf

"Why did you even bring that cursed child to my house? Do you intend to bring harm to my family and me?"

"It will not happen."

"Can you guarantee it, huh?"

I overheard Thompson and Margareth talking from upstairs while both were preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Thompson is my mother's younger brother.

"Come on, don't complain too much. Please help me... just this once. I'm too lazy to keep arguing with you and Charles. If you want, I will pay the rent as long as Elena and I stay at your house."

"This is not a rent issue! But this concerns the lives of my family!"

"Lower your voice, Thompson. What if Elena hears about it?" Margaret asked, looking around anxiously.

I frowned suspiciously and sharpened my hearing even more.

"Hei! What are you doing here, Mute Girl?"

Robert's voice startled me. Robert is my cousin, son of Thompson and Dawney.

I shook my head quickly, then ran to the room, leaving Robert.

"You weird girl…."

I can hear quite clearly Robert muttering mockingly at me.

After entering the room, I immediately leaned against the door with short breaths.

Even though Robert and I are in the same family, I'm still afraid when I face my uncle's family. Because they openly hate me by avoiding and insulting me.


"Elena, why aren't you sleeping? It's already 12 at night, though." Margareth approached me, who was sitting and painting on a bench on Thompson's porch.

I shook my head slowly without looking at Margareth. I really hate talking. When did I start to hate interacting with the people closest to me? Even including my mother.

Margaret took a deep breath.

I know my attitude sometimes makes Margaret exhale, many times tired. However, I couldn't change the mindset that was instilled from childhood to growing into a teenage girl. I'm always talkative.

Margaret sat beside me. "What are you painting, Honey?"

I quickly closed my book and hid it behind my back.

Margareth wasn't the least bit surprised by my impolite reaction. "Why are you even hiding it? Is it because you can't see it?"

I nodded.

"Why? But Mommy really wanted to see it. Your painting must be perfect." Margareth praised with a sweet smile.

I'm just speechless.

"Okay. It doesn't matter if you don't want to show it to Mom. Mom will come in. However, if you are sleepy, immediately rest and lock the door. Okay?"

I nodded. Margareth kissed me before entering the house. However, Margareth sits on the guest sofa, watching me from the window.

I returned to painting while waiting for dawn. Because of that dream, I have a sleep phobia. I am terrified that the figure of the fanged man will terrorize me again in my dreams. As a result, I had to stay up late.

The sound of the bushes made me flinch in surprise, and I looked around warily.

'Wh-who is it?'

I wanted to run away quickly, but curiosity made me dare to approach the moving bushes.

Thompson's house was at the edge of the woods. I thought in the bushes, maybe a Rabbit or a squirrel.

I stepped closer to the thicket, then inspected it with a quick motion. I was shocked to find a pale-faced little boy hiding in it.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?! You better go home before your parents scold you."

Without answering, the boy immediately ran into the forest.

"Hey!  Wait! You can't go into the woods! It's dangerous there!" I reflexively chased after the boy. I don't want the nameless boy to get hurt because I've heard rumors of wild beasts and venomous snakes in the forest.

But the boy suddenly disappeared behind a tree. "Where is he going?" I stopped when I didn't see the boy's figure anymore.

A second later, I got goosebumps when the cold wind blew against my skin.

I looked around while shaking with fear. The gigantic trees surrounding me looked like monsters were blocking me. Like I've been too deep into the forest.

I decided to go home. However, when I turned around, I found a strange man wearing a black robe standing right behind me.

I was startled and swiftly stepped back. "Wh-who are you?"

The man only answered with an evil grin.

"Go! Don't come near me!" I kept backing away, but my steps stopped when my back hit a tree. As a result, I was surrounded, and there was no way to run.

"Help! Help!"

The man was getting closer to me.

I cried hysterically. Cold sweat drenched my whole body.


When the man reached out to strangle me, suddenly, a giant wolf appeared and blocked the mysterious man from approaching me.

The man and I were shocked.

The gray wolf snarled angrily while showing its two canine teeth sticking out of its mouth. The moonlight made the teeth shine like a double-edged sword.

"Move! I have no business with you!"

The wolf ran as fast as lightning, pounced on the man, and tore his body to pieces.

I screamed hysterically when I witnessed that terrible fight, especially when the wolf bit the foreign man's neck.

Unyielding, the mysterious man struggled to escape, and after successfully release the bite, he immediately kicked the wolf into a tree.

The tree suddenly fell. However, despite the heavy impact, the wolf was not injured. Bravely, he immediately got up and attacked the black-robed man again.

The battle is getting fiercer. The man counterattacked the wolf and bit its neck, causing it to howl in pain. However, the wolf immediately swatted the man away with its tail until it was thrashed. Wasting no time, the wolf bit and broke the man's neck to death.

I was instantly relieved. However, it didn't take long before I realized that the wolf was sneaking around, wanting to pounce on me.

"Please do not hurt me! Don't kill me!" I begged, terrified.

The wolf suddenly fell limply.

I feel pity to see the condition of the giant wolf because his condition is very pathetic. His neck was torn by the mysterious man's sharp fangs, so fresh blood poured out. However, I was afraid to approach him even though the wolf was lying helpless.

The wolf looked at me sadly, making my heart feel sad. The wolf did look terrible. His body was big, like a giant, and looked scary simultaneously, but when I looked at him with those sad eyes, my fear immediately disappeared.

I ventured to take a cautious step toward the wolf, then crouched beside him. I stroked the gray wolf's fur gently.

"Forgive me …." I cried silently. "I've hurt you."

Slowly the wolf closed his eyes and drowned in his pain.

I sobbed a little while looking at the corpse of a wolf that I believed was dead. My heart is sad and broken. I feel like I've just lost a friend forever. My roars rang pathetically in the stillness of the night.

As a sign of gratitude, Iburied the wolf's corpse and sprinkled flowers on his grave.

I promise to visit you every day.

After a few moments of mourning the loss of the wolf and my first friend, I walked away from the cemetery.


"Elena! Where have you been, huh?!"

I was immediately greeted by Mother's scolding as soon as I got home.

I just looked down.

Thompson cleared his throat, exasperated. "Irritating. Why doesn't that girl just die as well?" Thomas muttered under his breath.

Robert and Dawney gave me a sinister look. Both agreed with Thompson's opinion, but the three never dared to speak up.

"Answer me! Why are you silent, Elena!?" Margaret snapped out of patience. Mother's face looked panicked, and her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, Mom…." I could only say that short sentence.

I was scared to tell the company that gave them to the forest because I didn't want to worry Mom even more.

"Ck! You naughty girl!" Margareth hugged me so tightly that I winced softly due to shortness of breath.

"Mother thought our earlier meeting on the terrace would be my last meeting with you, honey. Mother would not be able to if you had to leave Mother forever!" Mother was crying on my shoulder.

"It hurts, Mom…." I complained.

"Sorry!" Margaret immediately let go of his arms and led me into the room.

"Now, Mommy will sleep in your room."

I nodded in agreement, not having any objections to Mother's decision. Because this is an opportunity for me to ask Mother directly about my origins.

"Mom, who am I?"