
The Most Dangerous Game

Sakura never thought she'd amount to much, yet only a year into her training with the legendary Slug Sannin, and she was courting politics like one would a lover. "We live in a mad world, Sakura." Tsunade said grimly. Slowly, a predatory smile formed on her ageless face. "But I can shape you into a survivor. I'll teach you how to play the most dangerous game."

LunasChild · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Part 2- Survival Chapter 19: A Woman's Touch

Sakura fingers twisted into her pants in an attempt to force them still.

She arrived at the Daimyō's private solarium early, and the Daimyō's personal assistant went inside to announce the rosette's arrival.

The older woman's words still echoed in Sakura's mind, and the rosette didn't know what to expect during an afternoon tea with a foreign country's leader.

Koyuki was also an actress, and she'd expertly hide her true feelings about any subject matter.

Sakura was pulled from her thoughts with the assistant's return.

The middle-aged man gestured her forward, and the rosette followed him past various pots of lush flowers that gave off a subtle pleasant smell.

Snow Country's Daimyō was seated at the prepared table filled with snacks, teacups and a steaming pot.

Upon Sakura's arrival, the older woman stood up and smiled.

"Thank you for joining me, Sakura-sama. I hope you don't mind if we share jasmine tea."

Sakura returned the smile. "I enjoy most teas, Daimyō-sama."

The older woman gestured towards the free seat. "No need to be so formal with me. I invited you today as a friend. Please, sit."

The rosette did as asked, and immediately Koyuki poured them tea.

She took a sip, and Sakura followed her in suit.

The older woman put her teacup down. "I must admit, I'm pleased that you've accepted my invitation to my wedding. I have fond memories of you and your team."

"As do we of you, Koyuki-sama. You've settled well into your new role."

The raven-haired woman chuckled. "It's certainly my biggest role yet. It almost feels like I'm in a complex play, and I'm the main lead."

"In a way, governance involves a lot of acting, and usually very little doing."

Koyuki smiled. "That's an accurate way of describing it."

The two women focused on eating some of the pastries provided, and slowly drained the steaming teapot of its content.

Sakura questioned Koyuki on the comings of Snow Country since the last time Team 7 was there, and the raven-haired woman was more than happy to explain.

A fond smile graced the woman's face as her obvious love and devotion for her country and people was evident through the conversation.

Koyuki asked Sakura questions about the order of Medical Ninja, which the rosette eagerly divulged into.

A maid brought in another pot of tea, and Koyuki immediately poured some more.

"Both you and Naruto have grown up quite well. Tell me, how are your sensei and your other teammate?"

Sakura gave a small smile. "Kakashi-sensei has his hands busy in training me, plus his normal duties to the village. Sasuke-kun's also undergoing his own training regimen."

"With an international criminal." Koyuki stated bluntly.

Sakura's smile disappeared.

The older woman took another sip of tea. "Forgive my bluntness, but news travels fast. Your Daimyō was quick to alert the Daimyō of the main elemental nations, however, I have ways of receiving important international news. As a woman, and a Daimyō no less, I understand the precarious position Naho-hime is in. Snow Country supports her claim."

"Fire Country is grateful for your support, Koyuki-sama. What does this have to do with Sasuke-kun?"

"You're aware of our alliance and kinship with Waterfall Country. Fū's disappearance is an attack on us just as much as Takigakure. Your teammate, Sasuke, is a member of the Uchiha clan, correct? Therefore, he possesses the Sharingan."

"That's correct." Sakura confirmed wearily.

Koyuki's violet-blue eyes stared at the rosette unblinkingly. "Jiraiya-sama and Naruto arrived a few days before you did. I've had many pleasant conversations with your declared brother, and he spoke highly of Sasuke. I'm quite concerned about your other teammate choosing to receive training from an international criminal with a horrific reputation. Tell me, Sakura-sama: is Uchiha Sasuke a threat to Snow Country?"

The Kunoichi returned the stare. "I won't divulge Sasuke-kun's true reason for approaching Orochimaru. I can assure you, Koyuki-sama, that Sasuke-kun has no ambition to become an international criminal and start menacing entire nations. As soon as he deems himself capable. Sasuke-kun will leave Orochimaru." Sakura's gaze softened. "Why are you asking me this?"

