
First Year

It was the 1st of September, so it was the day to go to Hogwarts. His grandfather drove him to King's Cross Station that morning.

Alex was dressed very neatly, with his shiny black shoes, freshly pressed slacks, and his Hogwarts vest and tie. His short dark hair and deep blue eyes complete the look of an elegant little gentleman.

"Make sure to study as best as you can, understood?" the old man said sternly.

"I will grandfather."

"Always be mindful of your actions."

"I will," Alex said simply.

The old man knelt down to his level and placed a hand on his shoulder. Alex had forgotten this conversation, perhaps there was more to it than he remembered.

"Listen well, Alex," said his grandfather sternly. "In this life, the only things we really must answer for are our actions. Magic or not, that will always be true."

"Yes, Grandfather."

"Every day we live on this Earth, we make hundreds of choices," his grandfather continued. "Some more important than others. There are the things we decide to do and the things we decide not to do. We live by the consequences of it all. The worth of a man, in the end, is in his actions.

"Hell, I know you're confused as to why I am saying this all. But you are going off on your own to somewhere I can't see you, and I have a feeling that you will have to figure out how to be a man by yourself."

"I'll remember, grandfather," said Alex, looking up at the old man as he stood up.

If only he did remember his grandfather's words the first time around. Maybe he wouldn't become so lost.

Perhaps his grandfather understood more than Alex originally thought. He truly was going off to a different society, the Wizarding World. He had to look after himself more than ever. Of course, with his knowledge and experiences that did not sound strange to him. But now, he realized how strange the system was set up for muggle-born children.

They were welcomed into the magical world, but they had to learn quickly how to take care of themselves. No matter how close they were with their muggle families, there would always be a divide.

After all, most things that would challenge them and would become the most important to them would be magical in some way. So, how could anyone share them with their non-magical families?

Even if their families knew about its existence, magic would always be strange for those who did not have it.

"Well, you get along now. You don't want to be late… and Alex, take care of yourself."

Alex nodded before turning away.


Alex boarded the Hogwarts Express and he found an empty compartment, the same one that he used his first time on the train. Before long, another boy opened the door.

"Um… can I join you?" asked the boy. He had shoulder-length brown hair and his eyes were a light shade of brown. Just like Alex, he was dressed very neatly for his first day in Hogwarts.

"Of course, come on in," said Alex with a smile. "I'm Alexander Grey, by the way."

"I'm Eugene Clay Rosewood. People call me Clay."

No one actually called him Clay. His own family called him Eugene, but Clay had always felt that to be too 'girly' as he inherited that name from some great-aunt or other called Eugena. Alex knew this and he smiled as he shook the hand of the boy who would become his best-friend in Hogwarts.

"You can call me Alex," he said. "Are you a first year, as well?"

"Yes, I'm a first-year. Quite exciting, isn't it? Hogwarts, I mean," said Clay. "My mom really likes to talk about Hogwarts. She said it was the most amazing place on Earth!"

They continued to talk about what Hogwarts might turn out to be for a while. Alex was glad to talk to him as he hadn't seen Clay for a long while.

Shortly after graduation, something had happened to the Rosewood family. Clay had disappeared after that and they had lost contact. Hopefully, that would not happen this time.

After talking for a while, Clay suddenly asked him "Alex, are you muggle-born?"

Sometimes children might sound very frank without meaning to. However, Alex didn't mind. He knew Clay and he knew about blood status this time. There was nothing to be ashamed of being muggle-born. It was just a construct devised by some people to distinguish themselves from others.

" Yes, I am," he said simply. "That doesn't bother you, does it?"

"No! Not at all, it's just that I've never really talked to a muggle-born before. I only really stay on my families' property. What was it like, you know, living in the muggle world?" asked Clay.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. It's a secret. Just like the magical world is hidden from the muggles. The muggle world is also hidden from the magical world."

"What!? I've never heard of that," Clay exclaimed.

"Well, it wouldn't be much of a secret if you heard about it. Only muggle-borns are allowed to know about the two worlds. In fact, I might get in trouble with the authorities if they find out that I told you this much."

