
Introduction to the most forgetful people I ever met

In the hills of Uttarakhand, lived an old couple who found out that they were now starting to forget things. They were advised to meet their physician as soon as possible. This can be dangerous if you start forgetting things you know. When they met their physician, he advised them to write everything down on a piece of paper so they may not forget. This sounded interesting to them. When they reached home , the wife said to her husband that she wanted some ice cream. She asked him to write it down so he may not forget. He said to trust him and that he would not forget. Then she asked if he could put some dry fruits and strawberries on that and write it down so he may not forget. But again the reply was same. Then she asked him to put some whipped cream on that and write it down so he may not forget. But he said," Silly!!! I won't forget that. An ice cream with dry fruits and strawberries and some whipped cream on that."

With that he went inside the kitchen and shut the door. After half an hour or so he returned with a glass of milk and omelette . The wife asked," Hey!! Where's the toast???"