Koyuki closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "Have you heard of the assassination of the former Daimyō of Bird Country?"

The rosette shook her head.

The older woman opened her eyes again. "A missing nin, Hōki, was exceptionally talented in Genjutsu. He used that ability to disguise himself as the high priest, Mōsō, and charmed his way to the royal court. He became Chief Advisor, and secretly poisoned the former Daimyō. As a Shinobi, Hōki stole techniques from other villages. It's suspected he was also responsible for the death of the former Daimyō's son. His surviving daughter, Toki-sama, is the current Daimyō."

Sakura felt a heavy weight settle in her stomach. "Are you being threatened, Koyuki-sama?"

The raven-haired woman gave her a wry smile. "As a Daimyō, my life will never be safe again. In all honesty, the safety of my country is far more important than my life. To get to my point, I was approached by a man wielding the Sharingan three months ago."

The rosette froze completely.

Koyuki's smile was wiped away. "I only remember your other teammate as a pre-teen, but I can imagine he has grown in both physicality and power. I couldn't see very well the facial features of the man who approached me, but I'll never forget those blood-red eyes."

Sakura forced herself to exhale slowly. "What did this man want?"

"He was rather polite, and asked questions about our advancement on improving the heat generator. As you know, Snow Country's far more advanced technologically than the rest of the world. I'd thought he'd be interested in learning about our Shinobi's Chakra Armor, or even everyday commodities such as our railroads, airships, snow mobiles, power generators, etc."

Sakura's hands clenched to her thighs as she processed the information. It has to be Uchiha Itachi. The question is, what does he want?

She met Koyuki's glance evenly "What happened, afterwards?"

"I told the man that our heat generator was still a work in progress. He said he'd come back around the time of my wedding for a follow-up."

Sakura straightened her posture. "Has he returned yet?"

Koyuki shook her head.

"I take it that you planned your wedding for yesterday and invited Naruto and I for this specific reason."

"That was one aspect, but I do think highly of you and Naruto. If this man is Uchiha Sasuke, then you and your brother are currently the only people in Snow Country who know him best. I want you two with me when this man inevitably returns."

The rosette's eyes narrowed marginally, yet determination filled her spirit. "Whatever happens, Naruto and I will protect you."

The raven-haired woman smiled thinly. "As I said, the safety of my country is far more important than my life."

"You said this man first approached you three months ago. Why didn't you inform Konohagakure or even Fire Country's Daimyō?"

"I've only been a Daimyō for three years. I've had much to mend after my usurper uncle's tyrannical reign. Besides, your Daimyō doesn't consider Snow Country relevant enough to take seriously. For yours and Naruto's sake, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. If this isn't Uchiha Sasuke, then I want this man dealt with. Is that understood?"

"Crystal clear, Koyuki-sama."

The older woman nodded sharply. "Good. I suggest you and your brother spend the rest of today in my wing of the palace. My husband's unaware of this uninvited guest, and I'd prefer it remains as such. I don't want to place him in harm's way."

"Do what you must in order to keep your husband away. Naruto and I will confront this man when he comes."

Koyuki gave another wry smile. "It seems it's always left to the women to clean up messes left by men."

Sakura drained the rest of her tea. "I've found that often times it's only a woman's touch that can calm down built-up tension. Naruto and I will reveal this man's true identity and find out what he wants."

"I find myself looking forward to seeing a disciple of the 'Queen of the Fist' in action."

Sakura gave a predatory smile. "I'll warn you, it's not for the faint of heart."


Sakura and Naruto leaned against the palace ground's walls in a portion of the property that led into the Daimyō's private wing.

At this time of year, the sun had set early, leaving the palace grounds shrouded in darkness.

A cold wind blew out the torches lit outside, yet the electricity still worked effectively indoors.

The Konoha Shinobi were dressed appropriately for the winter climate yet waiting without knowing what to expect nor for how long grinded down their mood.

