
The moon spider doulou

Yue li is a genius cultivator that was praised for her insight in spiritual cultivation, having an innate spirt energy of seven and a lower hight level martial soul dark arachne, she contended with the best by developing several spirit techniques and even published the green palm healing techniques given her the status of a honorary elder of spirit hall. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Bibi dong over a misunderstanding and the death of her husband and unborn child caused her to snap and lead her into a path of darkness while awakening the ability of a world contract enabling her to reincarnate her soul in another world and reap all kinds of knowledge and wisdom as long as she complete a mission from the world. English isn't my second second language.

Newler · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Chapter 49

Hori Masaki, consumed by the flames of vengeance, stood before Shinju, her heart throbbing with the desire for retribution against those who had wronged her. Her once vibrant countenance now obscured by a haunting determination echoed a silent vow to traverse any path, endure any ordeal, to satiate the hunger for justice that gnawed at her soul.

As Shinju outlined the peculiar ritual, an unsettling aura enveloped the room, infusing the air with an eerie sense of foreboding. Hori listened intently, her gaze fixated on the fallen Himemiko, her eyes reflecting a cocktail of apprehension and unwavering resolve. The weight of revenge, heavier than her fears, forged an unbreakable resolve within her.

The instructions laid out by Shinju held an air of intimidation and mystique, yet Hori's hunger for vengeance eclipsed any hesitation or trepidation she might have felt. The prospect of humiliation or the daunting nature of the ritual was inconsequential in comparison to the burning desire to avenge her shattered life.

Her mind swirled with images of betrayal, abandonment, and injustice, fueling the furnace of her determination. Hori's willingness to comply with Shinju's directives, regardless of their intimidating nature, emanated from the profound depths of her desire for retribution.

The prospect of kowtowing at midnight, adorned in a specific attire and conducting a ritual cloaked in eerie traditions, held no sway over Hori's steely resolve. Her quest for vengeance eclipsed any hint of terror or unease that might have lingered in her heart. For her, revenge was a ravenous beast, devouring her doubts, fears, and inhibitions.

"I will do it. I will follow your teachings, pay any price for revenge," declared Hori, her voice quivering with determination. The allure of retribution was too potent, overshadowing any semblance of fear or humiliation that the ritual might have invoked. Her fervent commitment to the cause transformed any perceived intimidation into a mere stepping stone on her path toward justice.

Driven by an unrelenting fury, Hori's willingness to endure, to suffer, and to humble herself in the pursuit of vengeance reflected the depths of her resolve. No obstacle, no matter how terrifying or humiliating, could deter her from exacting the vengeance she craved with every fiber of her being.

" Do you swear it on your life, death, and future ? " Said Shinju, making her swear a cursed vows without her knowledge.

" I swear it. " Replied Hori, disregarding any feeling that was trying to hold her back.

' So easy ! ' Was all Shinju though open seeing her make the vow.

" Good, then I'm expecting good things from you in the following month. " Said Shinju with a small smile in her mouth before going to one of the rooms on the first floor after explaining to her how to make the candles.

Shinju closed the door and brought out a red shiny ball. She made herself comfortable before several red threads flickered from her back, assisting her in comprehending and analyzing all the knowledge and experiences of Kenjaku.

Entrenched within the labyrinthine recesses of Kenjaku's consciousness lay a trove of dark and forbidden knowledge, a daunting repository of curses, rituals, and cursed energies that defied the boundaries of conventional sorcery. Shinju's probing into this enigmatic domain revealed a tapestry woven with malevolent incantations, cryptic runes, and esoteric wisdom that surpassed mortal comprehension.

The whispers within Kenjaku's mind spoke of ancient rites, rituals that invoked malevolence and harnessed the darkest facets of cursed energy. Arcane incantations, etched with the blood of sacrificial offerings, resonated in the depths of his thoughts. These forbidden rituals bore sigils and symbols that danced with forbidden power, each inscribed with the intent to bend the fabric of reality to the caster's will.

Cursed energies, coalescing in forms that transcended the ordinary, pulsed through Kenjaku's consciousness. They whispered tales of curses that defied the natural order, each imbued with malevolent intent and designed to unleash unfathomable suffering upon their victims. Within this forbidden knowledge resided the secrets of manipulating and shaping cursed energy to enact calamitous spells and unleash devastating forces upon the world.

Interwoven amidst these malevolent spells were echoes of forbidden ceremonies, pacts with entities from the darkest abysses, and ancient bargains sealed in blood and shadow. The repository of Kenjaku's mind harbored insights into forbidden contracts and accords, where mortals bartered with entities that lurked beyond the veil, trading souls for power, and eternity for servitude.

Prophecies and omens of cataclysmic events loomed within his thoughts, foretelling a future steeped in chaos and despair. Visions of apocalyptic scenarios, scripted in cryptic verses, painted a chilling panorama of the world shrouded in darkness and turmoil, revealing the price of delving into the forbidden realms of sorcery.

Amidst the darkness, there lingered an unsettling blend of human emotions and aspirations, starkly contrasting the malevolent knowledge that pervaded Kenjaku's mind. Fragments of his personal desires, fears, and ambitions intertwined with the malevolent spells, a vestige of humanity entwined within the web of forbidden sorcery.

As the red threads continued to weave through this enigmatic tapestry, Shinju immersed herself deeper, unraveling the enigma of Kenjaku's existence, absorbing the malevolent revelations, and piecing together the fragments of his forbidden knowledge that bordered on the fringes of sanity.

She saw the last path of a man, who with great plan wanted to become God.

Two weeks later, Shinju had used her abilities to see his whole life, and best thing is that she found out how to strengthen her abilities, making her red threads able to leave a constant whispers of malice, and further strengthening her analytical and deducing abilities.

As a result, one month later, Shinju had not only digested all of his knowledge and experience, she also pushed her cursed technique to a greater high, but now, she knew what to do to evolve it into a divine technique.

However, she will still need another perspective of things and know exactly where to find it.