
Chapter 14


“It’s been a slow fucking day,” Tank yawns as the two of us sit in our patrol car, clocking speed on a side street off of a main thoroughfare. The town’s had complaints about speeding being a problem in this residential area, but so far we’ve seen nothing.

There’s no lie in his statement. It’s been one of the slowest days in recent memory for me. After the past week though I’m enjoying it. Every time I’m with him, I have a rush of guilt and I’m scared I’ll blow the cover on the baby. This is one thing Whitney and I haven’t really talked about, and I plan on bringing it up at our first dinner tonight.

I smile slightly, thinking about the dinner we’ll be having tonight. She said she’d like to cook on Tuesdays, leaving me with Thursdays. Off and on we’ve texted a little, trying to figure out if there’s anything either of us absolutely hate, anything we both love. It’s been mundane conversation, but to know I’m on her mind, even that way, is worth it.