
The Most Beautiful Moments In Life // OT7 BTS FF x OC [Sequel]

The Most Beautiful Moments In Life This is part 2, the sequel to - Before They Were Bulletproof. Please read that book first.

Gasaii · 都市
63 Chs

13. Vibes

Saturday, 14th. March. 2015.

This morning I texted Hoseok to see if he'd be in the Agency today so I could return his shirt. He'd eagerly replied that he was and to drop by. After finishing a late lunch, I put on a pair of tight black jeans and a baggy black hoodie and left my apartment.

When I got there, I told the receptionist who I was there to see. At first she hesitated, but after calling Hoseok, he gave her the all clear to let me through. It made sense why they were so cautious. He was a fairly well known idol so, I'm sure they had to be careful not to let just anyone into the building.

I made my way to his studio and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Hoseok's voice called from inside, so I cracked open the door and poked my head in. The room was dim, illuminated by the screen of the computer and some mood lighting that was on top of a speaker. Namjoon was sitting on the couch on the left, against the wall.

"Jia?" Namjoon's head turned to me, eyes lighting up and a smile breaking as he saw me. Hoseok was seated at his production desk against the wall straight ahead.

"Hey cutie, welcome to my studio" He swivelled around in his chair before getting up and approaching me.

"Thanks Hoseok. Hi Namjoon~" I gave a brief wave in his direction as I stepped in. Hoseok closed the door behind me. There was some music playing, and they seemed to be chilling before I arrived.

"Joon just told me about a pretty new writer our company hired. Had a feeling it might be you," Hoseok mused with a cute smirk.

"Oh, yea, we met in a café. He was nice enough to lend me a pen…" the flattery was leaving me flushed. But neither of them took any notice as they continued.

"Mm, cool coincidence, right? Maybe it's meant to be" Namjoon smiled, gazing at me fondly. I chuckled awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"Here, take a seat and get comfortable" Hoseok gently led me to the floor cushion by the coffee table. He sat on the cushion beside me, leaning back on his arm. Both their attention on me.

"Oh! Right, before I forgot. Here's your shirt." I raised the bag I'd been holding in my hand and put it on the table.

"Aw thanks, you could've kept it. I have plenty." He smiled, but Joon looked curious.

"Wait, did I miss something? Why did she have your shirt?" Joon asked.

"Ah, yeah. I left out the part where I spilt my beer down the front of her top." Hoseok laughed awkwardly, "I'm sorry about that, I still feel kinda bad."

"It's alright, it came out straight away. No biggie," I waved off his apology.

"Ouch. That sounds like something I'd do." Joon sympathized.

Suddenly a knock on the door caught our attention, so Hoseok called out for whoever it was to come in.

Yoongi struggled to get through the door, carrying fried chicken containers and Soju bottles in his hands. I could see the green through the bag.

"Hey, you guys are taking a dinner break with me," He said, fixing his gaze on the other two.

"Yoongi, we weren't expecting you until later. Did you finish up early?" Hoseok hurriedly stood up to help him out and took one bag off him to put it down to the table.

"Yeah. Namjoon-ah, I sent the beat to you. Take a look and let me know what you think later."

"Sure thing," Joon replied before moving from the couch to sit on the floor cushion to my left, he helped Hoseok by grabbing the containers and cutlery out of the bag. Yoongi put the bottles down and turned to me. We awkwardly looked at each other for a moment.

"Hi" I hurriedly said. Trying to act like I hadn't cried on his lap no less than a week ago.

"Hey, Jia. Right?" His unreadable expression broke, a smile replacing it as he sat down on the floor cushion to the right, beside me.

"Yeah, um. Nice to meet you, I think.." I didn't know if that was really what I should be saying. This was the first time we'd spoken over three words to each other and not been in a weird encounter while doing so.

"Likewise, you joining us for some fried chicken?" He asked. There was something hypnotic about his dark eyes and the way they fixed on me.

"Jia, you gotta try it. The place Yoongi Hyung frequents has super crispy chicken. You're gonna love it," Hoseok beamed, scooting closer to the table beside Yoongi.

I thanked Joon and took the pair of chopsticks he'd cracked apart for me. Instantly falling in love with the chicken at first bite. The other three were pleased, quick to tell me 'I told you so' and offered for me to eat more.

The boys talked a little about the album they were working on at the moment while we ate. I mostly listened, seeing as I knew little about it apart from the overall theme. But, it was a good opportunity to learn more for future reference because it was what I'd potentially be writing for.

Throughout Yoongi offered me a shot, seeing as the others also had a few, I joined them. The burn of the alcohol balanced out the crispy chicken perfectly. The warmth gathered in my cheeks after we'd polished off the bottle between all of us.

"So, how did you two meet?" Joon asked, gesturing to Yoongi and I. Seeing as it was a topic of interest prior to his arrival, Joon's curiosity was understandable. The two times Yoongi and I met were awkward.

"Found her crying on the balcony." He replied without hesitation. I wanted to bury my face in my hands out of embarrassment, but I didn't.

"What? What happened Jia? Who the hell made you cry?" Hoseok turned quickly to me.

"It was nothing." I tried to avoid it but had a feeling that might not be an option right now by the way their gazes fell heavy on me.

"I can read you like a damn book, Jia. If something happened, just spit it out. You ain't fooling me." Yoongi wasn't yelling at me, but he raised his voice, a small whine included. Was I really that obvious?

"Ahh. Okay, fine. Some of Jungkook's fangirls pulled me into an empty classroom and threatened me. It just shook me up a bit, that's all." I spilled the beans.

"Fuckers," Hoseok mumbled irritably under his breath.

