
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 6: Why He's The Master

The can be seen walking through the street. He is heading to see and old friend, at least a man who looks like him.

The man is heading to the cafe Anteiku. This cafe is run by a man named Yoshimura, the second most powerful ghoul on his past world. He is also the only ghoul to be elevated to godhood by the man.

The man walks through the alleys, following the route Kaneki had given him. The man is smiling as he walks, looking forward to seeing his friend again.

The man quickly reaches Anteiku. It is a humble cafe, one that you'd walk past any day without even giving a side glance. The man enters and looks around.

He sees four recognisable figures in the quite, comfortable cafe. The first is Enji Koma, he was another of the division commanders and was quite close to the man. The grew up together and later became rivals, creating the gangs The Devil Apes, led by Enji and The Howling Wolves led by the man.

The next is Kaya Irimi. Kaya was another rival of the man in his youth. She led The Black Dobers and together with the apes and the wolves were the three most prominent gangs in there time. She later became a division commander.

The third figure is of course Touka Kirishima and the fourth was Yoshimura himself.

Enough has been said about Touka but Yoshimura is an enigma in himself. He is an kind looking old man, the kind of man that you could never imagine harming a fly. But the man new otherwise, the man new that Yoshimura was once a formidable warrior and a ruthless killer. The man had already seen both forms of this friend of his.

The man moves to sit down. He chooses one of the tables close to the windows to allow him to see the view. He sits down and waits, gazing through the windows to the people passing by.

He waits about a minute before someone comes over, Enji Koma. The man looks up at Koma and smiles, the man says hello to his old friend from a different universe.

Enji asks for the mans order, to which the man asks for a black coffee. As hes giving his order he notices Touka making her way towards Yoshimura, leaning down and whispering in his ear.

The man grins at this before casually leaning back in his chair. He turns his head to the old man, before lifting his hand from the table for a quick wave.

As time passes the man orders, four more coffees before the cafe closes. He continues to stay in his seat, noticing more people entering the cafe.

He sees a man enter, Renji Yomo. Renji was Yoshimuras most loyal supporter before they both entered the mans fold. Later becoming a division commander, he specialised in infiltration and espionage.

He also notices another person coming in along with Renji, Uta. He is only known by one name but was not to be underestimated, he was deadly. He was a simple tailor back in the mans world to normal society, but what most didn't know is that he was a member of the infamous Jesters. This was a group of ghouls that wanted to cause havoc around the world.

The man subjugated them all eventually and came to like Uta more than most among his division commanders.

The man losing interest turns to face his drink once again. He starts sipping at the hot coffee, enjoying the bitter flavour that contrasts to the heavily sweet flavour of the food he consumes usually.

Closing time finally arrives and the man is once again approached by Enji. Enji tells the man that his manager would like to discuss something with him.

The man downs the rest of his drink and stands up, slamming the cup on the table smashing it.

The man turns to face the rest of the ghouls currently in the cafe with a grin. "Well are you just going to stand there or are we going to fight?" The man then starts to walk forward.

The atmosphere in the room is heavy, no one knowing what to do and the man slowly walking towards Yoshimura.

Everyone apart from the man, Yoshimura and Uta start releasing there kagune before the man suddenly laughs. Slapping his leg the man exclaims, "Sorry. Sorry, I've been wanting to say that for ages now." The man say whilst laughing.

"Now, how about you put down your weapons and we discuss this like the civilised cannibals we are." He says finally reaching bar.

Sitting down the man looks to Yoshimura, smiles and waits for the older man to talk.

Yoshimura observes the man, looking for any flaws in his character. The man is seen as carefree by others, but a man as experienced as Yoshimura can tell that he is deadly.

The man smiles, sending chills down his back. Yoshimura then puts on a smile and starts to talk to the man. About coffee, the cafe and even the man himself. They just talk, both smiling like old friends who havent met in years.

The man smiles to his old friend and ask he what it is he truly wants to know. Who replies by asking for Kaneki's whereabouts.

The mans smile widens, Yoshimura is still the same even in this universe. Hes a man who is utterly ruthless to his enemies and holds deep compassion to those he considers friends, and Kaneki apparently can already be considered this.

The tells the older man about his plans to train the boy, to teach him about what it's like being a ghoul and the necessary skills required.

