
The most powerful heaven's ruler

Imaginetor_of_life · SF
57 Chs

chapter 25

It's like camfluge system it pretend anything enclosing your aoura ohh ok master I will try chang he changed in to a woman wow it's amazing even a mountain are feeling real hhhmm brate don't play with mountain change your apperence why master you don't like he was trying something in girls tone

John master hittet his head strongly and said brate change you apperence iam vomiting he changed his appearance and there was trembling in cave John saw the black beetle was coming fearsomely and with killing intend black beetle saw John

Black beetle was painstakingly protect against many beast and intruder this fruit many dacade but this ant was eat his painstaking effort black beetle wanted kill Kim to revenge but John saw it but he didn't want kill or injuries John just throw several 8 rank beast core that John killed

.it was coming kill

It was saw 100 of 8 rank beast core it was sliding and looking at him like trussers and eat all of the core and sring to size of 5 inch and flying towards to his shoulder and sat one his shoulder John was curious and pat apt you want to follow me little one it's nodded

John said you can follow me let's give me name for you let's give blackberry it's was so happy to hear his name then John asked blackberry to lead the was out and it nods and leading him out of those places John asked blackberry

Blackberry do you know if there is inheritance space or some medical herb's it declined and John asked him do you about soul stone it trembling in fear he asked do you know about it it's nod but it was trembling in fear John told him to not to worry

And lead the way it's nodded and saw his snake pet and it cam out after 3 day's the blackberry lead them to soul stone it was biggest cave that can compare has only mature elpent of two size John conclude that this can compare to 9th LV beast that can sring size and it is a very intelligent beast

Sring size beast that can posse innate talent blackberry only compare 8th order beast that have innate talent sring talent that mean in that cave if it is not 9th order breast if it's activate innate talent then if go to the cave we only seeking death rate sumone approaching and it's large quantity

John change his appearance and counseled his relm to and he was waiting for the people to arrive he saw god relm 8 and 9 stages are leading group of people and that saw John and aksed him why he is alon he said iam casual cultivatorand he said he came here to try his luck

They told him they are heading to an soul stone cave and going to find a luck you can join with us and try your luck fellow cultivaor he nodded and following those people and John know this two are only bringing him as Conen fadder John didn't say anything but he was fallowing those group of men's..

..... written by KHAAN...