
Chapter One Hundred Ninety Two

Katie stepped away from the two girls and leaned against the wall aside from them. If only there was a way she could become invisible, this would have been a good time to do it. Lina glared at the delta before her, an expression Katie found hard to decipher plastered on her sister's face. Emotions were mixed into her countenance as though she was deciding how to feel about the person before her.

"I know that Lina… and I won't try to pretend I didn't do anything to make your life terrible these past years. I know what I have done and I know what I should have done, but still…" the delta bit her lip and looked away from the royal. The words couldn't quite get out of her.

"Still what, Crysta?" Lina called out to her.

The delta sighed, "I won't let it go on the way it's been all this time. I might be too late. I might be on time, but I will do what I must to put an end to this," her voice was almost a whisper.