
The most powerful heaven's ruler

Imaginetor_of_life · SF
57 Chs

chapter 40

In a spear God Acer ther was lot of mountain and a but John see rich sprite energy and lot of people are seen by a John John fiance was escorting John to his future mother in law to see ther was cave on mountain there was the his future mother in law

was seclusion John arrived at there John future mother in law release apresive aoura John was staying still didn't even move inch John said greating madam iam John mmm your good but I have condicen you need to win the first place at continent first place and direct promotion to inner sect and within 100 years you need to promote

to vote disble do you got it John nodded and said I got it mm go down John said take care madam iam returning mmm John come down mountain and join with his friends and and preparing for continent sect selection John was not at all panic he was in vincible in law god relm John has no weapon for to participate so he was waiting for auction house he sows his sows

his black god tower higest token they all looked shoked to see token they arranged a beautiful room for John and his friend John was waiting for the best weapon for his fist in auction there was sutable weapons for John so he said the weapon for directly 100 million there was another person gritet his teeth and bait to 12p million John again baitet for 200 million and smiling and moking him

John was got his glows for his fist so happyly left John was wondering who is following him so John was said to his friends to I have something to do so can you guys go back after they left he said when are going to come out he laughing and comean with fase cover John smiling and hits h with Glow he was shoked

John has only one hour trawler but he refined the glow so he taken back but John was chasing him he stopped and fased John John hitting him with full force he didn't expect John was so powerful so he taken his punch head on he was waiden his eays his organs was shattered he cogh a blood and start running but

John didn't spare him he get his spear and used his mountain splitting spear 2nd form shattered glass he was scenes bone chilling so he turned back and sees a dominant aoura of spear coming toward him ahhhh he died John take

his space ring and left to Inn and wanted to rest to attend next day compatiens but angel comes to his room and seduce John John want to rest but he got a work next day John had pale skin he was drawing tickets to to draw luck and but John was have not interested ...

.... written by KHAAN...