After the afternoon tea with the Daimyō, Sakura immediately sought out her adoptive brother and gave him a summarized version of the conversation.

Naruto offered to help, and both Shinobi agreed not to tell the Toad Sannin. They didn't want any further reason for Itachi to flee on sight before they had a chance to speak to him.

Jiraiya was too busy entertaining his fans to notice their absence.

Naruto sighed for the infinite time. "When in the hell is Itachi going to come?"

Sakura scowled as she rubbed her arms. "At this point, I feel like sending him directly to hell."

Her brother gave her a sharp smile. "Teme's gonna be pissed that you did his job for him."

"I couldn't care less at this point. Even with my circulating chakra, I feel like a human popsicle!"

Naruto's smile was wiped off at the reminder of their misery. "You don't even want to know where I feel cold."

It was Sakura's turn to sigh. "Why would Itachi care about a heat generator? We on the main continent don't live in a seemingly permanent winter."

"Considering what he did, I bet his heart and soul are as cold as this place."

"All the more reason to put him six feet under." Sakura murmured venomously.

"Killing him on sight would defeat the purpose of why we're here. We're gonna ask him questions, and we're gonna make him answer."

"That'll be easier said than done. Uchiha Itachi's an S-class criminal in every elemental nation's bingo book."

"Who cares? I have a way of making people talk."

Sakura bared her teeth. "Let's hope your charm works its wonders on the bastard."

The pair fell silent as they didn't want to waste more energy needlessly talking.

Sakura couldn't tell how much more time passed before she first spotted a dark figure in the distance.

She elbowed her dozing brother and gestured with her head towards the anomaly.

Given they were covered by looming hedges, the pair simply retreated further into the brush to hide their presence.

The figure gradually became bigger the nearer it got to the palace grounds.

Once the person finally arrived on the property, the Konoha Shinobi silently peeked through the hedges.

The figure was tall and wore a thick black cloak that covered them until their ankles. The hood was up, and the figure was also wearing a scarf that covered their nose and mouth.

Despite being silent and having suppressed their chakra long ago, the figure turned towards their area.

Even from their distance, the chilling blood-red eyes were a stark contrast to the white world around them.

"Who's there?" The figure asked in a deep voice.

Sakura squeezed Naruto's hand, and with a final glance at each other, they stepped out of the brush and into the open.

The rosette took a calming breath and made sure not to stare into the figure's eyes.

"My name's Haruno Sakura. This is Uzumaki Naruto. If you are who we think you are, then you know where we come from." She introduced in an even tone.

The figure was quiet for a moment as he observed them. "Haruno Sakura. You're the Hiyokuna tochi no josei[1]."

The rosette nodded. "That's correct."

"You've put the world into a stir with your recent actions in Claw Country. The Akatsuki have been keeping tabs on you for quite some time."

"Keeping tabs on me personally, or due to my relationship with Naruto?"

The man cocked his head. "The reasons are one and the same."

"You and your thug friends want me for what I have inside." Naruto stated. "You can die trying. I'm not gonna let that happen."

Amusement seemed to ooze from the figure. "You say that so confidently, as if you have a say in the matter."

"He does have a say when he's capable of defending himself. He also has people who care about him that would die to protect him." Sakura vowed.

"Then why intentionally put yourself in harm's way?"

"Because we have questions, and you're gonna answer them." Naruto declared.

The trio fell into silence once more.

"And you believe yourselves in the position to demand I answer your questions?" The man asked almost sarcastically.

"You will answer them, because we don't believe you are how you portray yourself to the world." Sakura replied. "We want to know the truth behind the Uchiha Clan massacre."

The temperature dropped even further at Sakura's bold declaration.

The figure tensed, and his Sharingan seemed to glow piercingly.

Killing intention suffocated the air around them, yet the Konoha Shinobi held their ground.

Sakura gritted her teeth as she fought her body's urge to violently shake. I'm not going to allow myself to crumble like I did in front of Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. I have to endure this for Sasuke-kun's sake.

Naruto growled in frustration, yet the Uchiha didn't ease up.

"That doesn't concern you." The man replied monotonously.

