
Why re-write this fic?

Why re-write this fic?

Hello to all my readers. Sorry I've been gone for so long. At first, I just wanted to take a break from writing, but circumstances made it hard for me to return.

Anyway, I have been reviewing this fic and there are many things about it that I hoped I could have done differently. On some parts, I feel like it dragged on unnecessarily, while in others, I feel like it didn't go into much detail.

Part of the problem, I feel, is the nature of web novels. The pressure of making regular updates made me commit to uploading chapters that, frankly, have little to do with the overall arc of the story.

So, with this new effort in writing, I aim to do a better job of telling the story.

Also, I've made a Pa treon page. If you like what I'm writing, please consider supporting me at www.pa treon.com/Kill_Streak.

P. S.

To those readers that have read this fic multiple times, thank you. It means a lot that you are enjoying this work. Hope you stick around some more!

For those who are still reading the old version of this story, you can find it in a different novel called (OLD) The Muggle-born Conspiracy.

I also uploaded the drafts that I had for the intended ending of that version.


Senior_Kill_Streakcreators' thoughts