
The most powerful heaven's ruler

Imaginetor_of_life · SF
57 Chs

chapter 24

In the John was walking he saw a open to he smiled widely and running towards the open to got out but he saw giant tree that has peach and apple like missed appearance fruit he oppen his eays wide and said this this is a spring of trussers body

Spring of Voltaire -is a fruit that can enhance body constuisens and it can help you strengthen your meridians and organ it can help you your all bottelnek if you eat all fruit in tree maybe you will get Vortex mistycal trussers body legend has this body can observe other trussers body but it has side effects of you eat toouch your meridians will break

Hahahah iam lucky iam lucky brate qukly eat all of this and get trussers body yes yes he picked up all fruit and he was staring at the fruit AHH will I die senior you brate qukly eat or the black beetle will eat that AHH

John was first he eats one fruit he was shining gold and purple aoura around him AHH my body becomes light my meridians felling warm comfortable iam almost moaned what comfort feeling and he saw the fruit in front of him

He was throwing fruit in mouths continues until it finished his stomach was like 9 months pregnant lady he was wheezing hewily he can even cross his leg to mediate he was uncomfortable mediation to refine spring of trussers body fruit he was surrounded by a purple aoura and trumbling and he was in pain

But he was not even feeling his pain spear God asked him brate are feeling pain John said smerk and said in frond of undead technic body pain this was not worth mentioning senior he was after 2hours he oppen his eays and said

Broke he was broken through to god relm 2nd relm and and he was in a bottle neck of undead body refining 6lv he was laughing and hahah senior tell me i fell like my body has black hole like Vortex in my sea of consicusens and in my dantian

What you brate what kind of dog luck you have this was also heard by 3rd senior and 5th senior and 2nd senior they al shoked to hear he had legendary Vortex body's 3rd senior was crying in corner spear God said you brate what do you know about Vortex body

John was talking nothing AHH brate listen well Vortex body is in a list of trussers body it was listed in 100 John was disappointed but it can evolve to number 1 body with continues ubserf other trussers body and if you has vortex body you don't need care for your body it will

Continues ly upgrade legend say if it's has not limited it will continue ly evolution you brate this time you have struck big AHH and its has unique theme you can conclude your ididnty and aoura even you can turn in rock and all living being brate....

.... Written by KHAAN.....