
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 5: The Blood of My People

The man awakes to find himself in a city, surrounded by sky scrapers. He is not in the real world however and he know this because of two reasons. One, because all the items in his vision are from the past of the real world and Two.....

"Ding! You have been deemed worthy of receiving a Race Legacy. The Race is known as Ghoul. You have been transferred to the Trial Grounds automatically."

"Warning! The Legacy Trial can only be attempted once, and upon failure, all qualifications to inherit a legacy will be made void."

The man looks around with a grinning smile. He was hoping for something similar when he discovered the legacy was based on bloodline. The man starts to move forward when he hear the sound of chewing. He sniffs the air, a sweet smell enters his nostrils.

He turns around to find a man hunched over stuffing his face. The man moves towards him, slowly whilst concealing himself.

The man obserse the feast, watching the being rip and tear at the meat in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye the man notices something however, a boy.

The boy looks to be going through hunger withdrawal and is tearing at his own face. Suddenly the man turns back to witness a man he is all to familiar with kick the feasting man in the side of the head.

The attack is someone the man knows, Nishiki Nishio. Nishiki was one of the fifty division commanders of the ghoul race. A division commander is second only to the leader of the ghouls himself.

The man observes Nishiki closely, he watches him get up menacingly and making is way towards the now crying boy.

Suddenly Nishiki, using his enhanced speed grabs the boy by the throat and hoists him up against the wall. He tells the boy that this was his territory, his hunting grounds.

The man notices a new character enter the fray. Stalking from above the man can see another being he knows all to well, Touka Kirishima.

This badass young lady is another of the division commanders and is one of the strongest to boot.

She slowly drops onto the ground behind Nishiki, without him noticing. Touka speaks, tell Nishiki about this not being his territory. After a back and forth the man notices another name, Rize.

Rize Kamishiro, another division commander and another of the more powerful ones. The have stated her death, which surprises the man.

Whilst the man is thinking to himself Nishiki and Touka have a scuffle with Touka coming out on top. Nishiki retreats and the boy remains with Touka.

The two seem to know each other. The man observes the boy more. Touka and the boy carry on talking. The boy also known as Kaneki begins crying.

The man pauses...

The man does some large blinks and looks at this 'Kaneki' again. He sees a weak looking, black hairs boy with one black eyes with red bloodshot pupils. The man is even more surprised. This is Kaneki.

Kaneki, full name Kaneki Ken is also known to him. He is the leader of the ghoul race. Not only that but he is like a brother to the man. The man trained him and fed him since Kaneki was five years old. Kaneki became his most loyal follower during the wars he fought, always by his side.

To see him like this hurts the man. The Kaneki he knows is strong, the strongest ghoul next to him during his time as a mortal. The man won't accept him being week like this and as if on cue he hears a 'ding'.

"Ding! You have discovered the mission for this Legacy Trial. Your objective, to bring Kaneki Ken up to a standard to survive on his own. Conditions;

You may not limit his free will,

You will have to take a personal role in his training,

No member of Anteiku is allowed to perish before the task is complete."

The man grins, he stands and walks towards the duo. He notices Kaneki on the ground seeming to be slightly choking.

It would seem Touka has forced food down his throat. The man chuckles lightly, which Touka hears. She turns to the man with alarm on her face.

The man continues walking towards them, his eyes never leaving Touka's. His eyes, still in there human form are locked on hers. Touka slowly gets into a combat stance.

The man smiles again, wider thos time as he slowly allows his eyes to turn. The mans eyes are special, like the usual with the black eye but instead of red pupils his are gold.

The man walks over to the body and picks it up. He turns his head to look at Kaneki, "Lead the way kid." the man say with a smug grin, to which all he gets in return is a nod as Kaneki starts to walk towards his house.

The man starts to follow, but not before say back to Touka, "Tell the old man I'll visit soon!" He say before turning to follow after Kaneki.

Who's this old man he spoke of you ask? Well the man has reason to believe Touka works for Yoshimura, the ghoul the man made a god.

The man follows Kaneki home, the man stalking from the rooftops so the people on the streets can't find the body. Once they arrive the man quickly gets to work, activating his kagune he starts to process the meat for freezing.

After about an hour the man is finished. He exits the kitchen after cleaning himself up, he is met with the distressed face of Kaneki.

The man ignores the dejected look but ignores it. He just walks over to one of the chairs in the room and sits down. He then turns to look at Kaneki, analysing the kid.

A few minutes pass as the stare at each other in silence. The man begins to look away, losing interest. This seems to prompt Kaneki to ask a question, "Who are you?"

The man smiles and replies, "A Friend Kaneki. A Friend." To which Kaneki looks surprised.

The man continues, "I'm here to get you used to this life, I'm assuming you've just become one of us?" To which he receives a nod.

The reason he asks this is due to the speciality of RC Cells. If a human has high enough RC Cells they will slowly start to transform into a ghoul. This had happened many times in the man past.

The man then nods to Kaneki, "I will be teaching you territory management, hunting, stealth, processing and finally combat. I will also be teaching you how active and use you kagune."

The man only receives a disgruntled nod to all of this. The man kneels next to the boy and put his hand the his shoulder, "Listen, I know you didn't want this. You didn't deserve this. But you are now a ghoul and that isn't going to change."

The boy looks up again, still dead in the eyes, "I'll be back tomorrow at 10:00am to bring you the information."

After saying his due the man starts to exit the house. After he leaves Kaneki remains seated, slowly wiping the tears of his face.

Kaneki starts to get up, feeling week dye to the events that have occurred. He looks at the ground again and clenches his fists. Just as he starts head for the bathroom to clean himself up, the man sticks his head back in the room.

"Kaneki, do you know of the name Anteiku?"