
The Mutation Madness

Mutation , a small and sudden change in the DNA sequence , but who knew this small change would've this big impact on the whole world. Krev was just studying for his Mutant Corp. medical exams , with a pen in his hand solved some questions on his tablet. Just then something hit him and in the next few moments his whole life changed. Let The Madness Begin!!! ×-×-× Chapters : 13-14 per week Chapter Length : 1000-1100 • I don't own the cover so if the owner wants to remove the cover drop a comment on any of the chapter.

sageT_T · アクション
131 Chs

•T-Tier 4

"Sir, we are detecting one of the candidate's enlightenment," the man in the blue uniform reported, his tone carrying a sense of urgency. The boss, seated with an unobstructed view of the city, glanced up, his piercing gaze fixed on the messenger.

"Another one? And at this time, who is it? Mutants shouldn't be popping up nowadays, is he one of those marked ones?" The boss's voice betrayed a hint of annoyance, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of his chair.

"Yes, sir. Prof. Derm marked him a few years ago. His name is Krev Luxure, and he's in City S right now. Prof. Derm is on the waiting line, wanting to discuss this mutant with you," the man in the blue uniform relayed the information swiftly, maintaining a professional demeanor.

"I see. Is that all?" The boss's gaze returned to the sprawling city below, a tableau of twinkling lights against the dark canvas of the night.

"Yes, sir."

"Then get out."

The man in the black suit efficiently pressed buttons on the computer before him, summoning a window with an old man in a lab coat on the other side.

"Yes, Professor, how may I help you?" The boss's voice shifted, now focused on the interaction with the esteemed scientist.

"Sir, this candidate is... How do I say... He's too dangerous to be kept alive," the Professor voiced his concern, his expression etched with worry.

"Then kill him," the boss suggested, his tone cold and unforgiving.

"B-But sir, his blood is important for research, so..." The Professor hesitated, grappling with the ethical dilemma.

"Then kidnap him. Why are you bothering me with these dumb questions?" The boss's impatience was evident, his focus unwavering.

"S-Sir, the candidate's enlightenment might be... problematic."

"Is it Tier 7 or 6 this time?" The boss inquired, intrigued by the potential threat.

"No, sir, it's a T-Tier 4 this time, and the Enlightenment is Blood Mutant."

"Blood mutant? So, he is one of a kind, huh? It's rare to find one of a kind nowadays. Do you have access to any nearby street cameras?" The boss's curiosity intensified.

"Of course not, sir, but if you order then..."

"Okay, I'll contact the I.T. Department and tell them to give you access to keep him under surveillance."

"Thanks, sir. Also—" The Professor attempted to convey additional information, but the boss cut him off.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to ask you, but what's his ability?"

"It's unknown for now; I can't tell until I see him using the ability."

"The kid is full of surprises. Hahaha, I like it. Kidnap him when there's a chance, extract his mutation, and then dispose of him."

"Okay, sir."

With a subtle tweak on his computer, the window closed, and the man in the black suit rose from his chair, gazing at the cityscape below.


Krev's laughter echoed through the room as he mercilessly stabbed the old man, each strike punctuating the macabre scene. The once serene space now bore witness to a gruesome dance of violence.

"Argh, it's still hurting, Mom. Is there some kind of medicine for this? Please, open the first aid box and fix me, fix my body, Mom... please." Krev's voice, tainted with madness, reverberated in the blood-stained room.

Ignoring his mother's helpless plea, he turned his attention to his sister, continuing his violent spree. The grotesque tableau unfolded, a family torn apart by the very hand that should have protected them.

"S-Stop, please stop. Y-You who are you? Y-You can't be my son, you can't be my son. That's it, you aren't my son; my son isn't like this. YOU... WHO ARE YOU!!!" His mother's cries of anguish echoed through the room, blending with the sounds of brutality.

The pain in Krev's heart intensified, an unfamiliar ache that seemed to bore into his very soul. It was a sensation he had never encountered before, and it gnawed at him relentlessly.

"Why? Why? WHY DOES IT STILL HURT!!!" Krev's anguished screams filled the room, a desperate plea for an escape from the torment within.

In a moment of reflection, his mind flashed back to the quiet moments at his study table, contemplating the expectations thrust upon him. Questions swirled in his mind, a maelstrom of self-doubt and confusion.

"Ah, isn't it to lessen this pain that I'm killing them? These strangers didn't even see the real me till the end, why? Did I do something wrong? Was it wrong of me to be an ideal son? Why did they expect so much from me? Is it my fault? Is there anything I could've done to change this outcome? If not then..." Krev's thoughts spiraled into a vortex of despair.

"Why can't you just see ME? Argh." The pen, stained with his sister's blood, became a symbol of the shattered bonds that once held his family together.

Rushing towards his mother, now sprawled on the floor, Krev's descent into madness reached its zenith. "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry." The tears streaming down his face offered a stark contrast to the brutality that unfolded.

As his mother took her last breath, Krev, pockets laden with the tools of his unspeakable acts, stared at the ceiling. "Finally, it doesn't hurt anymore. Thanks, Mom. It doesn't hurt anymore. But..." An unsettling emptiness replaced the pain, an abyss that seemed to swallow him whole.

"What is this emptiness?" Krev questioned, the void within him expanding. Unperturbed, he decided to traverse the path of his shattered existence, clutching his smartphone and earphones as shields against the cacophony of the world.

Stepping outside, the remnants of his family's blood splattered on the door, Krev looked at the full moon. "After this mutation, I'm one of them now, huh. Sinners, was it?" The term resonated in the air, signifying a new identity for Krev.

Sinners, a clandestine group of enlightened mutants who wielded their abilities for nefarious purposes, held a mysterious allure. The city, now tainted by the news of Krev's heinous acts, awaited the unfolding drama.

"Doesn't sound that bad. Well, then let's get started with finding a group."


"So you're telling me that you couldn't find him anywhere, and there are three dead bodies in his house?"

"Yes, sir. It appears his abilities caused that bloodshed. What should we do, sir?"

The man in the black suit took a sip of red wine, contemplating the situation before responding, "I see. Then just blame the murders on the person we sent to scout. Also, make this news known through TV channels, social media, and everything."

"Okay, sir."


'If possible, I want to use this to bring him on our side. Such a rare specimen is hard to find.'

The call concluded, and

the man reached for a cigarette just as a woman in a black uniform entered, holding files.

"Vice President Neol, the preparation for experiment 'Relive' is complete. The scientists are asking whether they can proceed further."

"Yeah, tell them to go ahead and proceed. Also, what was the first one's ability?"

"It was..."


The following day, news of the family massacre and Krev's disappearance gripped the city. Wanted posters adorned the streets, featuring Krev alongside Tier-5 and Tier-6 criminals.

Meanwhile, Krev roamed the night, evading guards and finding temporary respite in a garden. Sleep eluded him, the echoes of his actions haunting every moment.

'What a pain. Is finding a place to sleep that hard?'

Morning came, and Krev's eyes opened to a group of people, their eyes fixed upon him. A confrontation brewed, led by a figure with bleached hair.

"Hey, brat, who do you think you are? Invading our territory like this. Do you want to die or something?" The leader's threat hung in the air.

"Yeah, yeah, brother Derek, teach this punk a lesson. He doesn't even know who he's messing with," a companion chimed in, adding to the intimidation.

Smiling in response, Krev calmly declared, "No, I don't know who you guys are."

Derek's forehead tensed with irritation. "Huh! You want some of me."