"Can you point them out for me?" Joon, who'd been merely observing the conversation until now, spoke up. We all looked at him.

"I guess I could. Why?" I mumbled, embarrassment building a bit.

"So I can sort it out, of course." He replied, but there was something unusually chilling in his voice.

"Give me your phone," Yoongi said, holding out his hand.

"Huh? Why?" I questioned, but still reached into my Jeans pocket and passed it over to him.

"If they try it again, call me. I'm serious." Yoongi put his number in and handed it back to me. I looked down to see he'd saved his number under 'My Yoongles🍊😘'. I half couldn't believe my eyes and had to stifle a laugh.

"What?" He eyed me plainly.

"Yoongi, I totally get the kissy face, but what's with the tangerine?" Hoseok took my phone out of my hand as I giggled and looked at it, only to laugh as he playfully patted Yoongi's shoulder.

"What the fuck, you're not even gonna pretend to be subtle" Hoseok was enjoying this. Joon shook his head but still smiled.

"What's wrong with tangerines? Are they that funny?" Yoongi arked up, all in jest of course.

"Ah, lemme change mine too then" Hoseok started clicking through my phone before handing it back.

My Hopeee 😍☺️💋😝

I read it out loud, and Joon cracked up laughing. "My Hopeee, lovey eyes, blush face, kiss, tongue face."

"I wouldn't expect any less. Honestly," Joon sighed before edging closer, "What did you save my number under?"

"Here, I suppose you want to do the same thing." I handed it over without him even having to ask.

"Hmmm" He paused for a moment before flashing a small cheeky grin, typing and handing it back.


"Can I really call you that?" I looked up, feeling a blush reach my cheeks. For some reason his hit differently.

"Yeah, of course," he said, not shying away in the least. Out of curiosity, Hoseok leaned over Yoongi to look at my phone screen.

"Huh? That's kinda… plain, isn't it?" He questioned.

"No, it's perfect" I gave a small smile, clicked my phone shut and put it away. The song changed over, catching Hoseok's attention.

"Oh, this song is such a vibe" He started bobbing, throwing the occasional dab up against the 808.

Yoongi raps melodically. They pass between them, back and forth. I lean back on my hands and just watch them. It's so captivating, the amount of swag and talent between them is crazy. From listening to their music I'd had a feeling Yoongi and Hoseok were the other two rappers of the group but this confirmed my assumption. Even so, hearing them in real life, right in front of my eyes, I could tell how skilled they were as opposed to only hearing their voices with heavy production over it. Was I fangirling right now?

"Jia, you're up" Yoongi nodded in my direction.

"Kay, hold up" I laughed, waiting for the start of the verse. The beats they had on were slow and chill, so it was easy to play with it. Being together like this, so relaxed and vibing felt uncannily like home. Like I belonged there with them.

But, after a little while of mucking around, I got the hiccups which caught their attention from playfully swaggering over the beat and over to me instead.

"You alright?" Joon asked.

"Yeah, I get the hiccups when I rap for too long. Probably the only reason I'm not a rap star yet." I said with a straight face before hiccupping again.

Hoseok cracked up, Yoongi smiled smugly and Joon just rubbed his forehead, possibly learning of my weirdness and the fact he'd eventually need to come to accept it.

"Jia, come here. I'll get rid of your hiccups" Yoongi beckoned me to come closer and turn around.

Still sitting on my cushion, I could glide on the floor and shuffle towards him easily. I was about to turn around, only for him to gently grasp my sides and drag me between his legs.

"Woah, Yoongi," I gasped, but, calmed down as he gently started rubbing my back.

"Hm? Just sit still silly," he hummed.

"Okie" I gave a small nod and relaxed into his touches. Wondering if this would actually help my hiccups.

"Come to think of it, you could probably still rap and hiccup at the same time." Joon suggested, "Hiccup rap."

"Yeah right. Or stutter," Hoseok laughed, "Stutter rap."

"Yeah, mumble rap. Maybe we should make a track." Joon offered. Yoongi's deep voice tickled my ear from behind me.

"Yeah. I've been wanting to do something like that for a while. Let's put something together when we get time."

"Mm. I'm in." Hoseok agreed.

As they joked around about ideas between them, I realised that Yoongi's slow touches had calmed my hiccups and that they'd turned softer over time to a light tickle. It felt so good but, if I didn't put some space between us, I could see myself ending up a puddled mess between his legs, which I didn't want.

"It's getting kinda late…" I spoke up, hoping that they might get the hint that I needed to get going.

"Oh right. Didn't even notice. We should probably call it in for the night, too." Joon checked his phone.

"Alright, I'll help you clean up." Yoongi's presence disappeared from behind me as he stood up and helped Hoseok tidy the table.

"We'll wait for you in the hall," Joon said as he stood and offered me a hand. "Are you alright? You look sleepy"

"Yeah, I'm alright" I took it and he pulled me up easily, seeing as I barely weigh anything compared to him.

"We can walk you home," Joon offered as he opened the door for me

"Sure, that'd be nice," I accepted, both of us stepping out into the hallway to give Yoongi and Hoseok some space to clean.

They didn't take long to finish and lock up. Soon enough, the four of us left the agency together and made our way towards my place.

The night air was fresh as we walked down the street together. On the way, Hoseok saw a statue that he thought was cool and convinced us all to take a selfie in front of it before moving on.

Finally, we made it to the alleyway where my place was.

Part of me felt sad. I'd had so much fun with them, I wish I didn't have to say goodbye. But, with the yawn I let out as I waved them off and thanked them, I knew I was too tired and needed the refuge of bed.


Rapline's time to shine (❁˶❛ᴗ❛)♡