
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Prologue Pt.2

(In the Realms of Chaos)

The man exits the portal with his legions of loyal soldiers trailing behind him. He looks at this new land that he has entered and chuckles.

He can currently see the wrecked realms of the Lesser Chaos Gods, it would seem that the middle gods were not kind to the lands of there allies as they were making there way to the mortal realm.

The feels pleasure, soaking up all the energy of the warp he can. Feeling his powers improve, he starts to advance again.

The man moves steadily towards the realm of his first target, Slaanesh. The Dark Prinesses Realm is a mountainous place, the are rocky outcrops dotted throughout the place. It is the perfect environment for the Princess of Pleasure forces, The vile Daemonettes who are able to dash out between the rock cover slashing any the can get there claws on.

The Seekers of Slaanesh can use the long nimble bodies to swiftly move around the armies of the man nipping at week spots in his forces.

The Hellflayers charge head on, they dance through the enemy lines, weaving a path for lesser daemons to follow.

The Fiends of Slaanesh are a different beast all together. They smash into an enemies line, ripping to shreds all in there path, or just smashing them into a paste on the ground.

But all these daemons pale in comparison to Slaanesh's Greater Daemons, The Keepers of Secrets. The depraved beings dance there way through all, kill and dismembering all in there path. The torture and pleasure all who witness them. The are beings of such power the put the Greater Daemons of the middle gods to shame.

These daemons were made to kill and kill they had. They had been whittling down the mans force all of the way through the realm.

It was not enough however, the mans forces made up of Gods and Greater Daemons were to great for one god to face alone.

Now all the remained under Slaanesh's control were her Six Circles of Seduction and The Palace of Slaanesh itself. The man, conceited through his constant victory decided to charge into The Palace of Slaanesh alone.

Once entering the palace the man notices an eerie feel. The inner halls of the place is devoid of daemons, but man can see mortals of all the races and even race he had never seen before. These beings were twisted into horrifying forms, some furniture, some cruel and demeaning art but all let's off a sweet music of moans show that still living state of all of these sad beings.

The man, unfazed by all of this caries on towards the throne room. As he grows closer he begins to hear the loud moans of a sickly sweet voice.

When he enters the throne room, he witnesses a woman sat on her throne. This woman was notably the most beautiful creature that the man had yet seen. She had smooth skin and nicely curved features.

This was Slaanesh. It was obvious to the man as whilst looking in his eyes her hand remained at her crotch, rubbing constantly. The man continues to walk fowards, towards the woman, asking if she would surrender to him.

Slaanesh laughs at the question, stating she would only submit to the man if he could satisfy her. She stands and walks slowly off to the side of the room where there is a door, a door leading to a bedroom. The man slowly raises his hand causing Slaanesh to freeze, chains slowly working there up her leg.

She chuckles slowly and beggings walking again, easily breaking of the chains, now swaying he hips in a seductive fashion.

The man with no choice slowly walks after her remaining cautious. Once he enters the room he feels his divinity activate. He can see a small twinkle in the eyes of the woman in front of him. He slowly removes his clothes and approaches to woman.

As the make love, Slaanesh can be shown falling deeper and deeper for the man. Slaanesh being the depraved god she is, dreams of being dominated by a being like herself. This along with effects of the man's divinities cause the effect of her affection to increase exponentially.

As this is happening there is carnage. The daemons of Slaanesh are slowly making progress into the ranks of the man. They are only being suppressed by the different lesser and middle gods that are defending them.

The battle reaches a stalemate when suddenly the Daemons of Slaanesh stop. They back away, slowly making there way back towards the castle and wait in a defence around it. They remain this way for the next few hours, that is until three figures are seen exiting the palace.

The Chaos Gods all show surprise on there faces. These three people are the man whom is carrying the exhausted Slaanesh in his arms as he makes his way towards the armies.

To the mans right as he walks out is someone none of the gods have seen in a millennia, Rigg.

Rigg is the God of the Amazons, they are know for there fierce nature and unyielding nature. Slaanesh had wished to break her after the great wars of old, but she had failed. The great amazon would not break, going as far as to go without warp energy, which is a gods only needed sustenance.

