
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 7: The End of a Long Month

(1 Month Later)

The man is happy, extremely happy. Kaneki has progressed through this past month. The man has found that although the origins have changed Kaneki us still the same talent he has always been.

Kaneki has gotten over his fears, of both fighting and eating. He has learnt how to control his new strength and has become better in combat.

The man has also started teaching him Taekwondo, Kaneki became awe filled by the kicks he had performed during his fight with the Jesters or Clowns as he had learned they are called here.

He found this out at Anteiku, which he had been visiting often during this past month. The man has been rekindling his relationships with Yoshimura, Enji and Kaya.

The man had started to have long, deep conversations with Yoshimura whilst playing chess. He has also been competing with Enji.

Ever since they met they formed a quick friendship, racing, sparring or even coffee brewing they compete in it all. Kaya on the other hand likes to sit with him, he has a 'calming aura' as she describes it and they often talk or just sit quietly and read together.

Touka on the other hand is quite hostile to the man, she seems hostile after hearing about his training with Kaneki from the boy himself.

Kaneki joined Anteiku shortly after training began and has begun to believe in equality between the races. Kaneki often talks to Renji and Touka, often going out to collect the bodies of suicide victims.

The man has also grown fond of a family of ghouls that often visit Anteiku, the Fueguchi family. They consist of Asaki, Ryouku and Hinami, Asaki is a kind man and funny. The man and Asaki often make jokes or do bits to make the others laugh.

Ryouku is the calm one in there relationship and is beautiful, with the man often commenting on Asaki's luck in bagging her. She is kind like her husband and often talks about her different interests like botany and painting.

Hinami on the other hand has grown the closed to the man, often calling him he big brother. She is a shy but sweet girl who often at the antics on her father and the man.

The man hasn't spoken to Renji much though, not wanting to force anything.

The man calls Kaneki over, Interrupting his training. The man states that Kaneki now is ready to start integrating into society again.

Kaneki looks surprised by this, not believing in himself. The man narrows his eyes and brings his hands up to Kaneki's shoulders. The man exclaims, "Believe in yourself more boy. You'll never get anywhere this that attitude, you've made me extremely proud to call you my student and have come along way since we've start."

Kaneki percs up after hearing the man, a person he respects complimenting him this much.

After there training session ends they both begin to make there way home, the man has been staying with Kaneki during his training.

When they enter the house they quickly prepare there meal and eat before the man tells Kaneki to prepare for school and go to sleep. The man then goes to sleep himself as he too has a busy period ahead of him.

(1 Week Later)

Kaneki has quickly integrated back into human society, catching up with his friend Hideyoshi Nagachika. This excitable boy has gained the affection of the man, seeing his pure friendship with his student.

The man has been following Kaneki in his day to day for this entire time, making sure hes safe. Today however is different.

Something unexpected happened, Nishiki. Nishiki, who apparently goes to the same university as Kaneki seems to be friends with Hideyoshi and he and Kaneki are looking for something that he seems to have in his possession.

Nishiki starts leading them out of the campus towards a more abandoned area of the city. Once they've arrived he swiftly knocks Hideyoshi out in a brutal fashion much to the surprise of Kaneki.

Nishiki then starts gloating to Kaneki claiming his plans to eat Hideyoshi. This enrages Kaneki, who can be seen growing his kagune out of his back. It's the same as the man remembers, four red tentacles.

The man smiles as he watches Kaneki run towards Nishiki slashing away at him with his kagune and using swift kicks from Taekwondo.

However this isn't enough to take down the experienced ghoul and Nishiki quickly takes Kaneki down.

Nishiki slowly rises after one final punch to the grounded Kaneki and turns to head towards Hideyoshi, but unlike what he expected Hideyoshi isn't there.

What's there instead is the man, with no kagune out but his eyes have changed to his black and gold pupils.

Nishiki still stunned, stands staring at the man. The man then begins to speak, "Hello, I'm afraid we haven't been introduced." The man closes the distance between them in a matter of moments and smashes his fist into Nishiki's face.

"I'm Kaneki's master and you've pissed me off." The man says in a harsh tone to the now prone Nishiki. He begins to walk over Nishiki, who has already started to get to his feet.

The man however doesn't allow this to happen and swiftly stomps on his head, crashing it into the ground. Blood slowly leaking out of Nishiki's head the man continues, "If I didn't know already that you were just being petty to get back at my student." After which he pauses.