"On the contrary, it absolutely does concern us. Uchiha Sasuke was our teammate, and you're the reason of his suffering." Sakura glared at the man.

"Every single member of the Uchiha Clan was murdered, except for Sasuke. Why did you spare him? You didn't have a shred of mercy when you cut down the other clan children." Naruto asked tensely.

"You didn't have a psychotic breakdown, because not even Sasuke-kun would have survived that brutal night. You were legally sane, and you made the conscious choice of sparing your younger brother."

More silence followed their questions.

Finally, the killing intention dissipated, and Sakura felt like she could breathe again.

"I didn't realize I was undergoing an interrogation and psyche evaluation."

"This is strictly off the record. Uchiha Itachi, I'm not addressing you as a Konoha Kunoichi, but as a friend of your younger brother. Uzumaki Naruto declared Sasuke-kun as a brother, so we're the only family he's got left."

"Sakura-chan believes the village was also involved in the Uchiha Clan massacre. She's the smartest person I know, so I believe there's merit to that." Naruto added.

"Why are you here speaking rather civilized with an international S-class criminal instead of trying to kill me on sight? I'd expect you to show more loyalty towards your village." The Uchiha asked.

"It's our loyalty to Konoha and to Sasuke-kun that's driving our need to learn the truth. If there's a dark force that's hijacking the village's leadership, then we have to know." The rosette proclaimed.

"And what core of the truth are you demanding to know?"

Sakura decided to take a leap of faith. "Did Danzo give the order?"

The wind halted as if holding its breath for the answer.

At first, there was a subtle shudder through the man's body, before a dark chuckle sent chills down the Konoha Shinobi's spines.

"I admit you caught me by surprise, and I mean that as a compliment, Sakura-sama. I didn't expect you to have enough time to chase conspiracy theories when you're working full time as a medical ninja, plus your duties as the Hokage's apprentice."

Sakura's posture tensed as trepidation threatened to seize her completely. "I'm good at time-management." She tried to deflect.

"Oi! It's not a conspiracy theory if it was actually done! There's too much secrecy around that night." Naruto defended.

"You're poking at a fire that's long dead. I suggest for your sake to drop this matter entirely. The roots will not come out easily."


"Given that you're just as stubborn as Tsuna, you'll need to be extremely careful. Get to the root of the problem. You'll find that the rot starts there."


Sakura swallowed hard. "I can't let it go. I'll tear open the earth with my bare hands and pull out the damn roots if need be."

The man lowered his head to gaze at her. "That wasn't a request. In any case, my business is with the Daimyō."

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, Snow Country's heat generator is obviously not ready since it's still a cold winter here." Sakura replied sarcastically.

"Thank you for the unnecessary insight. I'd much rather hear the progress from the Daimyō herself."

"We can't let you do that."

More amusement oozed from the figure. "Are you going to stop me? Do you really think you have the skill to take down the man responsible for wiping out an entire clan?"

The rosette glared at the man, and her hands balled into fists.


"I've figured that it's a shadow figure, someone who not even Tsunade-sama has authority over. I get the feeling that she truly doesn't know the truth, but she's being pressured to not look further into it. The only credible person who can answer all of the questions is Uchiha Itachi himself."

Kakashi gave her a deadpan stare. "I highly recommend against seeking him out."

Sakura snorted. "I don't have a death wish."


Seems like I do, Sakura thought grimly.

The things we do for love, her Inner voice added.

"Don't underestimate us. Besides, if you don't see us as a threat, then you should definitely take Ero-Sennin seriously." Naruto said.

The Uchiha cocked his head in confusion.

"The Legendary Toad Sannin, Jiraiya-sama." Sakura clarified.

"You've come unprepared to battle? Tsk, I'm now disappointed in your blatant stupidity."

The rosette gritted her teeth. "We didn't come here to fight, and we're not arrogant enough to think we can take you down by ourselves. What do you owe Danzo for not telling us the truth? If he was directly involved in the Uchiha Clan massacre, then I want to expose him for the criminal and murderer that he is."

