
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 17: The End of Washuu

The end has begun and the man has done his preparations. He has said his goodbyes to the likes of Juuzou and Karao, his family. Enji and Arata, his friends and of course Hinami and Ryouku.

He has also said goodbye to those that may be something more. Itori, Kaya, Rou and even Touka.

When he met with Itori, he began to explain that he was leaving soon and that he wouldn't be back. Itori however didn't look with any sorrow, all she did was drag the man up to her room for a few hours of passion.

Rou being his student became sad at the situation, or that's what he thought. She was mainly upset due to the fact that she wouldn't be able to taste the man like she wanted to.

Kaya reacted in a surprising fashion, surprisingly similar to Itori. She drag the man to he room and wouldn't let him leave until she was satisfied. She confessed to him, giving him a kiss as he leaves before turning back to her room to let out her sorrow.

Finally there was Touka, he had never meant to let her know but she had overheard his conversation with her father. The man only realised when she had dropped the tea she had prepared for them on the floor and ran off.

The man, much to his own surprise chased after her apologising to her father before he leaves. The man finally finds her on the roof of her home, lying down with tears dripping down her face.

The man comes and sits beside the young lady, he puts his hand on her head and strokes carefully. "I'm sorr...." The man tries to apologise but is stopped suddenly.

Touka had kissed him. He keeps his surprise for a second before kissing her back, them both slowly shifting into a cuddling position as they do.

They make out for a moment before they part, "I'm so sorry." The man says, successfully this time. The regret evident in his voice.

The man strokes her hair whilst staring into her eyes. He smiles sadly down at the girl before leaning down again for a kiss. They have a chaste kiss under the stars before leaning into each other to start up at the night sky.

(The Next Day)

The man can be seen sat in a room with ten other people. The man has come to sort out the end of his plans. He has come to get the collective agreement to turn Kaneki into his heir.

In the room besides the man are Kaneki Yoshimura, his future heir and his second in command.

The there are his current eight strongest subordinates, Itori, Renji, Touka, Shuu, Uta, Matasaka, Enji and Kaya. As the strongest they are required to support Kaneki in order for him to cement his rule.

That along with the likes of the already loyal Kinko and Fuka should allow Kaneki to keep his leadership after he leaves.

Everything goes well over the half hour they listen to the man. They all agree to Kaneki becoming his heir and will support him if necessary.

(The Next Day)

The man is currently stood outside the second ward. Flanking him are his two Judges.

He is currently confronting the remaining members of the CCG, including the remaining members of the Washuu Clan. Tsuneyoshi Washuu, a great warrior and the current leader of the Washuu Clan.

Then theres Yoshitoki Washuu his son and also the father of the late Matsuri. He is the current Bureau Director of the CCG.

The last main family member is the widow of the late Matsuri Washuu, Iyo Washuu.

The man smiles at the group before speaking, "I have come to accept your surrender." He looks around again, putting on a friendly smile before removing his mask. "You will all leave Tokyo. You WILL return the kagune you stole from my kin."

The man frowns before continuing, "I will allow all humans in the CCG to leave with there families and any who stay will die." The man smiles, "You have three minutes to decide."

The man sits on the ground and closes his eyes, hearing rapid discussion taking place ahead of him. The man suddenly notices a couple of fast movements approaching him.

The man stays still however, only hearing a sound from behind him and the sound of four bodies continuously hitting the floor followed by silence.

The man opens his eyes and stands to see a crowd, eyes widened by the scene that had just taken place. They seemed to have all been Associate Special Class's and they were killed in a moment by his Judge. The man smiles again, "Now, have you made your decision?".

Tsuneyoshi Washuu steps forward to answer, "Yes..." he sighs, "We have decided to leave peacefully."

The man start to walk forward slowly coming to face the older man. He reaches out his hand, "Great! A good decision finally, but....." Just as Tsuneyoshi grasps his hand the man pulls him in close and activates his kagune before running it through his, leaving him in pieces.

"But, I only said humans can leave." The man says with a smile. He looks around quickly, taking in the surprise. "Any human can leave, go and meet my men outside the ward at any exit. They will take you to get your possessions and family before you leave."

The man looks back to the dead Tsuneyoshi, "But if any ghoul tries to leave, then they will die." The man quickly rushes to Yoshitoki and runs him through, similarly to his father.

The man turns again to the CCG members, "Shi!" The man waves his hand sending the humans running, the lower ranks sprinting away whilst the higher ranks just walk away defeated.

The man waits a few minutes as the humans leave and much to his surprise all the ghouls have remained. The man grins, "Hello my fellow ghouls, I know what worries you. Will he kill us like those two pieces of shit he has just wiped the floor with." He stares at the last Washuu, Iyo before continuing, "But worry not, I am willing to let you live."

The man walks back to his Judges, "You just need to answer me one simple question. Will you serve me?"

The man looks to each of the remaining ghouls, "You will step forward one by one and if I hear you lying..." The mans grin returns to being sinister, "You will die."

For the next few minutes every ghoul steps forward and the man finds that many are will to serve him.

There are a few however that died early, those being the members of the CCG Quinx excluding Suzu Sanzu a member of a Washuu branch family. They were to loyal to the CCG to join him.

Quinx are artificially made one-eyed ghouls, They are created by implanting a half-human with a kagune. Half-humans and one-eyed ghouls are the offspring of a ghoul and a human, the former being more human and the latter being more ghoul like.

The man smiles and leaves the ward, leaving Iyo Washuu in charge of the 1st and giving Nutcracker control of the 2nd. The man waits a few days allowing the CCG remnants to leave Tokyo.

Waiting before he pays a visit to the 24th Ward to say hello to the remaining members of Aogiri Tree.