"And that little girlfriend of yours." The man is quickly swatted away with a tail like kagune from Nishiki.

The man slides to a halt a few meters away from the now standing Nishiki, "Hahaha, that's the spirit. Show me your resolve little man." The man says as he sprints towards Nishiki.

Nishiki growls and charges towards him, slashing at the man with his kagune as the man continues to laugh at him.

This continues for a few more minutes before the man stops and separates from Nishiki. The man gains a cold look on his face, "Boy, its about time we stop playing."

The man run directly at Nishiki, dodging slashes and getting closer to the angry ghoul. The man closes in and launches a barrage of straight punches to Nishiki, disrupting the boys rhythm.

The man continues to land blows to the boy in front of him, continuously switching styles between the kicks of Taekwondo, the punches of Boxing and the strong strikes of May Thai.

Once the man is finished Nishiki can only be considered as swollen mess on the floor, blood leaking from the wounds on his face.

A few more minutes later Kaneki starts to stir, his Rinkaku kagune helping to increase his healing speed.

Once Kaneki awakes he finds his master sitting on the ground next to the bodies of his best friend and the ghoul that had attacked them.

He looks to the man confused, who in turn brought his index finger to his mouth in a shushing motion. The man gestures for Kaneki to pick up Hideyoshi whilst the man lift Nishiki of the ground and starts the leave.

Kaneki quickly picks up his friend and heads back home, only to find a in his pocket and note. The note was from his master, telling him to find the doctor Asaki Fueguchi from Yoshimura and have him treat Hideyoshi.

Kaneki follows his master instructions and finds the doctor to heal his friend. The man on the other hand is heading back towards the home of Nishiki.

How he knows where Nishiki lives you ask? Well the man has been investigating, investigating about all the threats to his dear student. The man has research about different organisations, such as the CCG which is a human, ghoul hunting police force that kills ghouls on a regular basis. Aogiri Tree is a ghoul terrorist organisation that causes destruction in his wake.

The man has also found out about the different ghouls who live in the current ward hes in, the 20th Ward. Ghouls with little threat like the young Asa who is a amateur mask maker and fan of Uta.

The. there are the dangerous ghoul, the likes of Shuu Tsukiyama who runs the Ghoul Restaurant, another of his devision commanders and is a known cannibal. Then there is Nishiki.

Nishiki is a good kid, that is what the man believes but like all kids he makes rash decisions and has arrogance that gets lost with experience. Nishiki is a strong ghoul but had lost his hunting ground to another ghoul Rize Kamishiro, yet again one of his devision commanders.

Because of this loss though he seemed to struggle to feed, eventually meeting a human girl. This girl found out about him being a ghoul bit instead of reporting him, she allowed him to feed off her.

The man thinks of them as an adorable couple and he might as well help train the Nishiki boy along with his student. The man comes towards Nishiki's apartment and knocks on the door.

A young woman opens the door, she has a light smile on her face as she greets the man. That is until she sees what the man is carrying. She quickly brings Nishiki inside and starts to treat his wounds.

The man watches this happen with a smile on his face. He is seated by the door, waiting to be invited in.

After about half and hour of treatment the man can here the woman coming to the door. She looks towards the man with tears in her eyes but a smile across her face and invites him in.

The apartment is quite cosy, with one bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom and a living space. The man is currently sat at the table that is in the living space, he is waiting for the woman to make coffee for the two of them.

Her name is Kimi Nishino and the man has discovered that she is planning to become a doctor. The man, who is experienced in the medical field talks about this topic for a couple of hours with the young girl.

Eventually however Nishiki wakes up. He looks around to find himself back in his room. He gets up and stumbles out into the living area, to find his girlfriend talking cheerfully with the man who had done this to him.

He quickly rushes over and puts himself between the man and Kimi. The man smiles at this and asks him to calm down, that it wouldn't do his injuries any good to move about like that.

Nishiki chuckles at that, asking why the man would care known the he was the one that gave them to him.

The mans smile widens, he explains that children need to be punished when they've done something wrong. Nishiki had attacked his student and a human he had grown fond of, so he needed to teach him a lesson.

The man then continues on to say that he believe Nishiki has potential and that he would like to train him.

Nishiki looks surprised at this, he never expected an enemy to suddenly become an ally. Nishiki hesitates, looking over to Kimi. He seeks her advise and the man can see that.

The man stands up and leaves, telling the couple that if he agrees he needs to get a job at Anteiku by the end of the week. The man then leaves, heading home after his long day.