
Chapter 42 Devil Fruits

"So, it seems my package has arrived." Jin said as he gazed at the marines in front of him. They had 6 tightly looked chests, which presumably contained the devil fruits Jin asked for. "Here you go, our job here is done." A marine said before handing the chests and turning around.

"Wait, I want to know what devil fruits these are." Jin said as the marines continued to walk away. "Fleet Admiral Sengoku said the information would be inside." The marines said without turning back. "Good, and next time, don't be rude and wait to leave." Jin said as he turned around with the 6 chests in hand.

After that, Jin went into his office where Kai and Izuku were waiting. "We got them, but before we open them, let's call Sengoku." Jin said as he grabbed the den den mushi. "Why is there a problem?" Izuku asked in concern.

"No, by the way, your training is going well it seems." Jin said as he rung up Sengoku. "What is it, did you get the packages?" Sengoku asked irritatedly. "Yes, but it seems you planted a bomb in one of them, I am not too pleased." Jin said as Izuku looked at him confusedly, while Kai nodded his head in approval.

"BOMB!? There is no bomb!" Sengoku said as he grew enraged. "Well there was, or are you calling me a liar? Anyway, because of this I want information to make it up, I want to know the execution date of Gol D. Roger's son." Jin said as Sengoku grew shocked.

"Oh wait, I amn't supposed to know that am I?" Jin continued as Sengoku's jaw dropped. "Anyway, now that you know what card I hold, I hope you'll honestly tell me when the execution date is." Jin said before continuing "Unless you want me to call over the Dark King as well."

Hearing this Sengoku was shocked yet again as he gulped down hard. "You realise, although Roger has many allies he also has many enemies, if you let that information leak, not only the marines will want his head." Sengoku said as if trying to gain the upper hand.

"Oh you think you're smart? You realise even if they decided to help you, once Ace is dead, Marineford will be completely and utterly destroyed along with your Marines' pride." Jin said as Izuku and Kai listened intently.

"Fine, his execution will be held in 2 days from now, is that all?" Sengoku asked, wanting to finish the conversation as soon as possible. "Yes for now, oh and since you finished 1 favor, would you like me to send you half a dragon, or would you like to wait to claim a whole one?" Jin asked jokingly as Sengoku's forehead creased before he hung up.

"Oh, quite rude, anyway he gave me what I wanted." Jin said as he got up and gazed at the 6 chests. "What was the point of that? Wasn't that information going to be released soon anyway?" Izuku asked as he gazed at Jin curiously.

"Well the point was mainly for me to play around with him a bit. But when you think about it this also showcases our power and will make him more wary of us, this is good and bad. It's good because he won't be rash and do something stupid against us, while it's bad because now he won't take us as lightly as before. Then again, we were already perceived as a decently strong threat." Jin explained as Izuku nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, we better open these bad boys right." Jin said as he nearly began to salivate. "I call first dibs." Kai said on the side. "What, how is that fair? This was all gained through my effort." Jin said as he glanced at Kai in annoyance.

"Don't you have enough powers already?" Kai said as he locked eyes with Jin, looking like they were about to start a fight. "D-Does it matter, you 2 probably won't pick the same fruits anyway because you fight differently." Izuku said as he calmed them down.

"Fine." "Tch, whatever." They said one after the other as Jin's hand reached towards the locks. "They forgot to hand us keys, then again we don't need them." Jin said as he activated OFA and swiftly broke off the locks.

"So these are devil fruits?" Izuku and Kai asked as they gazed at the large colourful fruits. "Yes, they look good to eat don't they?" Jin said as he laughed on the inside. 'Hahaha, if they eat any of them, they're gonna feel like dying.' Jin thought as a smile reached his lips.

"Then what do we have here?" Jin asked as he looked at the notes in front of each fruit.

The first one was a completely green fruit with swirling patterns around it. The note in front of it read "Kusa Kusa no mi". This was a grass type logia devil fruit. 'So at least they delivered with the logia.' Jin thought as he looked at the second fruit.

It was a pure white fruit, with the standard devil fruit swirly pattern and a red stalk. It's name was "Usagi Usagi no mi, Model: Moon Rabbit". "Wait a second, isn't that, a mythical zoan!?" Jin said in shock as he looked at it. 'Inspect.' Jin thought as information on the fruit appeared into his vision.


