
The Moonlight That Brings You To Me

"You wish to leave?" The young count sneered at her threateningly. "This castle will become your grave! "You are a sicko, Blaine!" They were the half-siblings, for the god's sake! After transmigrating into the body of Arianell Fiore, a minor character from the bad-written book, she found herself entangled in completely different story. The heroine was a spoiled brat, the crown prince only thought about the freedom and run away from the responsibilities, her half-brother was weirdly obsessing over her... But wait, why wasn't this handsome swordmaster hiding by her side ever mentioned in the original novel? She just wanted to finish her meal in peace, but the family that kicked her out is planning for her downfall. Ladies and gentlemen, please brace yourself. The Goddess is coming back and she will have her revenge.

JadeLuna91 · ファンタジー
325 Chs

Sacrificing her tastebuds for the survival

Suin fled to the outer horse stable but found it empty by the time she arrived. She missed the messenger but didn't regret it too much. Even if he helped her get to the west, news about her father's death would be delivered soon. The knights are loyal to the master of the house, and once Blaine will officially becomes count, the subordinates will probably send her back.

It worked out just fine because she found someone else.

She woke up alone in the small, rented room. The knight wasn't sitting in his promised place, but the travelling cloak he lent to her yesterday was still casually hanging over the chair. Suin felt a bit restless, so she dressed up hurriedly and descended the stairs.

The same man who welcomed them was still behind the counter, yawning tiredly as he waited for his shift to end. Seeing her looking around nervously, he cheeringly said: "How was your sleep, missus?"

"Did you see the man, that arrived with me yesterday?"

"Oh, your lover? Don't worry, he didn't run away," the innkeeper said with a smug smile. "He just went to the stable to look after the horse…"

"We are not in that kind of relationship…"

"Sure, sure… But miss, aren't you too young to elope?"

Suin left the inn, ignoring him. The barn was full of horses, but she could spot the black stallion on the back easily. The knight was just giving it hay and other feeds, as he brushed the mount's shiny hair.

"Good morning, mister…," she greeted him. She tried to sound casual, hiding her nervousness. A fragment of her mind was prepared for his departure, but since he stayed behind till now, he wouldn't part with her abruptly, right?

Luan nodded at her greetings. He was back to his usual cold, indifferent behaviour, not a talkative person to begin with.

"Did you eat something yet? How about I buy us some breakfast at the tavern?... Since you paid for the room and all yesterday…" she offered and was glad to see, that he accepted.

"Neeiigh!" The horse reminded them of its present. He cheerfully whinnied as she patted him on its head.

"Oh, I will buy something for you, too, mister Horse! Thank you for letting me ride you!"

Luan's eyebrows twitched. His mount was an experienced war horse, that was proud and extremely picky of who could touch or feed it. Some fellow soldiers even nicknamed him 'little tyrant' because of his fainty demeanour.

What was this creature waving its tail like an excited dog, right now?

"His name is Ash," Luan said after being ignored by both of them. Wasn't he the saviour knight from last night? Why was feeling like a third wheel right now? He just has to accept, that his horse is a huge womanizer and couldn't be satisfied with the presence of those unruly warriors.

"What a perfect name for a hero!" Suin laughed as brushed her cheek against its head. "Then, I will see you in the dining hall!"

The tavern belonged to the inn and was busy since the morning. The town they were in wasn't very big and was missing a coffee shop or any similar establishment, so most travellers and merchants would gather at the alehouse.

She decided to sit in the inconspicuous corner and looked at the menu. From her understanding of this world of economics, 1 gold coin was about the same as 100 dollars in her old world. 100 silvers will make one gold, and 100 small bronze will be equivalent to a silver.

The coin pouch she received yesterday was full of silver and gold, seems like she will last for a while without a need to look for work. But looking at the prices of some dishes, her jaw dropped to the ground. The dishes cost around 6-7 silvers and contained meat, while the most expensive one was a simple pumpkin and corn stir-fry priced at 20 silvers!

What a robbery!

"Why are vegetable dishes much more expensive than meat?" she asked the proprietress who waited for her to order.

"Expensive?" The owner lady thought her question was funny but answered regardless. "Isn't it the same everywhere? The pickled cabbage was finished a long time ago, we will have to wait for spring to have some more fresh products. You want some ale?"

"No, just water is fine…"

The variety of vegetable dishes is so poor in this world. She understands it's winter but still… aren't potatoes and carrots stable ingredients for stews? And not only them - beetroots, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, … If they are stored properly, the harvest could last the whole cold season.

Suin made sure she was covered by the hood and hid her silver hair properly, as she waited for food and Luan to come. People of this world were colourful. It wasn't uncommon to spot someone with green, blue or purple hair, but silver was still rare. If she wants to stay out of the spotlight, she better do something about her appearance.

Luan came shortly after her and the noisy murmur quieted down for a bit. That is because among the guests were also knights and soldiers, and fighters would recognize the strength of one another. The strong one always caught the attention, as people around pondered, whether they could pick a fight or avoid disaster.

But this small assessment of power remained secret to Suin, as she was oblivious to such things. Sometimes she wondered, why she wasn't sent to a cultivation novel, so she could make her name in the world as a strong woman but ended in the romance book.

The proprietress served them some grilled pork with bread and left to attend to other customers. The meat was glistening with juice and looked delicious. The serving was plentiful even for two of them, but she was missing some greens badly. The meal would be too greasy!

She understood that without modern technology they couldn't have access to fresh vegetables during winter so easily. The nobles could build the greenhouse, but commoners had to rely on food that could be kept for a long time.

Suin took a bite of meat while pondering about this world's diet.


What is this weird sandy texture in her mouth?!

It's almost disgusting!

Despite the glow, the meat was dry as leather shoes!

What is wrong with a cook? If the food quality here is so low, how is she going to survive?! Her life goal was to eat three delicious meals a day!

She managed to continue chewing in tears. When it comes to hunger, humans will devour anything. But what about her tastebuds? They died in the process…