This was however before the man came. She had witnesses him enter the room of Slaanesh and exit, not only sane but with Slaanesh cuddled up in his arms like a shy puppy.

The man quickly notices her gaze. He slowly makes his way towards her, walking confidently towards the cage holding her. He ask who she is and the man is surprised by her answer. The man was confused to see one of the gods long thought dead by the mortal realm along with her followers.

The man razes the question, he asks her to serve him as a warrior. She shows worry, looking at the purring Princess of Pleasure in the mans arms but slowly nods he head.

She knows that after all the years of slowly starving her warp energy has left her generally week, she realises her chances of surviving alone is almost zero.

The man nods and grasps her hand, pulling her up. He then proceeds to inject a fraction of his own warp energy into Rigg.

This energy slowly transforms the poor woman, painfully corrupting her own energy. Once the process is complete she is no longer Rigg, The God of the Amazons. But now she emerges Rigg, The Chaos God of Fighting and Women.

The man has achieved something never seen before in the warp. He had created his own choas god.

The man smiles, happy with his experiment. As he exits the palace he calls for the individual leaders of his ghoul, vampire, hollow and shinigami forces along with the special unit commanders of his visored, wizard and quincy units.

As they approach the man take time to truly inspect each of them. First the ghoul Yoshimura, The One-Eyed Owl he is shown to be among the most brutal in combat, but is the kindest to his allies.

The vampire Neferata, The First of the Vampire was the first vampire created by Nagash. She wields vast powers in both melee combat and in the magical arts.

The hollow Baraggan Louisenbairn, The Origanal Vasto Lord was the king of the hollow before the man took over. He has emence spiritual and physical power.

The shinigami Spirit King, he is the ruler of the shinigami who has been alive for so long that he has forgotten his own name. He almost solely held off the unending tides of hollow before the man came to relieve him of his burden.

Next the man looks to the unit leaders. The visored commander Sosuke Aizen, this man is a being of pure manipulation, be it on the battlefield or the government.

The wizard commander Tronbone Takkinen, his is an elderly man of great power and loyalty. He is one of the only humans this man can truly trust.

Finally the quincy commander Yhwach, he is the mortal son of the Spirit King who had built up his own race and successfully waged war against both the hollow and shinigami for centuries.

As these seven beings slowly come to kneel towards the man they brace there hearts for what there god will do to them. The man slowly approaches each of them, injecting his energy into them all.

The other gods squirm watching there soon to be brothers writhing around in pain. The man just watches coldly with expectation.

The first to awake is Yoshimura. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Cannibalism and Kindness. He soon creates his first Greater Daemon, The Kakuja, a form of ancient ghoul that would cannibalize its own kind.

The second to awaken is the vampire Neferata. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Family and Necromancy. Her new Greater Daemon, The Abyssal Terror, A giant winged creature capable of causing fear in even the toughest minds.

Next to awaken is Spirit King. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Spirit and Purity. His new Greater Daemon, The Gotei, they are given the name of the shinigami legions of the past and are equally as skilled as they were then.

After was the visored Sosuke Aizen. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Control and Deception. His new Greater Daemon, The Espada, skilled warriors that can carve there way through the enemies lines like a hot knife through butter.

A few minutes after Aizen, awoke Yhwach. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Light and Hunting. His new Greater Daemon, The Echt, they are representation of the pureblood quincy of the past. They are skilled hunters and brutal killers.

Next to awake was the hollow lord Baraggan Louisenbairn. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Corruption and Darkness. His new Greater Daemon, The Arrancar, formed from the idea of the mythical evolution of the hollow race, they are stronger, faster and overall deadlier than there regular brethren.

Finally Tronbone Takkinen the wizard awoke. Now reborn as The Chaos God of Magic and Sorcery. His new Greater Daemon, The Beast Sorcerer, they are bringing life to the wizards main job in the past the taming or killing of dangerous beasts.

With his eight new godly servants excluding Slaanesh, he wrecks havock along the borders of the four remaining Chaos Gods, He slaughters the Plaguebearers of Nurgle, He raids the libraries of Tzeentch and He steals from the large rivers of blood.