He knew that Clay was a sheltered boy before Hogwarts. With the recent war going on, a lot of children in the Wizarding World were kept from leaving their homes their entire lives. To many parents, Hogwarts was the only place that was protected from the war.

"I won't tell, I promise!" said Clay.

Looking at his eager expression, Alex felt a little bad about his joke.

"Relax, I am just joking! You don't have to be so scared about it." He couldn't help but laugh about it. Clay also started laughing when he realized how silly it was.

However, what made it funny to Alex was how much truth his joke actually had. Only muggle-borns were knowledgeable about the two worlds.

It was a great big illusion that separated the world into two. An illusion that was keeping the magical world a secret from muggles for the safety of the wizards, while keeping the muggle world unknown to themselves for their assurances. Many laws in the Wizarding World prevented muggle objects and knowledge from entering their society.

Although he agreed, in principle, that the magical world couldn't be exposed to the non-magical world, the wizards' attitude about the muggle world did not make sense to him. Just because they wanted to keep themselves hidden, didn't mean they had to keep themselves ignorant. It was like a person, who was afraid of drowning, choosing not to learn how to swim on purpose.

Hours later and they finally arrived in Hogsmeade. From there on, the first-year students were guided by Hagrid to Hogwarts via the boats.

He had complicated feelings when he saw Hagrid. He couldn't help but remember his last encounter with the half-giant.

Did Hagrid survived, he wondered? Did he manage to bring back Harry to the castle?

After coming to the conclusion that he was transferred to a new timeline, he also deduced the other timeline was not erased. It would simply go on without him there.

When they reached the castle, Prof. McGonagall was waiting for them outside the Great Hall. She quickly explained about the sorting and the point system for the House Cup. Afterwards, she led them to the Great Hall for the sorting. Then, Prof. McGonagall started calling out the names of the students to be sorted in alphabetical order. Soon enough it was his turn.

After hearing his name, he walked forward to sit on the stool placed in front. When he put on the Sorting Hat, it spoke to him.

"Hmm. What's this, now? Someone from another time? That can be quite complicated… the possibilities, the dangers! — well, it is not my business. I'm just a hat, what do I care? We are here for your sorting and that is what we will do… let's see here… very determined, you are, to change things up. It won't be easy, you know? I think we both know what to do with you, better be HUFFLEPUFF!" said the Sorting Hat with only the last word being heard by the room.

For a while, Alex was worried when he heard the hat going on about the fact that he had jumped the timeline.

Alex walked to the Hufflepuff table as they welcome him with applause. Clay was sorted into the same house when his turn came. The two sat next to each other during the feast.

Hufflepuff was the house that was always overlooked. It got a bad reputation as the house where most muggle-borns were sorted and the house of the 'left-overs', those who were not good enough to get in the other houses. But how can they be not good enough? They haven't done anything in school.

For these reasons, few students were actually proud of being a Hufflepuff.

But in his opinion, knowing what he knew now, Hufflepuff was the best of the houses. The students just wanted to study and improve at their own pace. They celebrate the fruits of their efforts rather than their placements in the rankings. Most of all, there was nothing wrong with being loyal, hard-working, or fair. In fact, they were the traits that people should aspire to.


The first week of classes went by without a hitch. Alex made sure to review all the books for his classes. Even if he already knew the materials on a practical level, it was very beneficial to go over the details of each topic.

He was able to answer all the questions when asked in class, although he didn't bother on proving himself to be the top student in his year. He felt that it was not fair for him to snatch the first place in the student rankings.

He settled for being known as a talented student, but nothing too outstanding. He had to be careful not to show any knowledge beyond what was expected of a student his age. One of the teachers of Hogwarts might be a Legilimens. Being under the scrutiny of one would be a terrible outcome.

There was also Prof. Severus Snape, the young potions master. He started teaching in Hogwarts in the previous term and he immediately assumed the role of Head of the Slytherin House since there was no other faculty at the moment who was a previous member of the house.

