
The Mortal King

In a world where ancient myths and modern reality entwine, a mortal boy named Adrian becomes the chosen champion of Zyron, the enigmatic creator. Tasked with dethroning the Olympians, Adrian must rise as the Mortal King of Olympus. With the gods' malevolence catching up to them, Adrian learns the secrets of New Olympus, a hidden village for demigods and mythical beings. But as his training unfolds, an impending evil approaches, and Adrian must gather allies and master his divine powers to protect his newfound home. Will he conquer the gods and become the savior of Olympus, or succumb to the forces that seek its destruction? The world's fate hangs in the balance as Adrian embarks on an epic quest of destiny and redemption.

PurebloodKing · ファンタジー
21 Chs

<Chapter 11 - Chirons Training>

I stood there, clutching my chest, breathing heavily Hephaestus bellowing a laughter behind me.. Frustration surged through me as I glared at him, my voice erupting with frustration. "That wasn't funny," I exclaimed, my annoyance clear in my tone.

Hephaestus's laughter subsided, and he grinned mischievously. "Oh, come on, Adrian. A little jest never hurt anyone. But fear not, I have something in store for you. Return in an hour, and we'll continue our conversation."

Gritting my teeth, I muttered to myself, still seething with frustration. Calypso, who had been by my side throughout this encounter, offered a comforting presence. 


"Yeah what's up?" I asked fixing my toga, these things sure were comfortable but it took time to get used to.

"What kind of training do you do?"

"Well none really, sure I practice magic but thats it to be honest." I heard Calypso sigh behind me.

"Malaka, you are hopeless, well come on." Calypso took matters into her own hands and firmly dragged me. 

"Hey where are we going!" 

"To go train, and who better to train you than the best." She dragged me to a large field where a gathering of younger centaurs and village boys,engaged in training exercises Amidst the towering trees and verdant foliage, I caught a glimpse of a wise and weathered figure, slowly making his way through the forest clearing.

As I approached, I realized that the figure was a centaur, a majestic being with the upper body of a grizzled old man and the lower body of a majestic horse. His presence commanded respect, and there was an air of wisdom that seemed to emanate from him.

His face, adorned with a long, silver beard, displayed lines etched with countless years of experience and knowledge. His eyes, deep and soulful, held a timeless wisdom, as if they had witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. The lines on his face and the flecks of gray in his wild hair told stories of a life lived with purpose and depth.

Despite the weariness of age, his back remained strong and straight, a testament to a life spent in harmony with nature and the demands of the world. The muscles of his powerful horse body rippled with each graceful step, exuding strength and resilience.

Adorned in a tattered cloak that seemed to carry the essence of the forest itself, he moved with a gentle grace, his hooves gliding across the earth as if dancing to an ancient rhythm. With every step, he seemed to carry the weight of the world, a burden balanced by a profound sense of purpose and duty.

His presence commanded reverence, as if he held within him the collective knowledge and wisdom of generations. It was clear that he had weathered the trials and tribulations of time, emerging as a steadfast guardian of the forest, a custodian of its secrets and mysteries.

As the old centaur moved through the forest clearing, his gaze shifted towards Calypso and me. There was a spark of recognition in his eyes, I halted my steps and watched as he approached us with deliberate grace. The old Stallion carried a large cane in one of his hands. 

His steps were measured and deliberate, each hoof falling upon the earth with a gentle thud. The sound seemed to resonate with a quiet power, echoing the depths of his knowledge and experience. His weathered face carried the imprints of countless tales, etched in the lines that traced the contours of his visage.

As he drew nearer, his voice emerged, a timbre both gentle and profound. "Greetings, young ones," he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of centuries past. "Calypso it is great to see you again, your next training session isn't until tomorrow."

"I know, I just brought you a new student. M'lord this is Chiron the legendary trainer of all heroes, Chiron this is the new King of Elysium, Adrian Evans."

"Its an honor, sir." I responded as I outstretched my hand to shake. Chiron chucked and took my hand.

How may I assist you, young Lord?" Chiron inquired, his voice carrying a serene tone.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Chiron, I wish to learn how to fight," I admitted, my voice filled with determination. "I have no prior training, but I'm willing to put in the effort."