The first to react is Khorne. He is a god of honourable brutality. The man steps out ahead of his army, Khorne follows his lead. The stare at each other for what felt like an eternity, letting there eyes do the talking.

After a few minutes they both laugh, louder and louder before launching into a sprint. The clash could only be described as epic, three days of intense blow for blow action. On there fourth day the man gains the upper hand.

Using his smaller form to duck underneath the hulking form of Khorne he manages to land a strike on one of Khorne ribs which had been injured at an earlier point in the fight.

The beast sways back giving the man an opportunity to land more blows to the increasingly staggered monster.

The fight then last for a few more minutes. At this point you could no long call it a fight, it had become a one sided beat down. In the end the man is standing over a prone Khorne.

The man asks the downed god for his subservience, much to the gods surprise. The god laughs again, he tells the man that there battle would bring the others along and that he was doomed.

The man laughs along, bowing to his side to allow Khorne to see the smiling face of Slaanesh. This shocks Khorne, but this was not it however. What Khorne witnessed next shook him to his core.

Slaanesh, the depraved, twisted being had begun to kneel before the man. Khorne know Slaanesh well, they had been arch enemies for thousands upon thousands of years. He knew that Slaanesh would only do this to someone who had truly conquered her.

Khorne slowly climbs to his feet. He walks next to the kneeling Slaanesh and kneels down himself. He offers his service to the True God of Chaos.With both Khorne and Slaanesh now at his side he begins his true offensive.

Using the armies of Khorne and Slaanesh in tandem, he assaults the Realm of Nurgle. All the while keeping his other minions on the boarder to the Realm of Tzeentch.

Using the might of two of the five Great Chaos Gods he smashes through the Gardens of Nurgle at a fast pace. Khornes Bloodthirsters, Flesh hounds and Bloodletter providing a stable front line to Slaaneshs fast and agile daemons.

They made steady progress to Nurgles Labs, they were the home of many depraved and flesh rotting diseases. The man slowly makes his way through alone. He had left his forces outside as they would be unable to handle Nurgles great works. Khorne and Slaanesh are keeping a look out for Tzeentch and Malal, the two remaining Chaos Gods due to there likelihood of interference.

The man slowly makes his way through the Labs of Nurgle, but like Slaanesh he hasn't told his daemons to stop him. He set a path for the man leading right to his personal lab. The man follows the likely trap, he notices the rotting and putrid flesh of the followers of Nurgle surrounding him, along with the flies that have gathered in swarms around.

Entering Nurgles Lab he looks around. First he sees a large cauldron in the centre of the room, this is where Nurgle concocts his deadliest creations.

Next is the big man himself, Nurgle. The giant mass of rotting flesh and flies, thousands of nurglings buried into his putrid flesh.

Finally on the far side of the room is a cage. This cage contains a woman, a woman who the man believes could be one of the elves from legend.

As he walks further into the room he is greeted by Nurgle. The man is surprised, he didn't expect this amount of pleasantries from the being in front of him.

Nurgle grins, showing off his maw of sharp teeth. He then explains that he would like to make a deal. He gestures to the woman inside the cage, she is Isha, The Elven God of Fertility and Nature. He explains that he has been using her to test his new creations.

His deal is for the man to survive the deadliest disease, his greatest creation. As the man is not a god related to life the man has not natural immunities to disease, he wants to know how it will effects gods of his own level.

Nurgle offers his own servitude, with Isha aswell to achieve this. The man readily agrees, drinking directly from the bubbling cauldron in front of him.

Immediately after this the man falls to the ground, flesh already starting to rot and blood flowing from all of his crevices. Nurgle start to laugh, his grin widens. That is....


The man had broken his own finger to endure the pain. He slowly gets to his feet, his flesh falling from his body. He looks at Nurgle and returns the grin.

The mans muscles suddenly starts growing fighting of the infliction, ripping and tearing to rebuild itself. The mans muscle slowly but surely stops rotting and slowly the mans skins starts going through the same process.

Eventually the man and Nurgle stand, facing each other with wide grins on there faces.