The man hummed. "Even if I were to humor you, my word would mean nothing in the eyes of Konohagakure."

"Actually, your word would mean far more than you realize. I would just need to find the physical evidence to prove the involvement of Danzo and any other supporter who authorized the Uchiha Clan massacre."

"Why do you suspect Danzo and not someone else? The Hokage is the most powerful person in Konohagakure. Their word is law."


"Tsunade-sama… you mentioned other major parties trying to undermine your authority. Is… is Danzo-san one of them?"

To her surprise, the woman burst out in laughter. "You're very observant for your age, but that'll benefit you." She calmed down. "Yes, that old bastard's been trying to undermine the position itself ever since my sensei was Hokage. It's nothing personal, yet it's an extreme pain in the ass."


Sakura swallowed hard. "I have my reasons for my suspicions. I also have no doubt that the former Hokage was aware of the truth and may have even accepted the decision, but he's dead now."

"As are the majority of the Uchiha clan members. If you don't wish to join them, then I'll say this again: drop it." The man threatened.

Naruto growled. "Watch how you talk to Sakura-chan! Uchiha or not, I still kick your ass!"

"I grow tired of this conversation. Step aside before my patience runs out."

The three Shinobi each tensed up, and killer intention was beginning to release once more.

"Peace, everyone. I command you all to cease this nonsense and talk like civilized adults."

Koyuki walked towards them in a thick white fur cloak.

Sakura's eyes widened. "Koyuki-sama. You shouldn't be here!"

The woman regarded her grimly as she stood in between the Konoha Shinobi.

"No, I shouldn't, but I refuse to allow a battle to occur in my home and place my people in danger."

She then addressed the Uchiha. "I don't understand why you insisted on returning, but I have no new updates for you."

"On the contrary, you have plenty to tell me. Such as your blooming friendship with the Hiyokuna tochi no josei." The man replied.

"Sakura-sama and her teammates are dear friends to Snow Country. I owe my ascension to the throne to them."

"Indeed, and yet I can't help but believe that their presence here runs far deeper than that."

Koyuki pressed her lips in a thin line. "You're a member of the Uchiha clan and approached me when I was vulnerable. Our Shinobi are talented, but based on your reputation, you're in another league. You can't blame me for wanting Konoha Shinobi that I trust around me."

"I'm a man of my word. I said that I meant you no harm."

"You're responsible for genocide. Forgive me, but your word means nothing to me."

Sakura and Naruto placed themselves in front of the raven-haired woman and glared at the Uchiha.

Said person was quiet, and merely observed them in a seemingly calm manner.

Finally, he titled his head. "This has been an… enlightening conversation. I suspect we'll be seeing each other again in the not-too-distant future."

"You still didn't answer our questions!" Naruto pointed out.

The Uchiha chuckled lowly. "The truth has a habit of clawing to the surface. Sooner or later, you might get exactly what you wish for. Just be ready to bear the consequences."

Before the trio could react, the figure deployed a smoke bomb, and his chakra signature disappeared instantly.

Once the smoke dissipated, Sakura turned to face the older woman.

"That was reckless coming out here alone! Itachi's psyche is still questionable."

Koyuki narrowed her eyes. "All the more reason to see for myself the outcome of this visit. I can only hope that he won't return, but that could be wishful thinking."

"That teme didn't answer our questions." Naruto growled.

"No, but he didn't deny our hypothesis either." The rosette placated. "Uchiha Itachi's hardly going to spill the beans to complete strangers on the first go."

"In any event, your paths will most likely cross again in the future. Whatever questions you had for him, perhaps he'll be more likely to answer them then." Koyuki said.

Naruto shivered, although Sakura wasn't sure if it was due to the cold or the close encounter with a mass murderer.

"That guy gave a nasty vibe. Last time, he didn't feel so… hollow."

Sakura offered him a tight smile. "After all these years, it's a wonder he's still able to function properly."

"Let's head back inside to warm up. We can discuss our next steps over a nice cup of tea." Koyuki suggested.

The Shinobi agreed, and together, the trio made their way out of the silent battleground.

[1] Lady of Fertile Lands