The man then goes on to explain that Kaneki was to scared to even talk half the time.

He turns to Touka before smirking and continuing to say that if w certain few people weren't so forceful with him this wouldn't have happened.

The man them stands once again stands and starts to make his way out of the cafe.

Yoshimura calls after the man. He asks a question, he asks the mans name. The man just smiles at this before leaving the cafe.

(2 Hours Later)

Two figures can be seen in the park, one can be seen doing different forms of strength training exercises. The other can be seen walking around the other, observing and commenting on the things that the other is doing wrong when training.

These two are Kaneki and The man, they have begun training Kaneki. First they are training him to control his strength.

As a former human, Kaneki's strength has almost tripled, the man can see the future problem of Kaneki failing to control his strength and accidentally killing a friend or family member.

The have been training for almost an hour at this point and Kaneki can be seen with a deep layer of sweat covering his body. The man is about to ask for him to continue when he stops and looks to his left.

He looks towards one of the trees on the park and can see two figures. Both are tall, with one being fat and the other being skinny.

The man turns his whole body to face the intruders as the start making there way towards him. They soon come into view, two men the man knowns well, Nico and Ganbo. They like Uta were members of the Jesters on his world.

The man knows how the Jesters work and he had expected a visit, as he is an unknown element in whatever plans they were conducting at the moment. They approach, releasing there kagune as they do.

Nico, a tall man with an effeminate posture and wheres bright clothes. He kagune slowly starts to form, his kagune taking the form of a Koukaku. It is a long, thick tail with multiple branches coming off the end.

Ganbo on the other hand is a large, heavy set man who wheres a striped shirt and overalls. Ganbo's kagune takes the form of a Bikaku, it takes the shape of a giant club.

They are both wearing there mask that the man has come to know as clowns from his new world.

The man smiles and greats the two men, he stalls then playing the part of bumbling idiot whilst Kaneki makes his way away from them.

The man, seeing Kaneki far enough away states to the boy that he should pay attention as this would be a great learning experience for the boy.

The man swiftly runs towards the two, who in turn start running to meet him. The man first ducks a sweep from Ganbo, before quickly dodging a stab by Nico.

Kaneki witnessing this begins to worry, the man has yet to release his kagune and has yet to fight back. The man is continuing to dodge the blows of his two attackers.

This changes suddenly however, the man swiftly hops onto the clubbed kagune of Ganbo that had just finished swinging at him.

The man runs up it towards the giant mans face before landing a powerful kick to the side of his jaw.

Hearing a crack, Ganbo can be seen falling to the ground unconscious. The man gracefully lands back in his original position, he lifts his hand and gestures for Nico to continue.

Nico pauses judging his chances before you can see him growing another kagune. This one comes in the form of a centipede, eat segment made with a heart.

The man recognises this, its not a chimera kagune however. It's a Kakuja, they are more powerful than the normal kagune and this causes the man to stop.

Nico, unable to contain himself after this obvious opportunity presented to him rushes at the man. He fails to notice however a group of small tentacles slowly making there way out of the mans back.

As Nico gets closer to the man, he laughs gloating at the man. The man however smiles back, quickly releasing his forty five tentacles towards Nico, smashing him back.

Nico was not done however, he quickly rises to his feet. Nico starts slashing out with his new kagune, using try and spear the man. All while using his first kagune to defend against the mans onslaught.

The mans smile widens as he starts running toward Nico. Swiftly approaching him whilst getting into a fighting stance and kicking out towards Nicos head whilst the man kagune holds off his opponent.

This was the man using Taekwondo, his first time using martial arts and his kagune at the same time in live combat.

Nico manages to move his head out of the way of the mans kick, but the man quickly closes in to perform a knee strike from May Thai.

The man then follows up by grabbing Nicos shoulder and arm before slamming him on the ground. This is a Judo takedown.

The man swiftly moves on top of Nico and continues to rain down punches on him. The man only finally stops when he notices that Nico had finally become unconscious.

The man stands up, licking the blood off his hand and makes his way to Kaneki.

The man smiles, causing Kaneki to coil back in fear. The man then says to him, "Go home kid, you don't want to see what happens next." Before turning around to grab Ganbo and Nico before walking away from Kaneki.

Kaneki quickly stands and starts running towards his house, the last thing he could hear being faint crunching noises and muffled screams.