
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 12: Chopping Down the Tree

(1 Week Later)

Things have begun to shift in Tokyo. The CCG have become aware of another ghoul that has been building, Chaos.

Ever since the man destroyed the Clowns he has been busy, gaining four more wards under his control. The 14th Ward was imitately taken over after Itori returned.

He also sent his student Kinko to destroy the gang of brutal ghouls in the 13th Ward called the Skull Gang. He and Itori who he had sent over to help easily killed there leader and disbanded the gang.

Next he Rou and Nutcracker to organise the ghouls in the 16th Ward. They also managed to do this quickly, as the ghouls in the area are at most average in combat power.

Finally he sent his new recruits Andrew and Jirou to conquer the 5th Ward. This was quite the struggle to do however as the 5th Ward was the training academy for the CCG.

The fighting lasted for close to a day and he sent reinforcements from the surrounding wards to help in the conquest.

The man had run into another problem, Aogiri Tree. They had become a thorn in his side, starting with Yakumo's gang.

Without a leader or second in command, as it seemed there Vice was in jail, they started to do hit and run tactics on the mans forces and although they were driven into the 15th Ward they still attack.

This seemed to stir the Hornets nest however as Aogiri Tree started attacking from multiple wards at once. The 19th Ward led by Ayato Kirishima, Touka's brother.

The 18th Ward led by Miza Kusakari, the leader of the Blades gang. The 11th Ward led by Kazuichi Banjou, Leader of the Gas Masks and finally the 3rd Ward Led by the Bin Brothers.

There are also the four leaders of Aogiri Tree, Tatara, Noro, Eto Yoshimura and The One Eyed King Kishou Arima. Starting with the mysterious Noro, a powerful ghoul who's seemingly whole purpose in life is to protect Eto Yoshimura.

The woman herself being the daughter of Yoshimura and the founder of Aogiri Tree. Then theirs Kishou Arima, he is the public face of Aogiri Tree under the guise of The One Eyed King.

He has been pulling the strings on the ghoul population along with Eto for some time now, much like the now deceased Clowns.

Finally theres Tatara. He is a ghoul from China where he was in a terrorist organisation with his brother, Yan.

The man knows Yan well, as he was the most powerful ghoul in his world apart from him. Kaneki may be the leader, but Yan was the enforcer.

It was too bad Yan was dead, As another division commander would help him, especially one so powerful. Other members were division commanders too however, like Noro, Eto, Ayato, Miza, Naki the second in command of the White Suits, Kazuichi and Tatara himself.

The man knows however most of them need to die. Tatara is to bent on revenge, Kishou is a Washuu like Kichimura and the Bin Brother are to focused on hunting for the CCG.

The man starts to get too work, leaving his subordinates that are required to run his territory he sets off with a small group of powerful ghouls.

They are Kaneki, Nishiki, Shuu, Karren, Kaya, Karao, Hinami and Touka. They're first targets being the Bin Brothers.

The man leads his small group swiftly into the enemy base, dispatching of any guards in there way. The make there way towards the meeting room, where the Bin Brothers and Little Bin there sister were discussing plans to attack the mans subordinates in the 4th Ward.

Rushing through the door the man swiftly kicks the first brother in the face sending him flying out the window. He then nods to Nishiki who quickly follows after him, Kaya and Karao in tow.

The man then turns towards the other brother, who has now released his kagune and has charged towards the man. He however is stopped by Shuu and like his brother is sent flying to the outside. Shuu heads after him along with Karren and Hinami.

The man then turns his attention to the last person in the room, Little Bin. He move quickly, grabbing her by the throat before lifting her up. He makes his way outside like this.

Once outside the man sees an audience, being held back by Kaya, Karren, Karao and Hinami. The man can also see the Bin Brothers covered in blood with Nishiki and Shuu standing over them.

The man throws the girl at them before announcing, "Hello my fellow ghouls, we are Chaos!!" The man looks around with a smile on his face.

"We have come to free you. To free you from the weakness your forced to serve under." The crowd stops fighting, just looking at the man.

"Look at your so called leaders, beaten by my loyal students. I ask you all to consider joining my cause...." The mans smile turns sadistic, "or you'll end up like them. The man then points at the Bins.

On cue Nishiki and Shuu behead each Bin Brother, causing the sister to cry out. The man slowly walks to her as she sobs by them. The man slowly walks to her side, as he does she looks up glaring daggers at him.

This makes the mans smile widen. He reaches down and picks her up from the shoulder and plants a kiss on her lips.

He quickly invades her mouth with his tongue and continues kissing for a couple of minutes the man slowly rubbing her body. She tries to struggle but is too caught up in the moment to counter the mans skills, he had after all bested the God of Pleasure before. The man continues this making every woman in the crowd both aroused and disgusted. He then used his hand to punch a hole through her heart.

She chokes up blood into the kiss and the man let's her fall to the ground, blood dripping from his lips. The man looks around to see disturbed faces from all, even his students and an angry look from Kaya.

The man wipes it off with his sleeve before turning to the Aogiri ghouls again, "So, what will it be?"