From the other timeline, Alex remembered him as a foul-tempered instructor of the potions class who had little patience for children. Then, he became the Headmaster of Hogwarts in 1997. He was obviously working for Voldemort as Hogwarts and the Ministry had fallen under the control of the Dark Lord at the time. However, some things about him did not add up based on what he had seen.

The teacher that he really wanted to impress was Prof. Filius Flitwick, Charms Master and Head of Ravenclaw House, Half-Goblin if he believed the rumours. Charms had always been his best subject, so this time, he wanted to do even better. He decided that he would be the best in charms in his year, earning points for his house while doing so.

And so, the days went by like the turn of a page. Alex spent most of his time in the library studying spells that had anything to with illusions. He was looking for some way to create a more convincing disguise for himself without depending too much on Polyjuice Potions. To everyone else, however, he appeared to be reading about charms and Quidditch to avoid suspicion.

When he could, he meditated and practised the Mind Arts in the dorms. Occlumency was not simply limited to defending your mind from intrusions. It was also a very useful tool in organizing your knowledge, memory retention and controlling your emotions.


In November, during an afternoon when they had a free period, Alex was approached by a student while he was in the library.

"Hey, aren't you friends with Rosewood?" said the student.

"Yeah, why?" he asked barely looking away from his books.

"You better go to the East Corridor, they are ganging up on Rosewood."

"What? Who?" he demanded.

"I don't know, it was some second-year Slytherins."

Alex cleared up his desk and bolted out of the library. When he arrived in the East Corridor, he saw Clay was indeed surrounded by four second-year Slytherin students.

"Leave me alone, Travers," he heard Clay said.

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? You're just like your family. Where were you when the Dark Lord called, huh?" said Travers.

"The Rosewoods are neutral in the war! You know this!"

"And what good did it do? Where is your father now? Still missing like the coward that he is?"

"You don't talk about my father that way!" yelled Clay. He had already drawn his wand.

"Look at him," Travers said talking to his goons. "I think he finally remembered that he is a wizard!"

The others laugh at his joke. Alex saw that Clay was about to cast something, so he decided to intervene.

"Stop!" he said loudly while walking over. "Don't do anything you might regret later, Clay."

"Oh, this is rich," said Travers. "Yes. Listen to your mud-blood friend. Truly, how low can you get, Rosewood?"

"You shut your trap, 'Angus'," Alex said, emphasizing Travers' given name.

Angus didn't know why, but he was irked to hear his name spoken like that.

"Don't talk to me, mud-blood! Your kind doesn't belong in our world!"

"Whatever you say, 'Angus'."

"You dare mock me, mud-blood?" Travers said with a growl. He drew his wand and pointed it at Alex.

"And what are you going to do?" Alex sneered. "Are you going to going to curse a poor defenceless 'mud-blood'? You finally decided to stop pretending to be civilized and let others know your true colours? I wonder how that would seem to them. Pure-blood boy struck down an unarmed muggle-born out of hatred and prejudice.

Travers' eyes widened at the realization. The mud-blood was right no matter how much he hated it. With the recent defeat of the Dark Lord, the trends were indeed against him. He looked at the other students that were beginning to crowd the scene they were making and he could already hear them whispering.

"No, forget it. We'll leave you guys alone… for now."

"Smart, as always," said Alex. "Oh, and Travers, I better not hear anything about you harassing any Hufflepuffs. You know what they say, they are incredibly loyal. One mistake and I don't know how many wands will turn towards you."

"Yeah, right…" Travers snorted before leaving.

The Hufflepuffs had never been known to fight back. So, Alex could see why his threats didn't carry much weight. Of course, some things in the school would have to change if he had anything to say about it.

"I can't believe you did that," said Clay who couldn't interject a while ago. "You know this won't be the end of it."

"I know, but from this year on, Hufflepuffs will be different! We must learn to protect one another. These bullies must learn not to poke at a Badger's nest. If they mess with one of us, they mess with ALL of us! You understand?"

Clay was nodding enthusiastically. He was inspired suddenly. He could already see it, a united Hufflepuff gang, a horde of badgers. Some other students in the crowd were also nodding along.

Alex wouldn't know for a long while what he had started that day.