Chiron studied me for a moment, assessing my capabilities. He walked around me, using his cane to tap parts of my body, my shoulders, my calf, thighs, arms. He studied my body for what seemed an hour before he spoke.

"How interesting, So you are an outsider and yet you seem to have a large mana pool, tell me how many of the arts do you know?" Chiron inquired, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "I have learned the Ignis and Voltus spells," I replied, recalling my limited knowledge in magic.

Chiron nodded, acknowledging my magical proficiency. "Good. That's a start. Now, your body needs to be rebuilt and structured in a way to bring out the best of you, first what weapon will suit you better?"

"Ooh! I wanna learn the sword!" I responded excitedly as i pretended to swing an imagery sword. Chiron hit my arm with his cane, I reeled my arms back.

"Don't be a fool, everyone has talent for a weapon, and yours is certainly not the sword." Chiron scoffed. I deflated sadly, so much for my idea to be like the fusion of King Arthur and Merlin.

"What about a spear?" Chiron asked thoughtfully.

I blinked, caught off guard by his question. I had never considered myself to have a natural affinity for a spear. "I'm not sure," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Chiron smiled knowingly, his wisdom shining through. "Yes, a spear will do perfectly. Calypso be a dear and bring be a wooden staff."

"Yeah, no problem." Calypso jumped to action and ran over to a barrel of weapons and grabbed a wooden staff.

Under Chiron's guidance, I found myself in a new section of the training field, ready to embark on the path of spear combat. Calypso stood by my side, a training wooden spear in her hands, mirroring my own.

Chiron's commanding voice cut through the air, "Show me what you've got, Adrian. Let the staff become an extension of your will."

With a mix of determination and apprehension, I gripped the wooden spear, feeling the weight of the weapon in my hands. As I made my first attempts at wielding it, my lack of skill became apparent. Awkward movements and uncoordinated jabs betrayed my inexperience.

Chiron's eyes were observant, catching every misstep and flawed technique. He walked beside me, using his cane to adjust my posture and alignment. His guidance was patient yet firm, his words carrying the weight of his wisdom.

"Keep your stance wide and balanced, Adrian," Chiron instructed. "Plant your feet firmly, engaging your core for stability. Imagine the spear as an extension of your body, an instrument of precision and power."

With each correction and guidance from Chiron, I began to develop a greater sense of control and understanding. I practiced repetitive jabs, focusing on the fluidity of my movements, attempting to find the right balance between strength and finesse.

Calypso, ever supportive, offered encouragement. "You're improving, Adrian! Just remember to breathe and stay focused."

I nodded, acknowledging her words, as I continued to practice. Gradually, I became more attuned to the weight and balance of the staff, allowing it to guide my movements. The repetitive jabs turned into more fluid and purposeful strikes, each one accompanied by a growing sense of confidence.

Chiron's voice broke through my concentration, "Now, Adrian, let's work on your footwork. Remember, mobility is key in spear combat."

He guided me through a series of footwork exercises, teaching me how to step and pivot with precision, enabling me to maintain distance and control during a fight. With each step, I focused on synchronizing my movements with the rhythm of the spear, finding a harmony between agility and stability.

Hours passed as I immersed myself in the training, absorbed in the nuances of spear combat. Chiron's guidance and Calypso's unwavering support pushed me to surpass my own limitations. Though the road to mastery was long and challenging, I felt a flicker of progress ignite within me.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the training field, Chiron called for a break. I wiped the sweat from my brow, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. The staff, once unfamiliar and cumbersome, now felt like an extension of myself, a tool through which I could express my determination and skill.

Chiron's voice carried a note of satisfaction. "You've made remarkable progress today, Adrian. But remember, mastery is not achieved in a single training session. Dedicate yourself to constant practice and refinement, and you will continue to grow."

Grateful for his guidance, I nodded, my gaze filled with determination. "Thank you, Chiron. I will work diligently to become proficient in the way of the spear."

"Thats good, keep practicing your jabs, be here tomorrow early morning, and we shall incorporate the nine primary spear drills. Don't be late."

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