Usagi Usagi no mi, Model: Moon Rabbit

Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

This fruit when consumed can give the consumer explosive power, and affinity with the moon. Due to an unknown foreign entity, once consumed the consumer will lose power when in the ocean, or touching sea stone. Another notable danger of this is fruit, is that unless one is pure of heart when consuming this fruit, one will explode.

More information can be obtained with a higher Inspect level


Seeing this description Jin was somewhat disappointed, but at the same time elated. "Hahahaha, hahahaaha!" Jin laughed as he clutched his face. "What's the problem? Isn't a mythical zoan a really good find?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Ya, that's it. They gave it to us thinking no one would be able to consume it, see this fruit only allows the pure of heart to consume it." Jin said as he wiped a tear off his face. "And I have just the right man to consume it." Jin said as he smiled while looking at Izuku.

"Wait, me?!?" Izuku asked in shock. "Him, really? A mythical zoan?" Kai said with some apprehension. "Come on Kai, I mean we're a trio, and anyway, you, definitely can't consume this fruit." Jin said as Kai turned his head to the side without responding.

"*Gulp* So this is really mine?" Izuku asked with hidden excitement. "Yes, but eat it after, so just in case you have a better suited fruit, you eat that." Jin said with a hidden motive. After that he proceeded to open the other 4 chests.

Inside the 3rd chest was a high fruit with swirly patterns, it was black and white in colour and it's stalk was grey. This was the Jiki Jiki no mi, a fruit which could attract and repel objects according to the users will.

The 4th fruit was completely blue in colour with the typical devil fruit swirly pattern. It's name was Kyoka Kyoka no mi, a fruit which could reinforce the user and objects held.

The 5th fruit was extremely small, being a third of the size of a regular devil fruit. It was yellow in colour and it's name was Asshuku Asshuku no mi, this devil fruit could compress objects to be used for attack defense and or carrying. Objects compressed by this fruit can be decompressed by the user, and they keep the same mass.

Inside the 6th and final chest was a completely brown devil fruit with swirly patterns around it. This fruit was called Kaku Kaku no mi, and it projects the users thoughts onto any writing surface of their choosing.

'Damn, the first 2 fruits are excellent, especially the 2nd one. The 3rd fruit is really strong as well, probably because I said if I was disappointed I'd harm the dragons. The 4th fruit is basically meh, just busoshoku haki but I have a use for it. The 5th fruit is also a strong fruit and the 6th fruit is clearly trash.' Jin thought as he gazed at the 6 fruits.

"I want the Jiki Jiki no mi." Kai said as he reached for it. "...Sure, Izuku take the Moon Rabbit fruit as well." Jin said as he grabbed the devil fruit and tossed it to Izuku.

Now Kai and Izuku each had a fruit in their hands which they stared at weirdly. "So, we just eat these?" Izuku asked as he gazed at his fruit with a weird expressison. "Ya pretty much." Jin said as both Kai and Izuku nodded before eating the fruits in one bite.

"Oh god!" "What is this, I am going to vomit." Kai and Izuku said as they ate the fruits with green faces. It was common knowledge that devil fruits tasted horrible, but Jin had "forgot" to mention this to them for some reason.

On the side Jin laughed at them as they kept their vomit from spilling out. 'So what fruit should I eat? Or should I wait for a better one? Eh, whatever, it's better to see if I can take off the devil fruit weaknesses first.' Jin thought as Kai seemed to calm down, while Izuku's face seemed to be going red.

"Shit, what's wrong?" Jin said as he gazed at Izuku wearily. Kai also began to take off his glove as he gazed at Izuku. 'Don't tell me he doesn't fall under the definition "pure at heart"?' Jin thought as he rushed behind Izuku.

"Don't worry I am fine, it was just a bit intense." Izuku said as his face returned back to normal. "Good, well let's test out your fruits now." Jin said as he walked towards the door. 'Whew he gave me a fright.' Jin thought as he exited the room with Kai and Izuku following him.

"By the way, shouldn't we hide the fruits?" Izuku asked. "Eh? No need. They know the office is off limits, and besides, those fruits although good, aren't that important, like at most we just need to kill the traitor and blame the marines. That way we'll get even more fruits." Jin said as they walked out of the base and into the training area.